Originally posted by TIB1218R:Bullshit sia..
You all never live in SMRT area what. Talk big only..
Before i live in Yishun, i thought SMRT are total disaster as what you all told here. Skali both are the same..
How come TIBS era no one complain here..
Remembered what happened to the CDGE on 21 and SBS9400X?
Look at out tridents..loud irritating brakes..
Still want get DDs?
People nowdays are so impatient..
I live in Woodlands.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:I live in Woodlands.
5 MRT Stations in your town soon..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Good..
5 MRT Stations in your town soon..
Wlands N
Wlands S
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Bullshit sia..
You all never live in SMRT area what. Talk big only..
Before i live in Yishun, i thought SMRT are total disaster as what you all told here. Skali both are the same..
How come TIBS era no one complain here..
Remembered what happened to the CDGE on 21 and SBS9400X?
Look at out tridents..loud irritating brakes..
Still want get DDs?
People nowdays are so impatient..
I live in SMRT and I have to tolerate SMRT bullshit everyday.
What is the population of Singapore when TIBS existed? What is the population for Singapore now? Bendy buses are impractical now with our densely crowded population now and more in future.
If you are point out faults, I think bendy buses have a lot more buses than other kind of buses here (single deckers and double deckers)
Just observe the number of burnt down bendy buses all these years. The recent higher accident rates of bendy buses. Squeaky articulators, run down, rotting and dirty articulator joints are common. Swaying trailiers due to worn out tires and aging articulators with faults. And almost all bendy buses have overheating engines that are awaiting to be burnt one day. And these problems are just maintanance and structural issues of these buses on top of its other problems like queues and blocking of lanes and taking up spaces in bus stops, bus interchanges and depots.
Since bendy buses are part of the problem that cause many SMRT bus services to have irregular and late frequencies, limited deployment to cause such delays and overcrowdings, I'll rather SMRT to use double deckers instead. Compare Bedok and Boon Lay to Yishun and Woodlands, the efficiency are miles apart. The latter group always faces jams and inefficiencies because of chaotic long buses blocking the ways and taking up limited spaces in interchanges.
If SMRT have to sacrifice bendy buses to seriously improve its bus services greatly, it will be certainly be worth it for SMRTB. Which do you prefer, current poor service standards with SMRTB continue going downwards(with bendy buses), or a better bus service from SMRTB with lesser jams and inefficiencies (with single deckers and a number of double deckers)?
Originally posted by vicamour:I live in SMRT and I have to tolerate SMRT bullshit everyday.
What is the population of Singapore when TIBS existed? What is the population for Singapore now? Bendy buses are impractical now with our densely crowded population now and more in future.
If you are point out faults, I think bendy buses have a lot more buses than other kind of buses here (single deckers and double deckers)
Just observe the number of burnt down bendy buses all these years. The recent higher accident rates of bendy buses. Squeaky articulators, run down, rotting and dirty articulator joints are common. Swaying trailiers due to worn out tires and aging articulators with faults. And almost all bendy buses have overheating engines that are awaiting to be burnt one day. And these problems are just maintanance and structural issues of these buses on top of its other problems like queues and blocking of lanes and taking up spaces in bus stops, bus interchanges and depots.
Since bendy buses are part of the problem that cause many SMRT bus services to have irregular and late frequencies, limited deployment to cause such delays and overcrowdings, I'll rather SMRT to use double deckers instead. Compare Bedok and Boon Lay to Yishun and Woodlands, the efficiency are miles apart. The latter group always faces jams and inefficiencies because of chaotic long buses blocking the ways and taking up limited spaces in interchanges.
If SMRT have to sacrifice bendy buses to seriously improve its bus services greatly, it will be certainly be worth it for SMRTB. Which do you prefer, current poor service standards with SMRTB continue going downwards(with bendy buses), or a better bus service from SMRTB with lesser jams and inefficiencies (with single deckers and a number of double deckers)?
That's because all bendies are using MB O405G chassis..
Boon Lay effecient? Looks the same..Buses honking and long queues of buses when entering bus bays..
I don't think SMRT depots are suitable for DDs..
Even if SMRT bought DDs, it will be more worst than our bendies right now. Look at their mantainence..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:That's because all bendies are using MB O405G chassis..
Boon Lay effecient? Looks the same..Buses honking and long queues of buses when entering bus bays..
I don't think SMRT depots are suitable for DDs..
Even if SMRT bought DDs, it will be more worst than our bendies right now. Look at their mantainence..
SMRT's main problem is AMDEP... its so full buses are already starting to park outside, like BRBP. AMDEP is also anti-DD. WLDEP is partly anti-DD. KJDEP is DD friendly
as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
Originally posted by negotiable:as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
agree wor.....
I took SBS6191T on 195 today.
The BC old old one, have bushy moustache and beard.
He honks, not at cars, but at people.
People about to jaywalk? Honk.
People standing too close to the road curb? Honk.
People walking on the road ? Honk.
People jaywalking? Honk.
People taking their time to cross the zebra crossing? Honk.
Funny, I thought honks are for warning other cars too.
There is once a car changed lanes and the bus handbraked. He never honk.
A car sped past red light. He never honk.
A bicycle rider riding on the road and crosses in front of the bus suddenly. He never honk.
So funny
I think he honked about 30 times on my way from Marina Ctr to Queensway MRT. Maybe another 30 times on the way back to Marina Centre
Originally posted by negotiable:as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
Originally posted by TIB1218R:That's because all bendies are using MB O405G chassis..
Boon Lay effecient? Looks the same..Buses honking and long queues of buses when entering bus bays..
I don't think SMRT depots are suitable for DDs..
Even if SMRT bought DDs, it will be more worst than our bendies right now. Look at their mantainence..
Originally posted by negotiable:as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
Originally posted by SBS2656X:I took SBS6191T on 195 today.
The BC old old one, have bushy moustache and beard.
He honks, not at cars, but at people.
People about to jaywalk? Honk.
People standing too close to the road curb? Honk.
People walking on the road ? Honk.
People jaywalking? Honk.
People taking their time to cross the zebra crossing? Honk.
Funny, I thought honks are for warning other cars too.
There is once a car changed lanes and the bus handbraked. He never honk.
A car sped past red light. He never honk.
A bicycle rider riding on the road and crosses in front of the bus suddenly. He never honk.
So funny
I think he honked about 30 times on my way from Marina Ctr to Queensway MRT. Maybe another 30 times on the way back to Marina Centre
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
If you replace bendies with SDs, it is not going to be able to take the load. This is definitely not what LTA is promising us. Imagine 190, 969, 854 with full SD fleet. Will not work.I am sure very soon LTA will give SMRT directions to get DDs. For the time being, the bendies that are there can be used on feeders.
people taking service 190 can use DTL2 to the city. and 969 will has increase of SD buses on the service and also there will be MRT line coming soon on LTA plan. 854 also will has increase buses. I think 190 still be around but no DD or bendies. 190 is useful to SMRT as to provide commerce competition to SBST run DTL2.
Originally posted by vicamour:
Go observe the feeders in Boon Lay and Bedok.
what about the problems people are facing with 179
(yes it might not be feeder svc but ...)
though 241 is fine.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Go observe the feeders in Yishun and Woodlands..
guys look at 806
after the blk 419 bus stop
the whole bendy is emptied of pax
deploy a DD ...
top confirm empty!
Originally posted by wsy1234:The very most SMRT will replace bendies with normal bus like citaro or MAN A22. I think MAN A22 most likey for SMRT as the bus supported by it sister company ST. remember both are GLC companies.
you try spamming OC, Citaro and/or MAN A22s on 902 ...
during school days the queue will be very long, as if the queue isn't long enough.
It's just that some whiners who always nit-pick on stuff DO NOT EVEN see the good points of bendies.
You try deploying DD on 806, see how long it takes for people to alight? They say use bendy delay bus stop for 5min, use DD also same case, slow unloading also delay bus stop for 5min. Makes no difference.
However, I am completely fine with SMRT buying DDs, it's just a matter of fact to deploy them on the right services. Deploy DDs on 190 and 106 would be the best. Deploy bendies on feeders. If you deploy them on feeders ONLY, that would reduce the number of bendies to 50 or 100 as in an acceptable level, the main problem now is CBD, but 67, 171, 700 and 960 cannot deploy DDs due to Dunearn Rd and 67, 700 and 960 have no choice but to use bendies due to High Loading and those low trees along Dunearn Rd.
Stop whining, people... Just accept them for who they are... I beg all of you... I ALSO GIVE DDS PROS AND I NEVER EVER SAID THAT DDS ARE BAD.
Best to have a mixture of both and with a majority of SDs. Bendies for places with height restriction but high loading [ Prefably feeders ] and DDs are for places without height restrictions but high loading [ Prefably premium services or svcs running through CBD area ] and SDs will mix in every service with a loading that can be solved with a SD.
Bendies can be bad and good in certain ways.
Same goes to DDs. Nothing is perfect.
You can make the most perfect bus in the world but it may still encounter an accident.
And an accident ruined the perfect bus. Stop arguing on their maintenance. This is to compare their efficiency and loading. It is said to be assumed that both bendies and DDs are treated like extremely precious buses.
Originally posted by sbst275:
Obviously you decide to ignore the background info for BNL.. It's a shrunked Int...
I don't find a problem with it, I've lived there long enough, and am perfectly fine with it.
Originally posted by d143b2:what about the problems people are facing with 179
(yes it might not be feeder svc but ...)
though 241 is fine.
My friend at Nanyang tells me that 179 svc has improved greatly from Sep. Somehow, he said that the buses are coming at a good frequency.
Condemn bendies to only feeders and short trunks is the best way imo... the rest of the trunks are long enough for DDs. maybe that way all feders can have full bendy fleet also
Originally posted by vicamour:I live in SMRT and I have to tolerate SMRT bullshit everyday.
What is the population of Singapore when TIBS existed? What is the population for Singapore now? Bendy buses are impractical now with our densely crowded population now and more in future.
If you are point out faults, I think bendy buses have a lot more buses than other kind of buses here (single deckers and double deckers)
Just observe the number of burnt down bendy buses all these years. The recent higher accident rates of bendy buses. Squeaky articulators, run down, rotting and dirty articulator joints are common. Swaying trailiers due to worn out tires and aging articulators with faults. And almost all bendy buses have overheating engines that are awaiting to be burnt one day. And these problems are just maintanance and structural issues of these buses on top of its other problems like queues and blocking of lanes and taking up spaces in bus stops, bus interchanges and depots.
Since bendy buses are part of the problem that cause many SMRT bus services to have irregular and late frequencies, limited deployment to cause such delays and overcrowdings, I'll rather SMRT to use double deckers instead. Compare Bedok and Boon Lay to Yishun and Woodlands, the efficiency are miles apart. The latter group always faces jams and inefficiencies because of chaotic long buses blocking the ways and taking up limited spaces in interchanges.
If SMRT have to sacrifice bendy buses to seriously improve its bus services greatly, it will be certainly be worth it for SMRTB. Which do you prefer, current poor service standards with SMRTB continue going downwards(with bendy buses), or a better bus service from SMRTB with lesser jams and inefficiencies (with single deckers and a number of double deckers)?
Our population only surged because the government allowed large numbers of foreign trash into the country.
Anyway, bendies are handy for high-demand routes with height restrictions. 960 is a classic example.
Originally posted by negotiable:as a 过�人
i hope this wun escalate into another war of the bus companies
all i can say is, no one has ever said that bendy will be wipe out when the o405g die
try searching around the internet, there are clues abt whether sg will still use artics or not
instead of using the same phrase "its been confirmed by lta that bendies are banned in sg"
i can tell u there are at least 2 pieces of evidence that can counter this
anyways, no company is perfect
true enuf, smrt is terrible at maintanence
but that doesnt mean the other company, sbs transit is godly
their maintanence is also sucky, just as terrible as smrt
their frequencies and reliability of bus is just as bad as smrt also
and who say certain sbst bus dont drive recklessly, just as certain smrt buses do
smrt scheduling problematic? same goes to sbst. u dun tell me that u dun see sbst bus trying to chiong to catch up with their schedule because there is more than wat my fingers can count of the no. of svc that do so
then certain ppl will say oh its becos of the road condition etc not because sbst schedule tight
then smrt one is becos is tight?
actually i know the real names of most whiners here
because its so obvious from their facebook posts who they are; same style of talking (crap)
so the biiger issue here is why ppl only talk things one sided
if u want to whine, jolly well be balanced in ur argument
I'm sorry.
I thought your post would be objective.
It turned out to be factually wrong and just plain sitting on the fence which just puts you in bad light with the said company!
SBST is not godly.
But I hardly heard of people saying SBST ignores feedback (SMRT raised the heckles of the public years ago, ignoring complaints), and to the public, SBST has been doing a brilliant fleet replacement job.
As for manteinance, don't kid yourself. I can safely say that SBST buses do have better mainteinance. This is a fact. Not an opinion. If you wanna prove me wrong, then you gotta nit-pick, which makes you no better than the people you lampooned. Frequency also. Don't kid yourself. In general I don't have as many problems with SBST than with SMRT. Again, if you wanna prove me wrong, you'll have to nit-pick on say....156, 163 etc.
And only to some of you guys, SBST buys "terrible buses"! To me, the fleet replacement exercise has brought a pleasant fresh breath to the fleet.