Originally posted by SBS8676Z:U call this neglected? It got mass K230UB upgrades, declared WAB, fleet addition, constant Citaro cameos and somemore 2 perm Wrights come in. Though that solo MK3 is still around (which I partially agree with u). There are still several HGDEP services that hardly got any Citaros or Wrights.
I will say service 163 is the one more neglected. Downgrade 2 K230UBs to 2 MK3s, and now got spare K230UBs in HGDEP yet still dun want to give back to 163...
Worst ones are like services 82, 85, 103, 112, 159, 325, 372. Till now there are not a single new buses at all.
So please think carefully before u post...
82, 103, 159 have gotten at least a kub cameo alr. 372 even more times.
HGDEP should give this CITAROs to other svc dat do no hv new buses but somehow they still throw this CITAROS TO this svc which already hv the kubs in svc !
Originally posted by SMB228X:WHY? 43 is a neglected service!
then i can also say 165 a neglected service liaoz...until it got a full wright fleet
Originally posted by smrtbsbs:
then i can also say 165 a neglected service liaoz...until it got a full wright fleet
165 is not even a WAB service, so throwing Wrights on 165 is not a priority.
And nearly half of 165's fleet are SDs, you can't just convert SD slots into DD slots just because you feel like it....
Originally posted by TIB770T:165 is not even a WAB service, so throwing Wrights on 165 is not a priority.
And nearly half of 165's fleet are SDs, you can't just convert SD slots into DD slots just because you feel like it....
ok, then i changed service....
if 43 a neglected service, then 101 is also one!
Originally posted by SMB228X:
THEN WHY does the creepy and dangerous MK3s still on 43? 831J just went up in flames. Hope to see Citaros replace them ASAP!
Because it is SBS Transit's assets, they have a service lifespan and they're used on the roads, just like the past 16+ years or so with no major problems. .
For most of us, it's a bus that's on the roads that we take to our destinations everyday.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
Because it is SBS Transit's assets, they have a service lifespan and they're used on the roads, just like the past 16+ years or so with no major problems. .
For most of us, it's a bus that's on the roads that we take to our destinations everyday.
BUT even you said certain buses are already falling apart!
Originally posted by SMB228X:BUT even you said certain buses are already falling apart!
15 years later.
"Falling Apart : The chronicles of SBST K230UBs."SBS should only get THE BEST..OR NOTHING!!!
Never seen someone take a joke seriously. Yes, the bodywork build ain't very top notch, the engine rattles. But what can i, or you do? Crack some jokes and let life be as it is. They (SBS Transit) made the purchase decision, not you. Not me. We're entitled to voice our opinions and views, like how you are making a ruckus in this forum.
You seem to be a clone account designed to cause problems around here....
Originally posted by SMB228X:BUT even you said certain buses are already falling apart!
‎15 years later.
"Falling Apart : The chronicles of SBST K230UBs."SBS should only get THE BEST..OR NOTHING!!!
Originally posted by SMB228X:
THEN WHY does the creepy and dangerous MK3s still on 43? 831J just went up in flames. Hope to see Citaros replace them ASAP!
Originally posted by SMB228X:BUT even you said certain buses are already falling apart!
15 years later.
"Falling Apart : The chronicles of SBST K230UBs."SBS should only get THE BEST..OR NOTHING!!!
The best or nothing? Are u willing to pay for the best too? Maybe three times of the 36-58cent fares paid by you.
SBS6154B assigned to BBDEP
Originally posted by AEW5001:82, 103, 159 have gotten at least a kub cameo alr. 372 even more times.
Ey boy, ONE only eh... after how many yrs of the KUB's launch?
159 lagi worse... one pathetic KUB from a svc that i equally like...
325 oso got KUB wat...
C'mon lah... mistreat 159 like hell... MKIII gone wat happen? MORE MKIII...
Originally posted by SMB228X:WHY? 43 is a neglected service!
Go and f*** yrself lah...
You go count how many EEV B2 43 has then tell me...
43 got the most number of HGDEP EEV B2 of all HGDEP svc u noe!!!
SBS 775Z ALSO throw to sv 112 ! on this svc few days already !
Originally posted by SMB128B:Go and f*** yrself lah...
You go count how many EEV B2 43 has then tell me...
43 got the most number of HGDEP EEV B2 of all HGDEP svc u noe!!!
Isn't that good? I like 43 to have full E5 K230UBs instead.
Haiyoh, chill guys. Everytime i visit this thread, i only spot like 1 proper Citaro spotting post on average per page leh.
Originally posted by vicamour:Please be patient with the deployments. There are still about 140 Citaros still not registered. There might be surprises in the future deployments.
With the Mk3s going, the depots can afford to play mahjong with their WABs already. Swap KUB for Citaro, vice versa.
Originally posted by vicamour:Please be patient with the deployments. There are still about 140 Citaros still not registered. There might be surprises in the future deployments.
True enough. The bus services especially those with many MK3s as of now will only have 4 months more to get their fleets upgraded.
Originally posted by SMB128B:43 got the most number of HGDEP EEV B2 of all HGDEP svc u noe!!!
43 used to have the most number of MK3 perms then.
It was in May 2010 when HGDEP took in 7 Batch 2 EEV K230UBs from SLBP in exchange with 4 Striders, that made service 43 had massive upgrades from MK3s to K230UBs overnight, leaving the solo SBS788L behind.
Registered on 14 Feb
Post removed.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Haiyoh, chill guys.
Everytime i visit this thread, i only spot like 1 proper Citaro spotting post on average per page leh.
Originally posted by vicamour:Please be patient with the deployments. There are still about 140 Citaros still not registered. There might be surprises in the future deployments.