freezing buses often happen in the early morning, at night and during rainy days.
Among the main culprits are Volvo Olympian 3-axle, Volvo Mk4 DM3500, SMRT MB OC500LE... the windows are sweating so much that even the BCs got to activate the windscreen wipers to clear the screen. Some BCs even block the A/C vents that are blowing towards them and some BCs open the cabin windows probably to let in as the windows are covered in condensation and to let in some warm air.
I notice some women passengers even take sweaters along with them and take them out to wear after they board these freezing buses. How much energy and $$$ wasted by the bus operators due to overcooling?
which is why I always have my jacket in my bag just in case..
so can activate when such incidents occur..
I usually do not see this unless it's raining.
there was once an old lady onboard opened an umbrella while seated to try block the cold air from blowing towards her.
I find some stuffed tissues on some Scania KUB at the additional fixed rectangle AC outlets above the rear seats.
On other freezing bus models, I also occasionally find stuffed paper and tissues inside the round adjustable AC outlets.
Singaporeans, no air con complain, air con cold also complain...
I pay air con fares, so it is reasonable that the air con should be cold.
there is a diff between cool and freezing.
Time to install heaters on the buses.
jb mk 3
& also 8XX series of MKIII
It is never freezing lah. At most it is cold. And I like it that way. When it is just cool, and crowded, it becomes stuffy.
Those that don't eat enough, especially breakfast, or are on a reduced intake diet, will start shivering after a while in an aircon environment.
sometimes, its so cold that my lips went dry
Originally posted by Summer hill:sometimes, its so cold that my lips went dry
Your teeth send out Morse Code or not?
Whether the aircon is stuffy or cold, I could still enjoy the ride
I don't complain to the bus companies
But those people who complain of stuffy or cold aircon either do not eat enough or are nerds
Originally posted by SBS766A:Whether the aircon is stuffy or cold, I could still enjoy the ride
I don't complain to the bus companies
But those people who complain of stuffy or cold aircon either do not eat enough or are nerds
You don't seem to know what a nerd is. You use it wrongly.
That makes you a nerd.
Originally posted by mancha:You don't seem to know what a nerd is. You use it wrongly.
That makes you a nerd.
On my 170 rides.. super cold aircon lol
Just now told 1 171 OC, aircon no power one lol
Freezing bus good ! The colder the better leh.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Freezing bus good ! The colder the better leh.
Freeze your LP off then you know le
try 858 OCs on Saturday Mornings. I tell u, guarantee air-con freeze on TPE towards WRI. Got water vapour on windows oso. But the ride is terrific. I had one of the best rides of my life on SMB19H at that time. Unfortunately, like 72, once SMB19H went to 950 it became sth next to trash...
Some of the colder buses i encountered:
SBS881A (BNDEP 229)
SBS2761A (BBDEP 160) used to take it on 48
SBS9435X (BNDEP 196) quite some time back, not so sure if A/C still as strong now
Originally posted by watson374:Freeze your LP off then you know le
Some no LP. Some kena freeze NN off oso know le.