Originally posted by Merczrox:
And definitely not to mention when svc 6 got 'famous' for a short period of time when 8031J was put on it as perm..I guess nobody would have thought that such an industrial svc would get a new demo.But nevertheless,i think that svcs like that getting new demos is also something good and new rather than always all the popular city svcs getting them..
True true, but if i'm not wrong, I think 8031J was perm on 6 previously due more to its travelling range that a full tank of diesel can carry it? Same as to why the other perm it ever did before it vanished completely was 17.
Originally posted by TIB783G:452L and 453J out of WLDEP 961. SMB172Y duty 4 SMB174S duty 5.
Post removed.
**** on Sv28 today.... i would think that it is under AM/BR, because this bus always parked in AMDEP instead of HGDEP....
Is it me or i saw TIB763P every sunday on 911 since 1 Jan 2012. Maybe its a Sunday perm coz i saw it always on Sunday
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:True true, but if i'm not wrong, I think 8031J was perm on 6 previously due more to its travelling range that a full tank of diesel can carry it? Same as to why the other perm it ever did before it vanished completely was 17.
Yeah i think so.And not to forget when it cameoed on 12 a few days b4 it was totally removed from svc..
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Is it me or i saw TIB763P every sunday on 911 since 1 Jan 2012. Maybe its a Sunday perm coz i saw it always on Sunday
Did you see that bus everyday?
Originally posted by TIB783G:Did you see that bus everyday?
Nope mainly on Sundays.I saw that 1st time on New yr eve Sunday then ytd i saw it on 911 and some sundays ago i saw it on 911.
(BN SP BN 32)
Replacing 794T.
SMB 226 - 230 Into 966 replace what?
I know 494R out for sure, but what else out?
Originally posted by SBS494J:SMB 226 - 230 Into 966 replace what?
I know 494R out for sure, but what else out?
499C, I have a strong feeling 732D is also out. It is seen on PM shift 963 today.
Originally posted by TIB783G:499C, I have a strong feeling 732D is also out. It is seen on PM shift 963 today.
732D not out. I always take that bus to school in the mornings. think i'll spend 1 day stock-taking sv 966.
Originally posted by SBS494J:732D not out. I always take that bus to school in the mornings. think i'll spend 1 day stock-taking sv 966.
Eh strange why do I keep seeing 732D on a PM-Shift basis on 963? On Sundays btw.
WLDEP buses have a habit of doing things by registration sequence, So I'm not sure if 498E is out.
Originally posted by SBS494J:732D not out. I always take that bus to school in the mornings. think i'll spend 1 day stock-taking sv 966.
732D is not out,Seen it often on 966.Anybody see 593M recently?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:732D is not out,Seen it often on 966.Anybody see 593M recently?
593M is seen today on 966.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:732D is not out,Seen it often on 966.Anybody see 593M recently?
593M is always on 966 one. When i board 732D in the mornings, i will see it on the opposite direction at Pending.
Originally posted by TIB783G:593M is seen today on 966.
Ok hw abt 498E? 777A?
Originally posted by TIB783G:Eh strange why do I keep seeing 732D on a PM-Shift basis on 963? On Sundays btw.
WLDEP buses have a habit of doing things by registration sequence, So I'm not sure if 498E is out.
498E i long time never see or rather, hardly see.
Based on my daily spottings of Sv 966, just the merc buses.
- 732D
- 510C
- 435J
- 781L
- 777A
- 593M
- 780P
- 529A
- 584P
- 587G
- 763P (sometimes MIA)
Buses i don't really see appearing on Sv 966
- 498E
- 816X
I am not sure what is the actual starting sequence like for 966 but please correct me if I am wrong.
435-226-227-228-732-230-763-529-499-593 Did I get it wrong?
Please note I only have the old sequence so if I am wrong please speak out.
Originally posted by SBS494J:Based on my daily spottings of Sv 966, just the merc buses.
- 732D
- 510C
- 435J
- 781L
- 777A
- 593M
- 780P
- 529A
- 584P
- 587G
- 763P (sometimes MIA)
Buses i don't really see appearing on Sv 966
- 498E
- 816X
816X oso MIA?? for hw long already?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:816X oso MIA?? for hw long already?
think quite some time i've not seen 816X. Last time i saw it was i think late dec 11 or early jan 12.
Originally posted by SBS494J:think quite some time i've not seen 816X. Last time i saw it was i think late dec 11 or early jan 12.
I think I saw TIB816X in 966 today, not very sure.
Originally posted by TIB770T:I think I saw TIB816X in 966 today, not very sure.
I think i saw 816X in 966 quite recently too.
Bus havent seen on 966 is 482A,498E,499C,494R,781L and 780P-seen on 969 today.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I think i saw 816X in 966 quite recently too.
Bus havent seen on 966 is 482A,498E,499C,494R,781L and 780P-seen on 969 today.
482A 494R 499C out. 498E unknown.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I think i saw 816X in 966 quite recently too.
Bus havent seen on 966 is 482A,498E,499C,494R,781L and 780P-seen on 969 today.
780P and/Or 781L weekend perm 969.