Originally posted by carbikebus:Weekends sometime A/P01 can appear on A/P10 or even split shift..Mostly if the perm A/P bus on split duty its goes for preventive maintenance.
According to my observations, should be 1h or so...
Did Hino HS3KRK ever cameo on 67 bef? If it is, when was the last time it did it
Hino Volren ever did 67 before but ain't too sure the demo TIB905Y ever cameo or not.Beside 67,I've ever saw the production Hino volgrens ever did 61,77,106,176,180,188,189,190 and of course CCK feeders.
S138A departure times on Sat and Sun?
Originally posted by 28_29_293:S138A departure times on Sat and Sun?
0828 0844 0909 0939 0956 1011 1025 1040 1103 1110 1125 1140 1155 1220
0820 0835 0841 0852 0901 0911 0925 0943 1003 1022 1037 1052 1059 1115 1138 1145 1200 1214 1225
How can you recognise whether a Scania KUB Euro IV Batch 2 was assembled by ComfortDelgro or SC Auto?
Originally posted by 23ispolo:How can you recognise whether a Scania KUB Euro IV Batch 2 was assembled by ComfortDelgro or SC Auto?
Originally posted by carbikebus:
Near the VIN plate?
Never see there at the front near the bottom to the left leh... SBS8169X is surprisingly sturdier than most of the Euro IV Scanias I have taken and has two different screws at the rear (like those used to screw the plastic window frames of the Volvo Olympians) on both sides for the panels just beside the rear window (on the inside)...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Never see there at the front near the bottom to the left leh... SBS8169X is surprisingly sturdier than most of the Euro IV Scanias I have taken and has two different screws at the rear (like those used to screw the plastic window frames of the Volvo Olympians) on both sides for the panels just beside the rear window (on the inside)...
Both sides of the panel near the rear window? If I am not wrong, those 81XX and 82XX are comfort delgro and 84XX are SC Auto.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Both sides of the panel near the rear window? If I am not wrong, those 81XX and 82XX are comfort delgro and 84XX are SC Auto.
SBS8169X is the only 81xx bus I see with those unique screws... If SC Auto Scanias are actually more sturdy than the ComfortDelgro units, then SBS8169X should be SC Auto... Haiz, SBS83XX and SBS85XX is ComfortDelgro or SC Auto?
May I know what is the rest time for 171 BCs at Marina Centre Terminal? I know Yishun Int is 15 - 20 mins (on Sundays)...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I wonder where they makan if their mealbreak is there.
UEC got canteen?
Originally posted by carbikebus:
If im not mistaken theres a NTWU canteen that operates during Weekdays morning only at UEC..For Marina Ctr they usually order from a supplier..
I tot they go nearby shopping centre to grab their own food for terminals without canteen, or canteen that closes at night :/
How do BC get their duty timetables if the buses they are driving are at a bus park? For example, the 961S150 BC drives TIB520Z, which is under WLBP...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:How do BC get their duty timetables if the buses they are driving are at a bus park? For example, the 961S150 BC drives TIB520Z, which is under WLBP...
Originally posted by carbikebus:I know Marina Ctr wont allow BCs to rest more than 12 mins excluding Svc 195
Well, 75 BCs have only 5 minutes to rest there, before starting on a trip again!
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Both sides of the panel near the rear window? If I am not wrong, those 81XX and 82XX are comfort delgro and 84XX are SC Auto.
Some photos:
Normal screws at the rear:
SBS8169X's special screws:
These were the screws I were referring to on SBS8169X. But, another photo I have shows a original grey screw on top of the black one:
Note that the rest of the screws are the black ones...