Originally posted by SMB66X:Do SBS Transit Svc 17 have any short working trips??
Apparently have. Data from here.
Bedok Temp Interchange Bedok North Ave 4 (SBST Bedok Bus Park)
Bedok North Ave 4 (Opp SBST Bedok Bus Park)
Bedok Temp Interchange
Which bus services will become wheelchair-accessible in the near future? Hoping for 9 and 81 to become wheelchair-accessible!
Originally posted by Special Shu:Which bus services will become wheelchair-accessible in the near future? Hoping for 9 and 81 to become wheelchair-accessible!
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Apparently have. Data from here.
Bedok Temp InterchangeBedok North Ave 4 (SBST Bedok Bus Park)
Bedok North Ave 4 (Opp SBST Bedok Bus Park)
Bedok Temp Interchange
Looks similar to former feeder 227
When Yishun and Bukit Panjang Int going to move out ???
By the way are all the PA-Plated UMW Dennis Lances are using the C211 engine? How about the PA-Plated UK Dennis Lance? Using C211, C245 or mixed? I see Sgwiki, it says PA644Y, PA648L, PA649J, PA669B, PA715B, PA716Z, PA2058B and PA4076K are using the C211 engine while the remaining uses C245 engines. However, some of these buses appeared on the Dennis Lance 245 page also. I tried One Motoring, but still no use.
Hope someone can help "sort" the Lances out.
A fun-fact is that PA4076K was made in 1998 but was registered only in 2003 and its lifespan is until 28 May 2023 (Yes, u will still see a Lance in year 2023 if SMRT keeps it, so don't complain, and I also wonder why SMRT never install EDS on this bus though every other bus in SMRT fleet got it even though it has such a long lifespan).
Originally posted by Special Shu:Which bus services will become wheelchair-accessible in the near future? Hoping for 9 and 81 to become wheelchair-accessible!
I hope 81 and 82 can be extended to the new estate in Woodleigh in future.
Originally posted by SBS9C:By the way are all the PA-Plated UMW Dennis Lances are using the C211 engine? How about the PA-Plated UK Dennis Lance? Using C211, C245 or mixed? I see Sgwiki, it says PA644Y, PA648L, PA649J, PA669B, PA715B, PA716Z, PA2058B and PA4076K are using the C211 engine while the remaining uses C245 engines. However, some of these buses appeared on the Dennis Lance 245 page also. I tried One Motoring, but still no use.
Hope someone can help "sort" the Lances out.
A fun-fact is that PA4076K was made in 1998 but was registered only in 2003 and its lifespan is until 28 May 2023 (Yes, u will still see a Lance in year 2023 if SMRT keeps it, so don't complain, and I also wonder why SMRT never install EDS on this bus though every other bus in SMRT fleet got it even though it has such a long lifespan).
There are total of 13 PA lances in total, here's a breakdown of engines used:
UMW-Dennis Lance with 211hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA639M PA648L PA649J PA669B PA715B PA716Z
UMW-Dennis Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA644Y PA4076K
Dennis (UK) Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA2020J PA2022D PA2054L PA2058B PA2063K
Originally posted by Bus Stopping:There are total of 13 PA lances in total, here's a breakdown of engines used:
UMW-Dennis Lance with 211hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA639M PA648L PA649J PA669B PA715B PA716ZUMW-Dennis Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA644Y PA4076KDennis (UK) Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA2020J PA2022D PA2054L PA2058B PA2063K
Ok thanks. With your help, I found out that UMW Lances that use the 211hp engines has this chassis code: 11SDA3115K while those with 245hp engine uses this chassis code: L7221AR3.
Originally posted by SBS9C:Ok thanks. With your help, I found out that UMW Lances that use the 211hp engines has this chassis code: 11SDA3115K while those with 245hp engine uses this chassis code: L7221AR3.
Oh, nice find there. Didn't notice that until u mentioned it.
When and why did TIB565U and TIB673R get LAWO EDS?
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:I wonder if other bus manufacturers such as Japan have any buses that are equivalent to Euro V emission standards. If so, I hope LTA can allow our bus operators to purchase. This helps to open a wider option hence greater competition and hopefully lower the cost of purchasing a bus.
Its quite disappointing to see Japanese bus manufacturers not producing Euro emission standard buses since they are so advance in technologies. Aren’t they narrowing their businesses?
Buy new Citaro better!! Euro VI!!!
Originally posted by SMB228X:
Don't have!! Japan bus expensive!!Buy new Citaro better!! Euro VI!!!
Fuck off la.SBS6012C case,SBS6014Y case,SBS6049Y case and other many citaro breakdown,accident cases still say they good?
I wan to ask,if the VSO replaced the LO2X,then where are the other 148 buses that replace the LO2X?
Wat bus replaced the Volvo B10M Mark 2?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:I wan to ask,if the VSO replaced the LO2X,then where are the other 148 buses that replace the LO2X?
Wat bus replaced the Volvo B10M Mark 2?
I'm not sure but this is what i know..
1100 Scania K230UBs replaced > 200 Volvo B10M MK2, 200 Scania N113CRB and 700 Mercedes-Benz O405.
200 Leyland Olympians 3x replaced > 20 LA Baco & Metal Sections,100 LA Duple Metsec and 80 LA Alexander L body
100 Volvo Olympian 2x replaced > 100 LA Alexander L
200 Volvo Olympian B1 > 20 LA Alexander L, 180 LA Alexander R
200 Volvo Olympian B2 > 20 LA Alexander R, 180 Mercedes O305
70 Volvo Olympian B3 > 20 Mercedes O305, 50 LO2X
20 Dennis Trident > 20 LO2X
50 VSO > 50 LO2X
The remaining 80 LO2X was not replaced due to NEL Bus Rationalisation
Volvo B9TL CDGE - Fleet expansion, New bus services,WAB
Buses lifespan is extended from 12 years to 15 years around 1996/1997
Originally posted by Bus Stopping:There are total of 13 PA lances in total, here's a breakdown of engines used:
UMW-Dennis Lance with 211hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA639M PA648L PA649J PA669B PA715B PA716ZUMW-Dennis Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA644Y PA4076KDennis (UK) Lance with 245hp Cummins C8.3 engine:
PA2020J PA2022D PA2054L PA2058B PA2063K
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:
In Mike Davis (DTS Publishing) new CSS/Tibs/SMRT Buses book (pg 48 & 49), it states PA4076K is using 211hp engine (not 245hp).
The chassis specification plate on PA4076K states its a Cummins C245 engine.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:I'm not sure but this is what i know..
1100 Scania K230UBs replaced > 200 Volvo B10M MK2, 200 Scania N113CRB and 700 Mercedes-Benz O405.
200 Leyland Olympians 3x replaced > 20 LA Baco & Metal Sections,100 LA Duple Metsec and 80 LA Alexander L body
100 Volvo Olympian 2x replaced > 100 LA Alexander L
200 Volvo Olympian B1 > 20 LA Alexander L, 180 LA Alexander R
200 Volvo Olympian B2 > 20 LA Alexander R, 180 Mercedes O305
70 Volvo Olympian B3 > 20 Mercedes O305, 50 LO2X
20 Dennis Trident > 20 LO2X
50 VSO > 50 LO2X
The remaining 80 LO2X was not replaced due to NEL Bus Rationalisation
Volvo B9TL CDGE - Fleet expansion, New bus services,WAB
Buses lifespan is extended from 12 years to 15 years around 1996/1997
550 or 600 Merc O405 if i am not wrong.The KUB did not replace full fleets of O405.It replace 100-150 Mk3 if im not wrong.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:550 or 600 Merc O405 if i am not wrong.The KUB did not replace full fleets of O405.It replace 100-150 Mk3 if im not wrong.
But if you count correctly, 200+200+700= 1100
300 Citaros replaced 300 MK3s
Some MK3 and O405 didn't get lifespan extention
Originally posted by TIB1218R:But if you count correctly, 200+200+700= 1100
300 Citaros replaced 300 MK3s
Some MK3 and O405 didn't get lifespan extention
I know.But The Citaros only replaced the extended Mk3 and the last batch of O405 to deregister.
recently only SBS 5221Y transfered from SL TO HGdep ? and which bus in returned to SLBP ?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:550 or 600 Merc O405 if i am not wrong.The KUB did not replace full fleets of O405.It replace 100-150 Mk3 if im not wrong.
1100 K230UBs replaced 1100 Volvo B10M Mark IIIs, Mercedes-Benz O405s and Scania N113CRB. 300 Citaros replaced 300 Volvo B10M Mark IIIs. Simple enough for you to comprehend?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Fuck off la.SBS6012C case,SBS6014Y case,SBS6049Y case and other many citaro breakdown,accident cases still say they good?
Citaros not that reliable. First half of the year, SBS6085S broke down once already. Something happend to the windscreen of 6014Y, 6055D. Haiz, SBST should had tested the bus first!
Originally posted by Lsk138:recently only SBS 5221Y transfered from SL TO HGdep ? and which bus in returned to SLBP ?
not surprised if one day 5218 also kena transferred
Originally posted by SBS5009U:Citaros not that reliable. First half of the year, SBS6085S broke down once already.
Something happend to the windscreen of 6014Y, 6055D. Haiz, SBST should had tested the bus first!
KUBs when first introduced also a lot broke down mah...
Seen about 5 times since its first 3 months in SBST.