What regular services are these buses pulled from?
It's because all our transport services are heavily crowded, so much so that when one major transport service breaks down like the MRT, there is no other available contingency.
Cheaper, faster, better.
There is no 100% system in this world, still need contingency plans.
Originally posted by brotherchen1982:I miss Tibs & CSS...
The root causes of SMRTB's woes today can be traced to TIBS and CSS.
Originally posted by brotherchen1982:I miss Tibs & CSS...
I second that...
Originally posted by βÎτά:
It's because all our transport services are heavily crowded, so much so that when one major transport service breaks down like the MRT, there is no other available contingency.
Cheaper, faster, better.
There is no 100% system in this world, still need contingency plans.
Poor mrt system.
Cannot take the passenger load of a country with 5 million people.
This morning got one SMRT MRT shuttle bus hit someone at a junction near funan
If Changi Airport shuttle is affected... I dun think SMRT will bother to operate buses either..
Throw ppl to take SBS Sv 24
Sbst, can the mrt system handle the country's 5 million people?
If 6 or 8 million, then how?
I think the ppl inside MOT should rethink the MRT - feeder model le.. Can trunk - feeder, bus - bus model be adapted?
Also can they think of doing away w/ hybird svs? Of course Sv 38 is one exception.
Originally posted by sbst275:I think the ppl inside MOT should rethink the MRT - feeder model le.. Can trunk - feeder, bus - bus model be adapted?
Also can they think of doing away w/ hybird svs? Of course Sv 38 is one exception.
If they putting together a committee to discuss this issue, I recommend you go to give your suggestions.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:This is the direct result of privatising the transport system.
1. Little alternatives. (Streamlining operations)
2. Little coordination. (SBST is not obliged to help SMRT)
3. Little resources to cope in such times. (Refer to point 1 again)
So who still wants to argue for further competition?
I'd agree with you on the first 3 points, but theres 2 different forms of competition.
What we are having now is having two giants with different modes of transportation (buses, trains, taxis) fighting each other. This dosent lead to anything, in fact i dont think theres much benefits from fighting like this. For areas like yishun and woodlands, its just like using your arm (trains) to hit your own leg (buses) for smrt! they are simply fighting with itself.
The other form of competition is to have compaines taking up one mode of transportation each and competiting between each other. Bus compaines will have to find optimal routes and frequency to undercut trains, and fight for passengers. If the public transport network improves this way, taxis will also have to lower prices in order to retain customers who decides to move to taking the improved public transport.
This is what i hope will and can happen in due time so people have more REAL choices. (E.g. An alternative of taking train from boon lay to bedok is taking 30, but its not a REAL choice, it just takes too long!)
Originally posted by elm0o:will there be enough buses for NS-EW line bridging tomorrow (5:30am – 10am)? will SMRT call in SBSTransit for help?
its sun tomorrow.
i believe most people will choose to avoid taking trains unless they absolutely have to.
Take cabs.
Give the cab drivers a day to huat.
Originally posted by charlize:Take cabs.
Give the cab drivers a day to huat.
A day? more like a few days since there's been 1 incident everyday for the past 3 days.
Originally posted by Bus Stopping:I'd agree with you on the first 3 points, but theres 2 different forms of competition.
What we are having now is having two giants with different modes of transportation (buses, trains, taxis) fighting each other. This dosent lead to anything, in fact i dont think theres much benefits from fighting like this. For areas like yishun and woodlands, its just like using your arm (trains) to hit your own leg (buses) for smrt! they are simply fighting with itself.
The other form of competition is to have compaines taking up one mode of transportation each and competiting between each other. Bus compaines will have to find optimal routes and frequency to undercut trains, and fight for passengers. If the public transport network improves this way, taxis will also have to lower prices in order to retain customers who decides to move to taking the improved public transport.
This is what i hope will and can happen in due time so people have more REAL choices. (E.g. An alternative of taking train from boon lay to bedok is taking 30, but its not a REAL choice, it just takes too long!)
Cant really forsee the 2 privatised transport companies only dabbling with bus or train ops (say SBST running buses and SMRT trains) with the way the govt is moving land transport towards rail with so many upcoming rail lines. the company running buses is obviously at the losing end when people desert buses for trains. although there remains certain corridors not well-served by rail (perhaps TPE/SLE services), the number of such cashcow services would decrease with the completion of the new rail lines.. and what we would be seeing is the natural death of the company (restricted to mainly providing feeder services?). So much so for market competition..
Originally posted by cassie:
A day? more like a few days since there's been 1 incident everyday for the past 3 days.
U think smrt has such huge problems that taxis become the dominant form of transport next time?
Anyway, the root of the problem has always been the population increase.
Once you reduce it, it will solve almost 80% of the country's social, economic and political problems.
Originally posted by charlize:U think smrt has such huge problems that taxis become the dominant form of transport next time?
SMRT Taxis are the most accident prone. Not sure about the latest stats by the authorities' findings, but I came across a report some time back that stated SMRT taxis have the highest accident rate.
No matter which mode of transport, just try to avoid SMRT. For people in the West served mainly/only by SMRT bus services wherever they go, it's not that they want to take SMRT buses or such. They simply have no choice.
Originally posted by Simply.90:Cant really forsee the 2 privatised transport companies only dabbling with bus or train ops (say SBST running buses and SMRT trains) with the way the govt is moving land transport towards rail with so many upcoming rail lines. the company running buses is obviously at the losing end when people desert buses for trains. although there remains certain corridors not well-served by rail (perhaps TPE/SLE services), the number of such cashcow services would decrease with the completion of the new rail lines.. and what we would be seeing is the natural death of the company (restricted to mainly providing feeder services?). So much so for market competition..
Company running buses is at the losing end? Well, depends how do you look at it.
Why would it lose money? Because commuters dont prefer taking buses.
Why would commuters not prefer taking buses? Because many of the bus routes takes much more time compared to trains going to the same place. (Could also be because its not as reliable)
Why does it take much more time? Because some of the routes are so long and winding!
If the routes stays the same as they are now, people will just continue taking trains. In this case u can effectively say that the bus company is giving up competing with trains. It's not competition at all. This is actually what is happening. Look at some services like 502, it takes just as much time to get to a place as the trains, but costs more. If its not charging express fares, i would gladly take it everyday instead of the trains. That's competition.
Futhermore, do you really think the services will not decrease with competion of the new rail lines if the system is being kept as what it is now? Many of sbst's own bus services will compete with its own downtown line when its completed (less bukit panjang). Would they maintain their bus routes and frequency after the downtown line is built? The pool passengers are the same (with some increase of course), but the cost will go up if they operate 2 modes of transport out of the same area.
Just my 2cents, cheers
At the moment the system is designed to actually discourage competition because it would lead to duplication. Well, as we have seen, this method only works when no sh*t happens.
Cos when it does, it hits the fan and splatters everyone.
Originally posted by Bus Stopping:Company running buses is at the losing end? Well, depends how do you look at it.
Why would it lose money? Because commuters dont prefer taking buses.
Why would commuters not prefer taking buses? Because many of the bus routes takes much more time compared to trains going to the same place. (Could also be because its not as reliable)
Why does it take much more time? Because some of the routes are so long and winding!
If the routes stays the same as they are now, people will just continue taking trains. In this case u can effectively say that the bus company is giving up competing with trains. It's not competition at all. This is actually what is happening. Look at some services like 502, it takes just as much time to get to a place as the trains, but costs more. If its not charging express fares, i would gladly take it everyday instead of the trains. That's competition.
Futhermore, do you really think the services will not decrease with competion of the new rail lines if the system is being kept as what it is now? Many of sbst's own bus services will compete with its own downtown line when its completed (less bukit panjang). Would they maintain their bus routes and frequency after the downtown line is built? The pool passengers are the same (with some increase of course), but the cost will go up if they operate 2 modes of transport out of the same area.
Just my 2cents, cheers
Well, you do have a point here. I guess the entire system is pretty much in a messy state with central planning (when was the last time a new trunk svc was introduced excluding Sv84), non-duplication of routes..
Apart from the long-winding routes that may deter commuters as you mentioned, most of the time it is road congestion that affects the commuters' decision (even when the bus route in question is not long winded). Road congestion is certainly beyond the capability of bus companies to resolve and this situation certainly would not disappear in the near future even when car growth rate was announced to be capped at 0.5%.
These hiccups in travel times paint an impression of buses being inefficient and unreliable (though we have seen how trains can be equally unreliable after this week's drama :D) and I believe many would find rail travel more attractive..
With regards to your last part about DTL and competition with SBST's own routes, I feel that that was perhaps why DTL was handed to SBST. I just find the whole multi-modal PTO concept a false front to ensure that both PTOs (mainly SBST) can survive in the rail-dominated land transport of the future (as intended by the govt).
SMRT Shuttle bus pickup points
Come on la SMRT, post this on all stations even if there is no breakdown. NEL has this?
Kallang side, City Hall - Raffles Place bus may go holland.
Jurong East Berth 7???
Kranji MRT???
Why use S825 berth?
Bendy entering?