As for the argument on those who think BNL is chaos.
I agree.
But think for a moment what happens when those DDs are bendies.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:As for the argument on those who think BNL is chaos.
I agree.
But think for a moment what happens when those DDs are bendies.
Agreed. With the highest number of routes, Boon Lay is still better managed than Yishun and Woodlands. As you correctly said, if it was replaced with bendies, god only knows what would happen!!
I agree bendies are good for feeder routes, and hence the existing bendies can continue on Yishun, Woodlands, CCK feeders / intra-towns.
Having said that DDs have shown to get very well utilized on feeders too. Have you checked out a 334 at Jurong? One bus takes away the load of 2 SDs. Or for that matter 222, 291 townlinks.
Take 225 as an example. Total loop route has only 6 stops, yet DD upper deck has around 40 pax while the lower deck has around 30.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:I'm sorry.
I thought your post would be objective.
It turned out to be factually wrong and just plain sitting on the fence which just puts you in bad light with the said company!
SBST is not godly.
But I hardly heard of people saying SBST ignores feedback (SMRT raised the heckles of the public years ago, ignoring complaints), and to the public, SBST has been doing a brilliant fleet replacement job.
As for manteinance, don't kid yourself. I can safely say that SBST buses do have better mainteinance. This is a fact. Not an opinion. If you wanna prove me wrong, then you gotta nit-pick, which makes you no better than the people you lampooned. Frequency also. Don't kid yourself. In general I don't have as many problems with SBST than with SMRT. Again, if you wanna prove me wrong, you'll have to nit-pick on say....156, 163 etc.
And only to some of you guys, SBST buys "terrible buses"! To me, the fleet replacement exercise has brought a pleasant fresh breath to the fleet.
156 is actually have a extremely accurate frequency from what I observed from the last 6 weeks or so. SBS2743C, always, ALWAYS, arrive at Blk 969 Bus stop at 7:15~7:20am. Forever accurate.
Originally posted by negotiable:as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
Power la
Originally posted by SBS2656X:156 is actually have a extremely accurate frequency from what I observed from the last 6 weeks or so. SBS2743C, always, ALWAYS, arrive at Blk 969 Bus stop at 7:15~7:20am. Forever accurate.
You're joking.
156's erratic frequency makes 151 look like the top bus service you could ask for.
Originally posted by TIB783G:I don't find a problem with it, I've lived there long enough, and am perfectly fine with it.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:156 is actually have a extremely accurate frequency from what I observed from the last 6 weeks or so. SBS2743C, always, ALWAYS, arrive at Blk 969 Bus stop at 7:15~7:20am. Forever accurate.
There are many other services with more accurate frequency..
Originally posted by d143b2:guys look at 806
after the blk 419 bus stop
the whole bendy is emptied of pax
deploy a DD ...
top confirm empty!
Go see how the double deckers in feeder services in Boon Lay, Bedok.
And it is not always the case that people will move in to the back of the bendy bus as well...
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:It's just that some whiners who always nit-pick on stuff DO NOT EVEN see the good points of bendies.
You try deploying DD on 806, see how long it takes for people to alight? They say use bendy delay bus stop for 5min, use DD also same case, slow unloading also delay bus stop for 5min. Makes no difference.
However, I am completely fine with SMRT buying DDs, it's just a matter of fact to deploy them on the right services. Deploy DDs on 190 and 106 would be the best. Deploy bendies on feeders. If you deploy them on feeders ONLY, that would reduce the number of bendies to 50 or 100 as in an acceptable level, the main problem now is CBD, but 67, 171, 700 and 960 cannot deploy DDs due to Dunearn Rd and 67, 700 and 960 have no choice but to use bendies due to High Loading and those low trees along Dunearn Rd.
Stop whining, people... Just accept them for who they are... I beg all of you... I ALSO GIVE DDS PROS AND I NEVER EVER SAID THAT DDS ARE BAD.
Even if the bendy bus take 1 to 2 min faster to unload, then you have to think how much space it takes up to do the unloading and even loading?
Point is the bendy bus takes up 2 bus spaces to do its alighting and boarding of passengers, while double deckers only need one bus space along the bus bay/lane. Even if both takes the same time to do its alighting and boarding of passengers, the double decker uses only one bus space to do it, which the other space behind can be better and more efficiently used by another bus (of another service) to do its alighting and boarding of passengers.
If these high capacity buses takes a longer time again in the bus stop, the bus behind can at least move out of the bus bay/lane and let another bus come in again for its alighting and boarding of passengers. But bendy bus, which takes up the space of the whole bus stop, can only cause long queues of buses behind because they can't move into the bus bay/lane in a safe position beside the bus stop to alighting and boarding of passengers. This causes delay to other buses and other bus services behind the queue. The situation is made worse when it rains or when there are PIW passengers in the buses behind.
I believe feeders can do with single deckers with better frequencies or introducing new services to ease the load along its route partially. As for Northwest routes, there is no need for bendy buses once DTL is ready in a few years time. Low tree trunk issues should be highlighted to LTA and NEA and it is up to them whether they want to improve Singapore public transport system.
Be practical. Bendy buses are not useful anymore as our population increases, becomes denser, and given our demanding bus operating environments, limited bus infrastructures, and heavy traffic road conditions. Plus we are adding more buses and more bus services in future. We won't want queues of buses everywhere and deprive the efficiency of the bus system further. If SMRTB has to stop using bendy buses to further improve the bus system, it is certainly worth it for the company.
Originally posted by vicamour:
Go see how the double deckers in feeder services in Boon Lay, Bedok.And it is not always the case that people will move in to the back of the bendy bus as well...
Even if the bendy bus take 1 to 2 min faster to unload, then you have to think how much space it takes up to do the unloading and even loading?
Point is the bendy bus takes up 2 bus spaces to do its alighting and boarding of passengers, while double deckers only need one bus space along the bus bay/lane. Even if both takes the same time to do its alighting and boarding of passengers, the double decker uses only one bus space to do it, which the other space behind can be better and more efficiently used by another bus (of another service) to do its alighting and boarding of passengers.
If these high capacity buses takes a longer time again in the bus stop, the bus behind can at least move out of the bus bay/lane and let another bus come in again for its alighting and boarding of passengers. But bendy bus, which takes up the space of the whole bus stop, can only cause long queues of buses behind because they can't move into the bus bay/lane in a safe position beside the bus stop to alighting and boarding of passengers. This causes delay to other buses and other bus services behind the queue. The situation is made worse when it rains or when there are PIW passengers in the buses behind.
I believe feeders can do with single deckers with better frequencies or introducing new services to ease the load along its route partially. As for Northwest routes, there is no need for bendy buses once DTL is ready in a few years time. Low tree trunk issues should be highlighted to LTA and NEA and it is up to them whether they want to improve Singapore public transport system.
Be practical. Bendy buses are not useful anymore as our population increases, becomes denser, and given our demanding bus operating environments, limited bus infrastructures, and heavy traffic road conditions. Plus we are adding more buses and more bus services in future. We won't want queues of buses everywhere and deprive the efficiency of the bus system further. If SMRTB has to stop using bendy buses to further improve the bus system, it is certainly worth it for the company.
i seen 241 with the WRight DD
however, i noticed people will move to rear for a bendy bus than a SD/rigid or even DD
Bendies only occupy 1.5 units; 1 unit for rigids and DD.
bus stop #59073 Blk 923
note: feeders last stop
note: 169, 858, 965, 969 do stops here as well
aside from 858, all buses has bendies
unloading for feeders is fast as it opens all three doors for alighting
note: 1160Y, 1164L, 1176C, 1221E have 1 missing Ezlink reader for rear door
(i'm not sure about which other buses have this)
Originally posted by d143b2:i seen 241 with the WRight DD
however, i noticed people will move to rear for a bendy bus than a SD/rigid or even DD
Bendies only occupy 1.5 units; 1 unit for rigids and DD.
bus stop #59073 Blk 923
note: feeders last stop
note: 169, 858, 965, 969 do stops here as well
aside from 858, all buses has bendies
unloading for feeders is fast as it opens all three doors for alighting
note: 1160Y, 1164L, 1176C, 1221E have 1 missing Ezlink reader for rear door
(i'm not sure about which other buses have this)
Not in all cases. Some bendy buses do not have standees in the back trailer part other than in front of the 2 3rd doors, and sometimes not even fully seated. Most of the time the front is fully cramped and not many moved to the back, unless in the worst case BC keep on telling them to move in.
I have noticed and observed the bus stop you mentioned. Most of the times it will be plied up by buses especially bendy buses that contrbutes much of the long queues, especially during peak hours.Some buses can't even allow their passengers to alight and board because of their in 2nd lane or stop in places not safe along the bus lane, or in front of the exit of Yishun Bus interchange.
yes. but thats when you see at least 1 bendy on trunk service.
shouldnt those feeders just go into Yishun Bus Interchange? first bus stop leads to Northpoint and another to Blk 923.
yesterday news SMRT has looking for tender for 12 meter buses and large capacity buses. So look like new DD or bendy bus might find in SMRT bus service soon.
Originally posted by wsy1234:yesterday news SMRT has looking for tender for 12 meter buses and large capacity buses. So look like new DD or bendy bus might find in SMRT bus service soon.
Wooo hooo. Good news!! Do u have link to the announcement. I hope it is DDs.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Wooo hooo. Good news!! Do u have link to the announcement. I hope it is DDs.
if it is DD
K310UD are not available
if it is bendies
Citaro G?????? (i thought was just rumours??)
bendy version of MAN A22 (wth?)
though, i like bendies
look at the number of option the companies that sell buses in singapore can offer, I think ST, C&C and volvo come on top for big capacity bus. I think most likey DDs bus on offer. Bendy bus is no good for bus parks, it too long. SMRT should has no problem training drivers for DD bus they can get drivers to train under SBST. just paid sbst for the training.
What do you think if you are a company that sell bus which type of bus you will sell to SMRT other than bendy if LTA ban it.
I have this idea remove all the sitting from a 12m bus for smrt and use it during peak hour.
Originally posted by wsy1234:look at the number of option the companies that sell buses in singapore can offer, I think ST, C&C and volvo come on top for big capacity bus. I think most likey DDs bus on offer. Bendy bus is no good for bus parks, it too long. SMRT should has no problem training drivers for DD bus they can get drivers to train under SBST. just paid sbst for the training.
What do you think if you are a company that sell bus which type of bus you will sell to SMRT other than bendy if LTA ban it.
I have this idea remove all the sitting from a 12m bus for smrt and use it during peak hour.
Even though bendies take up road space...To make up for it...
Bendies have higher top speed.
They also have better acceleration(so as not to delay the buses behind it at the bus stop or traffic light junction).
Fast loading and unloading(it's seriously quicker than you thought...). Afterwards, it can just zoom off the bus stop with its excellent accelerating abilities.
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Even though bendies take up road space...To make up for it...
Bendies have higher top speed.
They also have better acceleration(so as not to delay the buses behind it at the bus stop or traffic light junction).
Fast loading and unloading(it's seriously quicker than you thought...). Afterwards, it can just zoom off the bus stop with its excellent accelerating abilities.
Bendies have higher top speed cause :
1. SBST drivers doesn't drive very fast on DDs, except for some chiongsters on 30 and 168.
2. Some DDs have speed limiters, like the dennis tridents.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Bendies have higher top speed cause :
1. SBST drivers doesn't drive very fast on DDs, except for some chiongsters on 30 and 168.
2. Some DDs have speed limiters, like the dennis tridents.
For me, the fastest DDs are the Leylands and some Batch 1 ZF Wrights...
VSO is damn slow, some Tridents on 89 are chiongsters, CDGEs have average speed, Batch 2A Wrights have avg speed, Batch 2B Wrights are super slow. SBS7888K i dunno... VO3X and VO2X also quite slow...
Originally posted by SMB228X:
YES!!!! SMRT is smart will buy 300 new Euro VI Citaros and Citaro Gs!!!
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Even though bendies take up road space...To make up for it...
Bendies have higher top speed.
They also have better acceleration(so as not to delay the buses behind it at the bus stop or traffic light junction).
Fast loading and unloading(it's seriously quicker than you thought...). Afterwards, it can just zoom off the bus stop with its excellent accelerating abilities.
Originally posted by sbst275:
so what? peak hr can chiong?
I'm saying about them driving out of the bus stops or accelerating from a junction when it turns from red to green light...