May I ask a question: Why can't 82 become WAB?
Originally posted by TIB1218R:But look at those buses in JB. They drive more than 70km/h.
At BKE/AYE already you can see those Causeway Link buses speed.
Btw, OC500LE's speed limiter looks faster than 60km/h. Or is it me?Always took it on 171 and 858...
You know those so called cross borders/Coaches/Private bus drivers are more skillful and experienced cause they truly own a class 4 and bus VL unlike our city bus drivers which 85% only owns class 3.I realised this when I myself go and take class 4 and bus VL and working as an Night Rider SL,Driver of a PA Toyota Coaster and airport buses and ocassionally drive workers to factory.Furthermore the buses that can speed usually are manual transmission
Originally posted by SMB128B:May I ask a question: Why can't 82 become WAB?
Sure can friend only time.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Sure can friend only time.
Only time will tell,Think by next year sure WAB leh
Originally posted by lemon1974:
check wiki? as of 8th jun 2006SBS260S SBS382Z SBS573P SBS3778X
4 Mercedes-Benz O405 (1 WA / 2 DM / 1 DM CAC)SBS987D SBS1972P SBS2625K SBS2629A SBS2745Y
5 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM / 3 Strider / 1 DM3500)SBS9811T SBS9812R
2 Volvo Super Olympian (B10TL)SBS9210C SBS9304R SBS9313P SBS9370Z SBS9434Z SBS9435X SBS9458E SBS9462S SBS9491H SBS9522C SBS9524Y SBS9622Y
12 Volvo Olympian 3Axles (4 Batch 1 / 7 Batch 2 / 1 Batch 3)
To 'bus555' and 'lemon1974', can I add some details to this list?
Cause IIRC 260S came over from 53, forgot replacing which other SD but it came to 21 for a short while before going out to SP again.
The Mk4 fleet of 21 used to consist of these buses at varying times: 985J 986G 987D 1972P 2625K 2627E 2629A 2745Y 2790R.
985J to 987D were perm 21 together before 2005, then 985J left for Sv 7 when 7 came under BN control? 986G used to have the Total Defence Day ad IIRC, 987D was the Fish & Co or some camera ad IIRC. Then somehow or rather 986G went to Sv 7 as well to find 985J. Left 987D stuck in AM 21 still.
2790R got kicked out from Sv 21 can't remember why, but IIRC it was for some O405?Paiseh uh this part pre-2005 before I started the hobby, so not sure why 2790R left.
Then the 3 Striders of 2625K 2627E 2629A were perm 21 together in the same period, but I remembered 2625K 2627E were BN 21, 2629A was AM 21. Different depots. Then 2627E crashed into the back of 9417Z (which was still on BN 65 back then) at the last stop of Bedok Reservoir to St. Mikes there, MIA for a long time and 1972P (which was BN SP then) came into BN 21 as 2627E's replacement.
So subsequently when 2627E came out from its repair/lay-up period, it went to 196 instead till today.
Uh yes, the VO3xs of 21 back then. I used to take 9304R on 21 everyday in the morning to my sec sch in Tampines from PSR. And it would always bunch with 9485B on Sv 12 (which it was still perm back then) and the two BCs would always do a drag race from the junctions from Loyang Ave to Tampines Ave 7. And 9304R always won, HOHO.
9210C 9304R 9313P 9370Z 9434Z 9524Y 9622Y were AM 21 all along while perm.
9462S 9491H 9522C were BN 21 IIRC.
9435X was unique, cause like the Striders, this bus jumped depots. Used to be BN 21, then jumped to AM 21 before it got kicked out to BN 14 (jump depot again) when the CDGE B9s came.
9458E was under AMDEP 21 before it got kicked out. And when it left, it went to BN 168, cross-depot also.
Other VO3xs that were perm AM 21 before. 9423E then 9417Z. 9423E had the characteristic slip-gear that wasn't fixed for a long long time. But both got kicked out to AM 25 when BN 21 got the 2 CDGE B9 duties (prior to this only AM 21 had the CDGEs). 9449G was also perm AM 21 before IIRC, but got replaced by 3778X between Sv 21-56 swap?
Hope this update is good! I might miss out a few details here & there with the regos & their ads, but I think this is accurate as of my memory all these 7 years!
did 410 use to have dd?
found this pic
Originally posted by SBS3174M:.
history lesson ah...
Before 3 Oct 2004
AM: 985 986 987 2789 2790 9144 9811 9812 9813 9814
BN: 2625 2627 2629 2745 9210 9304 9370 9434 9435 9458 9462 9491 9522
Size: 10 + 13 (23)
then came the shift in depot control: Xfer 8 bus control from BN to AM.
2789 went 156, 9144 went 72, 9813 9814 went 9 and 65 respectively
2629 2745 9210 9304 followed the service to amdep
382 came from 103, 9313 9524 came from 30, 9622 came from 86
Before 5 Sep 2005
AM: 382 985 986 987 2629 2745 2790 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 2625 2627 9462 9491 9522
Size: 18 + 5 (23)
then another round of redeployments due to Bedok Int going full bndep control:
985 986 went to BN 7 (xfer control from HG 7 to BN 7), replaced by spare merc from amdep
End 2005, sv 21 fleet
AM: 138 382 573 987 2629 2745 2790 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 2625 2627 9462 9491 9522
Size: 18 + 5 (23)
Between end 2005 and May 2006, 2790 went 166, 138 went to be drug bus. Spare buses replaced them on 21. 2627 went to the workshop and came back out perming 109 (with 2815 2834).
By May 2006: the fleet is:
AM: 260 382 573 987 2629 2745 3778 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 1972 2625 9462 9491 9522
Size: 18 + 5 (23)
WAB starts to invade 21. Fleet had major change from 27 June 2006
This is the list as at Jan 2008:
AM: 382 417 533 559 573 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7309 7310 7314 7317 9423 (7311 7320 acted as spares for WAB)
BN: 1972 2745 9210 9491 9840
260 went to 265,
987 went to 19/576,
2625 went to amdep and perm 55
2629 went to 162,
2745 9210 went back to bndep 21,
3778 went to 56,
9304 9313 went to 55,
9370 went to 133,
9434 went to 166,
9435 went back to bndep and perm 14,
9458 went back to bndep and perm 168,
9462 9522 went to 168
9524 went back to bndep and perm 31,
9622 thrown out to spare.
9811 9812 went to bndep and perm 31 and 14 respectively.
417 came from 136, 533 came from 139, 559 came from 70, 9840 came from 133
By 1 Jan 2009, fleet as follows:
AM: 483 533 559 2722 2813 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7309 7310 7314 7317 9417 9423
BN: 1972 2742 9210 9836 9840
483 came from 133,
2722 came from 55,
2742 came from 18,
2813 came from 70/577,
9417 came from 28
9836 came from 72
382 417 retired from sv after 17 years,
573 9491 went to spare
2745 went to arbp 111 (went to bndep and perm 18 first during the year)
During the year sv 21 added 1 bus from amdep side.
By 1 Dec 2009, fleet as follows:
AM: 483 513 2741 2810 2813 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7307 7309 7314 7317 7485 8248 8280 8289 8290
BN: 1972 7422 7442 8266 8322 8532 9840
513 2810 came from spare
2741 came from 162
7485 came from 143
8248 came from 13
8266 8322 came from 36
8280 8289 8290 came from 53
8532 was new on 21
7422 7442 came from amdep 25
533 went to 58
559 went to 88
2722 went to 162
7300 7306 went to 72
7310 went to 143
9417 9423 went to 25
2742 went to 16
9210 came back to amdep for 59
9836 went to 14
During the year sv 21 added 2 buses from bndep side. Fleet size now is 19 + 7 (26)
By 1 Dec 2010, fleet as follows:
AM: 2722 2741 2810 2813 5079 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7307 7314 7317 7438 7485 8248 8280 8289 8290
BN: 1972 7422 7442 8266 8322 8532 9840
483 retired while 513 went to spare.
7309 went to 72
2722 came from spare (before that on 162)
5079 was new on 21
7438 came from 72
Since then till now..
5079 went to 53, replaced by 8688 from 53
8248 went bndep, replaced by 8183 from 128
8290 went 131, replaced by 8292 from 72
bndep no change at all. (I dont count intermediate changes that occur between the cut off dates i have)
Thank you for reading :)
Originally posted by service_238:history lesson ah...
Before 3 Oct 2004
AM: 985 986 987 2789 2790 9144 9811 9812 9813 9814
BN: 2625 2627 2629 2745 9210 9304 9370 9434 9435 9458 9462 9491 9522Size: 10 + 13 (23)
then came the shift in depot control: Xfer 8 bus control from BN to AM.
2789 went 156, 9144 went 72, 9813 9814 went 9 and 65 respectively
2629 2745 9210 9304 followed the service to amdep
382 came from 103, 9313 9524 came from 30, 9622 came from 86Before 5 Sep 2005
AM: 382 985 986 987 2629 2745 2790 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 2625 2627 9462 9491 9522Size: 18 + 5 (23)
then another round of redeployments due to Bedok Int going full bndep control:
985 986 went to BN 7 (xfer control from HG 7 to BN 7), replaced by spare merc from amdep
End 2005, sv 21 fleet
AM: 138 382 573 987 2629 2745 2790 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 2625 2627 9462 9491 9522
Size: 18 + 5 (23)Between end 2005 and May 2006, 2790 went 166, 138 went to be drug bus. Spare buses replaced them on 21. 2627 went to the workshop and came back out perming 109 (with 2815 2834).
By May 2006: the fleet is:
AM: 260 382 573 987 2629 2745 3778 9210 9304 9313 9370 9434 9435 9458 9524 9622 9811 9812
BN: 1972 2625 9462 9491 9522Size: 18 + 5 (23)
WAB starts to invade 21. Fleet had major change from 27 June 2006
This is the list as at Jan 2008:
AM: 382 417 533 559 573 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7309 7310 7314 7317 9423 (7311 7320 acted as spares for WAB)
BN: 1972 2745 9210 9491 9840260 went to 265,
987 went to 19/576,
2625 went to amdep and perm 55
2629 went to 162,
2745 9210 went back to bndep 21,
3778 went to 56,
9304 9313 went to 55,
9370 went to 133,
9434 went to 166,
9435 went back to bndep and perm 14,
9458 went back to bndep and perm 168,
9462 9522 went to 168
9524 went back to bndep and perm 31,
9622 thrown out to spare.
9811 9812 went to bndep and perm 31 and 14 respectively.417 came from 136, 533 came from 139, 559 came from 70, 9840 came from 133
By 1 Jan 2009, fleet as follows:
AM: 483 533 559 2722 2813 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7309 7310 7314 7317 9417 9423
BN: 1972 2742 9210 9836 9840483 came from 133,
2722 came from 55,
2742 came from 18,
2813 came from 70/577,
9417 came from 28
9836 came from 72
382 417 retired from sv after 17 years,
573 9491 went to spare
2745 went to arbp 111 (went to bndep and perm 18 first during the year)During the year sv 21 added 1 bus from amdep side.
By 1 Dec 2009, fleet as follows:
AM: 483 513 2741 2810 2813 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7307 7309 7314 7317 7485 8248 8280 8289 8290
BN: 1972 7422 7442 8266 8322 8532 9840513 2810 came from spare
2741 came from 162
7485 came from 143
8248 came from 13
8266 8322 came from 36
8280 8289 8290 came from 53
8532 was new on 21
7422 7442 came from amdep 25533 went to 58
559 went to 88
2722 went to 162
7300 7306 went to 72
7310 went to 143
9417 9423 went to 25
2742 went to 16
9210 came back to amdep for 59
9836 went to 14During the year sv 21 added 2 buses from bndep side. Fleet size now is 19 + 7 (26)
By 1 Dec 2010, fleet as follows:
AM: 2722 2741 2810 2813 5079 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7307 7314 7317 7438 7485 8248 8280 8289 8290
BN: 1972 7422 7442 8266 8322 8532 9840483 retired while 513 went to spare.
7309 went to 72
2722 came from spare (before that on 162)
5079 was new on 21
7438 came from 72Since then till now..
5079 went to 53, replaced by 8688 from 53
8248 went bndep, replaced by 8183 from 128
8290 went 131, replaced by 8292 from 72bndep no change at all. (I dont count intermediate changes that occur between the cut off dates i have)
Thank you for reading :)
Woooh, thanks really for the comprehensive list to plug the gaps I had in my memory of Sv 21! I missed out all the MB O405s, cause they were like constantly switching the O405s whenever the lifespan expiry date loomed.
I think you missed out some buses though. 8247D came to Sv 21 also along with 8280G 8289H 8290C. Then the mahjong occured because they swapped 8247D for its sibling 8248B later on (like you had mentioned above), then let 8247D go to SP. Then later on 8247D went TRG instead before it went to BR 145.
8290C went 131 direct swap for 8470A to 21, then 8470A crashed on 21 so 8292Y came to 21 instead from 72 for direct swap uh. The intermediate was 8470A that is still MIA.
Which bus comes after 6300X and before 6300X?
Originally posted by SBS 3010C:8888 D demo?
Were you asking if it was a demostrator? Nahs it wasn't. The demo was 8033D, and even then it was only a demo for the bodywork & seat arrangements, not like 1688K or 2888T. The order of 8033D was along with all the KUBs SBST had placed back then IIRC.
Wah Malcolm very informative leh great!
Originally posted by SBS3174M:did 410 use to have dd?
found this pic
410 loading does not warrant DDs. It is mostly between 40 and 50 pax. Only if bus is late, you will see a 410 totally crowded, but chances very less.
thanks alot service_238 for the history of Service 21 fleets.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
410 loading does not warrant DDs. It is mostly between 40 and 50 pax. Only if bus is late, you will see a 410 totally crowded, but chances very less.
Last time when SBS6010H cameoed on 410W during pm peak, it was late for a minute. The whole queue took about 5 minutes to clear off the whole pax and there was still about 20 - 30 pax which cannot board the bus. 2 minutes later, 5153K came and that bus was also very packed. Then 1 old lady stand outside ask the BC alot of redundant questions, letting the queue stuck there for very long. In the end, the whole thing wasn't even cleared even 8538P came 3 minutes later. I did not know what happened after as I boarded 8399Z on 56. The best is to deploy only 1 DD during spilt shift periods.
It is true to say AMDEP 969 and AMDEP 961 buses are interchangable? On occasion i saw 540R on 969 n 581Y on 961 or 508K on 961 n 540R on 969
Originally posted by TIB 585L:It is true to say AMDEP 969 and AMDEP 961 buses are interchangable? On occasion i saw 540R on 969 n 581Y on 961 or 508K on 961 n 540R on 969
AMDEP buses can cameo on any AMDEP services
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
410 loading does not warrant DDs. It is mostly between 40 and 50 pax. Only if bus is late, you will see a 410 totally crowded, but chances very less.
i think you need to see the queue at bishan interchange for 410W during evening peak.
Which bus interchanges and bus terminals practice Overnight Parking?
I know Woodlands, Yishun, CCK, BBtk and Sembawang practice that. But i have no idea of SBST's ones.
Why do they practice overnight parking? Especially for SBST because i understand that SMRT has space constraints in their bus depots.
So for buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges...when do they get to go back to their depot? Only for maintainence?
Does SBST has buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges? Or they rotate around?
Originally posted by chifan:Which bus interchanges and bus terminals practice Overnight Parking?
I know Woodlands, Yishun, CCK, BBtk and Sembawang practice that. But i have no idea of SBST's ones.
Why do they practice overnight parking? Especially for SBST because i understand that SMRT has space constraints in their bus depots.
So for buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges...when do they get to go back to their depot? Only for maintainence?
Does SBST has buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges? Or they rotate around?
Sometimes random KUBs overnight parking at Bishan Int
Originally posted by chifan:Which bus interchanges and bus terminals practice Overnight Parking?
I know Woodlands, Yishun, CCK, BBtk and Sembawang practice that. But i have no idea of SBST's ones.
Why do they practice overnight parking? Especially for SBST because i understand that SMRT has space constraints in their bus depots.
So for buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges...when do they get to go back to their depot? Only for maintainence?
Does SBST has buses that are permanently allocated to overnight parking at bus interchanges? Or they rotate around?
Split shift buses go bk to depot for split break only. Then go back for duty then ONP at their interchange. For SBW int, some bus like 856,859.980.981,167 do swing there.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Split shift buses go bk to depot for split break only. Then go back for duty then ONP at their interchange. For SBW int, some bus like 856,859.980.981,167 do swing there.
What does split shift means? Keep seeing this term pop up. And Swing?
It is like majority of AMDEP SMRT buses are parked at washing of buses and security concerns....
Originally posted by chifan:What does split shift means? Keep seeing this term pop up. And Swing?
It is like majority of AMDEP SMRT buses are parked at washing of buses and security concerns....
Split mean morning work 1st half afternoon 2nd half ie 0550-0950 then go back sleep afternoon come at 1630-2030.
Except for 61,67,106,851,985 other or half of the fleets park at Yishun,Sembawang and Lor 1 Geylang.They must off svc to depot for Refuelling bus washing and coin box opening before they go back to onp interchanges respectively