Sorry I use the ctrl+f function...
SBS6065A (HGDEP 109)
SBS6067U (HGDEP 109)
SBS6076T (HGDEP 109/315*)
I didnt see the yellow highlightings. lols.
SBS6058X (BNDEP 109)
SBS6116L (BNDEP 109)
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Sorry I use the ctrl+f function...
SBS6065A (HGDEP 109)
SBS6067U (HGDEP 109)
SBS6076T (HGDEP 109/315*)
I didnt see the yellow highlightings. lols.
SBS6058X (BNDEP 109)
SBS6116L (BNDEP 109)
LOL, even if you use ctrl+f function on Chrome (I assume you use Chrome), you should be able to see that its like highlighted '1 out of 5'? Firefox would have highlighted all with 109 instead.
Say seriously, the A/C on Volvo MkIII is way better than that of a Citaro's.
Maybe fuel tank too small cannot accomodate enough fuel to power the A/C unit?
Or the A/C unit too small?
I think it is just the fan speed and where the vents are located made it very hot.
Just now I take SBS815S.
I sit beside the exit door ( I always sit there. ) and adjusted the air-con to me.
My pepsi ( I didnt drink it in da bus :) ) became even colder and my hands shivering.
Btw the seats look refurbished and cleaner than those I saw on December. The air-con duct also change new cover. Very pinky and shiny.
But HGDEP maybe too lazy to repaint the trims .
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:LOL, even if you use ctrl+f function on Chrome (I assume you use Chrome), you should be able to see that its like highlighted '1 out of 5'? Firefox would have highlighted all with 109 instead.
Im too lazy to look at that
Originally posted by TIB770T:That's what you think. Writing rubbish will not change anything.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Say seriously, the A/C on Volvo MkIII is way better than that of a Citaro's.
Maybe fuel tank too small cannot accomodate enough fuel to power the A/C unit?
Or the A/C unit too small?
I think it is just the fan speed and where the vents are located made it very hot.
Just now I take SBS815S.
I sit beside the exit door ( I always sit there. ) and adjusted the air-con to me.
My pepsi ( I didnt drink it in da bus :) ) became even colder and my hands shivering.
Btw the seats look refurbished and cleaner than those I saw on December. The air-con duct also change new cover. Very pinky and shiny.
But HGDEP maybe too lazy to repaint the trims.
The Citaros' problem with the A/C is just that the vents are directed & blowing towards the windows, while those supposed to blow into the aisle of the bus do not distribute much air at all.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:The Citaros' problem with the A/C is just that the vents are directed & blowing towards the windows, while those supposed to blow into the aisle of the bus do not distribute much air at all.
That's why I started to grow tired of those crappy Citaros.
when i take Citaro, i feel like telling everyone in the bus not to talk.
when you talk, you let off hot air. & if possible, breathe slower. so not much hot air is exhaled. This way, the bus remains cool.
Originally posted by sinicker:when i take Citaro, i feel like telling everyone in the bus not to talk.
when you talk, you let off hot air. & if possible, breathe slower. so not much hot air is exhaled. This way, the bus remains cool.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:You can go ahead and say that those words make no sense. To me, your nonsense make no sense at all.
I seldom log in to post, but your reply just made me wanna say something. nonsense ain't suppose to make sense in the first place, if you realised.
Citaros are market for Europe mostly and most of the buses doesn't even have aircon,So when Singapore became the first SEA country to mass order then they invented the aircon outlets,It's unlike O405s which are sold worldwide.Be patient im sure SBST will do something once the warranty is expired
Originally posted by Simply.90:
I seldom log in to post, but your reply just made me wanna say something. nonsense ain't suppose to make sense in the first place, if you realised.
I'd also made such a sentence in the past, to my opinion, what I'm referring to is the nonsense he made is doubly no sense at all, which means what he said is extremely no sense, not a typical no sense.
Originally posted by Airbus330Captain:Post deleted.
(I have better things to do than to argue with this (fill in the blank).
NOOO!!! Does that mean we have lost our battle for more Citaros???
The Citaro has been operated in bulk in Dubai long before SBST.
Originally posted by SMB228X:NOOO!!! Does that mean we have lost our battle for more Citaros???
but losing to the man is still a very good thing.
Originally posted by SMB228X:NOOO!!! Does that mean we have lost our battle for more Citaros???
Originally posted by AEW5001:
but losing to the man is still a very good thing.
That's right.
At least the crappy Mk3 and Mk4 buses can adjust where the cold air is blowing into :)
But some of the DM, Striders and DM3500 are installed with the 'newer' air-con outlet cover. When you sit at the innermost side ( nearest to the side of the bus ) the rectangular air-con vents cannot blow towards you straight -.-"
Off topic :
Anyone taken SBS948S [ HGDEP 325 ]?
The suspension made it very relaxing
The cold air con made me feel like I'm at home
The comfy seats made me felt like i'm sleeping on a Simmon's bed
The smooth brakes did not make me bang my head on a stranger sitting in front of me
The awesome turning skillls of the BC did not made me bang my head on the windows
The accleration of the bus rocks
The vibration of the bus when it is not moving woke me up
The ride of 325 from my house to Hougang Mall is very short.
Originally posted by nfshp253:Wait, what happened?
Something is happening.
I wonder if sbst test the citaro bus before they import it from german? It is a nice bus, but the design of the bus is for left hand drive, you can see the dark "ex-jos" piple smoke coming out from the left side which blow into the bus stop, compare to KUBs and volvo bus which assembled here. But the old version 405 was aseembled here the "ex-jos" piple is on the right side. I still refer new buses assemble in singapore. Maybe the air-con system should improve by drilling hole like KUBs bus which so much colder. no need to wait until the warranty is over in fact the air-con should be covered under warranty. The old 405 also have this problem before until sbst modify it to make the air blow downward.
I hope the new 800 for both public bus operator have with air-con comfort like KUBs and comfort like that volvo CNG SD bus in fact that volvo CNG should be the bus both operator use. nice air-con very comfort and very power even it is using CNG. forget about the MKs.
Originally posted by wsy1234:I wonder if sbst test the citaro bus before they import it from german? It is a nice bus, but the design of the bus is for left hand drive, you can see the dark "ex-jos" piple smoke coming out from the left side which blow into the bus stop, compare to KUBs and volvo bus which assembled here. But the old version 405 was aseembled here the "ex-jos" piple is on the right side. I still refer new buses assemble in singapore. Maybe the air-con system should improve by drilling hole like KUBs bus which so much colder. no need to wait until the warranty is over in fact the air-con should be covered under warranty. The old 405 also have this problem before until sbst modify it to make the air blow downward.
I hope the new 800 for both public bus operator have with air-con comfort like KUBs and comfort like that volvo CNG SD bus in fact that volvo CNG should be the bus both operator use. nice air-con very comfort and very power even it is using CNG. forget about the MKs.
B10BLE CNG are pretty good buses during its time, but unfortunately, they are no longer produced by Volvo at the time where sbst ordered the KUBs and Citaros. The current few are also pretty badly maintained, with doors not closing properly and leaving a big gap, wheel rims that are dented, and even the drivetrain seems like its going to fall apart anytime soon.
There are also some components hidden within the aircon duct of the citaro, cant simply just drill holes as they wish.
Registered on 27 February 2012: