Originally posted by SBS8676Z:Somehow I still dun understand why u still want to keep a big fuss over this matter. If others want to post, just let them post. U can choose not to interfere that's all. It is CNY season now and I am sure that no one here wishes to argue all this just because of small matters. Since user id SMB128B already mentioned he will keep his cool here, so be it.
Also dun forget that there are quite a number of service 163 fans in here sgforums, including myself. So dun be surprised if different users here keep mentioning 163 here and there. In fact I know some of us here would also like to see more new buses or DDs deployed on 163 in future.
Just my 2 cents worth...
Originally posted by SBS494J:i so freaking agree with you. These kids really need to learn to shut the fuck up. 163 is just a service. In fact, i find it damn boring. When time comes, the service will get new buses. these kids don't know how to treasure the older buses one. and i love the fact that it's not WAB.
Haha yeah what to do.Now the world has changed alot alr and so do the newer generations of kids..
To : Merczrox
I can post anything i wan here right? no nid u to care and y should citaro get on 34 its not even an 1 h 20min journey so wat for? LOL i agree wif SMB128B 34 shuld not get citaros
23-1-12 rided 6016S 53 loop service to airport didnt saw 24 then take a dirty 8454Y service 24 back and taken to AMK int no citaro? 6078M went to 136? 6077R went to 261? 6079K went to 131? 6081C went to 138? LOL
Actually i like citaro because it dosent jerk like KUBS but the aircorn is really cold for sv53 6016S cuz it goes to the pasir ris dr 1 KUBS 75% �f the bus jerk de�ends �f the driver but the �irc�rn is OK cit�r�s like 6�55D is �k te��er�ture h��e SBS c�n fix the �irc�rn  �r�ble�
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:To : Merczrox
I can post anything i wan here right? no nid u to care and y should citaro get on 34 its not even an 1 h 20min journey so wat for? LOL i agree wif SMB128B 34 shuld not get citaros
I didnt say that u couldnt post whatever u like here.But this is really going overboard day by day.Btw i want to ask u.U work in sbst ah??Who r u to say that svc 34 shouldnt get the Citaros??So if its a short svc means dosent require new buses la??Only your so called more than '1 hr 20 mins' svc 163 deserves Citaro??Wow what new law is this man??I didnt even know that such a law existed in the 1st place.And to hell with your fucking svc 163 la bloody childish idiots.All go and marry your stupid svc 163 and dump every single new bus there also u all still not happy one.Alr got kub still not happy ask for Citaro.Born to complain only.Give DD also still not happy still can ask for somemore.And for a moment i didnt know that whichever new bus sbst buys,they should only go to svc 163 1st.No other svc should get it.Thats what u r trying to say right??What a childish mindset u have man.Every new bus also 163 should get.If not forever also complain.Like this might as well sbst withdraw all the svcs in singapore and only live with svc 163 better la.Then dump every single new bus there.Then only greedy and stingy ppl like u will be happy.
Haha u can agree all u want with your brother SMB128B la.I not saying cannot what.But in the end,its us who r laughing.Haha no matter how much u whine and complain like a fucking broken recorder,its still the svcs like 34 which r getting the Citaros.And svcs like 163 r not.Haha it really seems to be a coincidence.The more u all keep whining day by day,nothing just seems to be happening.Who knows maybe even sbst also enjoys seeing how long can u all go with this whining.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:To : Merczrox
I can post anything i wan here right? no nid u to care and y should citaro get on 34 its not even an 1 h 20min journey so wat for? LOL i agree wif SMB128B 34 shuld not get citaros
Haiyoh, why are there so many flamewars in this thread? See, too much horsepower, people will still argue. Calm down alittle yeah everyone, those who love these much more powerful buses will one day be involved in an accident by them (0-40kmh in a Citaro in definitely much faster in a Citaro than a KUB btw under full acceleration plus slipgear).
Anyway, to get back on topic. I had this in my cameo list sometime back, just recalled it.
Sv 6 SBS 6000L (BN 28) - On 21 Jan (Sat). Half-day again as the 1st Citaro appearance on 6 previously.
-------- Double post ------------
Originally posted by TIB783G:I would appreciate if you can keep the part highlighted in red to yourself. Don't forget that there could be WCB people living near the 163 corridors.
Yeah to be honest, there's no use in hating 163 just because of those people who love to champion for it. If those who champion for it phrase their words nicer, we wouldn't be hating 163 that much. It's a non-living thing dudes, it's just a bus service and vehicles plying the route.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
I didnt say that u couldnt post whatever u like here.But this is really going overboard day by day.Btw i want to ask u.U work in sbst ah??Who r u to say that svc 34 shouldnt get the Citaros??So if its a short svc means dosent require new buses la??Only your so called more than '1 hr 20 mins' svc 163 deserves Citaro??Wow what new law is this man??I didnt even know that such a law existed in the 1st place.And to hell with your fucking svc 163 la bloody childish idiots.All go and marry your stupid svc 163 and dump every single new bus there also u all still not happy one.Alr got kub still not happy ask for Citaro.Born to complain only.Give DD also still not happy still can ask for somemore.And for a moment i didnt know that whichever new bus sbst buys,they should only go to svc 163 1st.No other svc should get it.Thats what u r trying to say right??What a childish mindset u have man.Every new bus also 163 should get.If not forever also complain.Like this might as well sbst withdraw all the svcs in singapore and only live with svc 163 better la.Then dump every single new bus there.Then only greedy and stingy ppl like u will be happy.
Haha u can agree all u want with your brother SMB128B la.I not saying cannot what.But in the end,its us who r laughing.Haha no matter how much u whine and complain like a fucking broken recorder,its still the svcs like 34 which r getting the Citaros.And svcs like 163 r not.Haha it really seems to be a coincidence.The more u all keep whining day by day,nothing just seems to be happening.Who knows maybe even sbst also enjoys seeing how long can u all go with this whining.
Chill man. I'm a 163 fan myself and I do hope that you'll respect those who want and hope for better buses for their favourite bus services. Yes, some of the forumers might have gone overboard in their excitement but seriously, it's just excitement over new buses lah. I myself is perfectly alright with the current fleet but I do hope for citaros on this service.
In any way, just dont be too bothered with people who express their excitement over buses in this thread. I understand how you guys are feeling, it's like as if every single new bus must be deployed on this service then people are happy right? But I seriously think that's not the case. Perhaps it's the way they phrase their excitment and all. So dont take it too hard.
Hope you understand. :)
Originally posted by SBST163:Chill man. I'm a 163 fan myself and I do hope that you'll respect those who want and hope for better buses for their favourite bus services. Yes, some of the forumers might have gone overboard in their excitement but seriously, it's just excitement over new buses lah. I myself is perfectly alright with the current fleet but I do hope for citaros on this service.
In any way, just dont be too bothered with people who express their excitement over buses in this thread. I understand how you guys are feeling, it's like as if every single new bus must be deployed on this service then people are happy right? But I seriously think that's not the case. Perhaps it's the way they phrase their excitment and all. So dont take it too hard.
Hope you understand. :)
Different people have different points of view over buses. Some like new buses, some like old buses. And I believe there are also some users here whom fancy old buses and can't bear to see them go (eg. Merczrox, SBS494J, bus555 etc).
I personally it is best for all of us to keep all our personal thoughts to ourselves whether u like old or new buses. I agree with user TIB783G, suggest individuals discuss over PM instead of venting frustrations over here and creating more unnecessary flame wars just over a bus service. They are some users here whom went too overboard, but what to do? Just let the moderators handle the situation instead of posting all those sarcastic remarks over here, who knows, u might have unknowingly stepped onto other people's tail down here...
Accept the fact that regardless we all like old buses or not, they will have to go one day and replaced by newer buses. Even the new buses now (K230UBs, OC500LEs, Wrights, Citaros, MAN A22s), these buses will get older as the years pass by and they also have to go after 19 years. Too bad that this is Singapore government's law. Unlike other neighboring countries that have 30 year old buses and vehicles still running on the roads.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:To : Merczrox
I can post anything i wan here right? no nid u to care and y should citaro get on 34 its not even an 1 h 20min journey so wat for? LOL i agree wif SMB128B 34 shuld not get citaros
Yes, you can but the moderator can also remove your post.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Haiyoh, why are there so many flamewars in this thread? See, too much horsepower, people will still argue.
Calm down alittle yeah everyone, those who love these much more powerful buses will one day be involved in an accident by them (0-40kmh in a Citaro in definitely much faster in a Citaro than a KUB btw under full acceleration plus slipgear).
Anyway, to get back on topic. I had this in my cameo list sometime back, just recalled it.
Sv 6 SBS 6000L (BN 28) - On 21 Jan (Sat). Half-day again as the 1st Citaro appearance on 6 previously.
The Loyang workers will be strange to find a Citaro on their way to work.
To:Gus.chong yea i noe lol
To :Merczrox
Just shut the fuck hell up wat i do is non of ur concern and stop being a kpkb keipo sh!t mother fucker nigga ass hole who fucking show off ur not even a moderator and since u ask me y dun u just go be the sbst boss? or are u even a kid? a foreigner who dosent have a work permit and works illegally here? and am i ur dog? must follow everything u say? i bet u have to learn how to train a basic dog 1st? or are u scared of dogs? OMG cant believe u
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:
To:Gus.chong yea i noe lol
To :Merczrox
Just shut the fuck hell up wat i do is non of ur concern and stop being a kpkb keipo sh!t mother fucker nigga ass hole who fucking show off ur not even a moderator and since u ask me y dun u just go be the sbst boss? or are u even a kid? a foreigner who dosent have a work permit and works illegally here? and am i ur dog? must follow everything u say? i bet u have to learn how to train a basic dog 1st? or are u scared of dogs? OMG cant believe u
Haha just over a fucking bus,u wanna call other ppl mother fuckers nigga ass holes??Haha great.U have proved yourself really well in your above post that u r a creature picked from a rubbish bin.If u really had been thought good things by your parents,u wouldnt be scolding ppl like this.U think only u can play busok by pulling in ppl's parents over such a fucking trivial matter,so be it.But too bad i dont want to go down to your fucking level.Say all u want u fucking son of a bitch but watch your fucking words.The arguement was only over a fucking bus topic.For what fuck must u pull in ppl's parents??Haha guys,i guess all of u would have seen this fucking pussy's true self in his post.Maybe u all would want to be extra careful yourselfes.If u all get into an arguement with him next time,this is the same busok tactic he will use to try to outwit u.
And i make a promise now.Nvr am i going to get into an arguement regarding this fucking matter again.This is my last time posting regarding about this fucking issue.Have to admit that we cant win this pussy kids who for no reason bring in ppl's parents into an arguement when they know they r clearly losing.
Everyone just stop fucking each other.
To Merczrox : Ignore the troll.. don't feed them can alr.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Everyone just stop fucking each other.
To Merczrox : Ignore the troll.. don't feed them can alr.
Yeah.As i said in my previous post,let them fucking crap around all they want to.I am just washing my hands off this matter once and for all.I am not gonna bother about this fucking matter anymore alr. :)
To Merczrox,
You asked user SBS6078M that what feud did he had wif svc 34, I ask you again: What feud did u had wif the svc 163??? We are juz merely asking for juz a few newer buses here and there for 163 to replace the downgrades, not to flame around and cause nonsense. I am oredi kinda happy wif the way 163 iz now, but not wif the way u criticise 163 liddat.
Deeban ah, if U ask URSELF: What are the svc i like and what will happen if ppl criticise it? U wil noe how f***ing annoyed we are by yr nonsense. So pls do some self-reflection and SBS494J, u too.
wow i didnt know svc 34 and svc 163 can get wtf flaming?
And juz becoz of a citaro that is on 34?
wtf wor..
haiz svc 163, eh SBS6078M (user) , wad the big deal for citaro on 34 instead of 163?
Wad ur reason for that if that bus not on svc 163?
and y should it be on svc 163? Benefits u? or juz for ur ego?
Originally posted by SMB128B:To Merczrox,
You asked user SBS6078M that what feud did he had wif svc 34, I ask you again: What feud did u had wif the svc 163??? We are juz merely asking for juz a few newer buses here and there for 163 to replace the downgrades, not to flame around and cause nonsense. I am oredi kinda happy wif the way 163 iz now, but not wif the way u criticise 163 liddat.
Deeban ah, if U ask URSELF: What are the svc i like and what will happen if ppl criticise it? U wil noe how f***ing annoyed we are by yr nonsense. So pls do some self-reflection and SBS494J, u too.
I know la.I alr said everything is over rite.
And btw,u all dun think u all r too smart la if u manage to find out my name and keep posting it here..Cb knn stalk on ppl.How many ppl like u i had seen b4..Act smart stalk here stalk there manage to find out ppl's name then post here like some big piece of shit like that.Confirm u ask that 8676Z my name rite..Basket that fellow so bochup one ah free time can go stalk who is doing what shit..All cb sit behind comp know how to stalk ppl only.U all want the whole world to know who i am and bring down my name rite.Nvm la in a way i cant blame u all also if u all want to make me famous.U keep posting my name or address or whatever shit here also i not scared one la..I rest my case here.
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):wow i didnt know svc 34 and svc 163 can get wtf flaming?
And juz becoz of a citaro that is on 34?
wtf wor..
haiz svc 163, eh SBS6078M (user) , wad the big deal for citaro on 34 instead of 163?
Wad ur reason for that if that bus not on svc 163?
and y should it be on svc 163? Benefits u? or juz for ur ego?
Aiyah heck care that son of a bitch la..He only knows how to call ppl motherfuckers and niggas for such a trivial matter.His parents nvr teach him b4 one.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Confirm u ask that 8676Z my name rite..Basket that fellow so bochup one ah free time can go stalk who is doing what shit..All cb sit behind comp know how to stalk ppl only.U all want the whole world to know who i am and bring down my name rite.Nvm la in a way i cant blame u all also if u all want to make me famous.U keep posting my name or address or whatever shit here also i not scared one la..I rest my case here.
Refer to your post in RED.
Can u please rest your case here by STOP POSTING all these?? And please stop getting me involved too. When did I offend u?? And when did I feed the troll?? Regarding your name, let me tell u again that I DID NOT rely any info on that. Remember 2-3 years back, u ever introduced yourself before in the introductions thread? U also can't stop other users here to look at the past threads, can u??
Let me remind u one more time, if u want to stop creating a flame war, u as your part please stop posting all these craps too. If others like SMB128B and SBS6078M want to post, let them post. If they shoot u back, then is your own problem. Think twice, what have u done in order for them to shoot u? And I have nothing to do over this matter.
Btw also please stop calling others kids anymore, including myself. just to let u know, I am in my 30s this year and i am already married. I dun know how old users SMB128B and SBS6078M are. To me u are still a kid, based on the way u post. If I am rite u are still below 21 right? So please think of yourself first before u call others "kids".
And lastly, please also show some respect over each and every bus fans down here. If they like new buses on service 163, so be it. If u like the old buses so much especially the MK3s, go and make use of the time now to enjoy the rides before they are gone.
Thank you.
Guys, I really dunno why there's a need to fight on this trivia matters, but before you start pointing your finger saying his/her parents never teach him/her properly, bear in mind that the other 3 fingers are pointing at yourself.
Merczrox, true enough that I just need to google your nick and your intro on yourself back in 2008 was shown clearly on my screen, so SBS6078M would have even google it and found your real name, so dun blame others for your own carelessness as you yourself are the one whom posted your real name earlier.
I'm not helping anyone here, but just hope that my post can extinguish the flame and drain away this ugly scene. Be it you are 18 years old or 30 years old, there are still bus fans younger than you, watching this great movie directed by you guys involved. Guys, Jackie Chan and Jet Li no more making CNY movies, so stop all the fighting scenes.
Chill man.
2 cents worth.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:
The Loyang workers will be strange to find a Citaro on their way to work.
Nothing new.
Last time they find a MAN bus on their way to work too...
SBS Transit Mercedes-Benz O530 (Evobus)
Quantity: 150 / 300
Bus Services plied (as of 3 January 2012):
3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 24, 27, 28, 30e, 32, 35, 43, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 66, 74, 78, 80, 83, 87, 88, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 105, 109, 111, 119, 123, 125, 131, 138, 143, 147, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158, 163, 165, 166, 168, 175, 183, 195, 196, 198, 200, 222, 225, 228, 229, 252, 261, 268, 272, 273, 275, 282, 285, 292, 293, 315, 317, 333, 334, 335, 354, 400, 402, 410, 502, 506, 518, 3N
Buses registered (as of 3 January 2012):
> SBS6000L (BNDEP 28)
> SBS6001J (BNDEP 28)
> SBS6002G (AMDEP 138)
> SBS6003D (AMDEP 138)
> SBS6004B (AMDEP 138)
> SBS6005Z (AMDEP 138)
> SBS6006X (SLBP 52)
> SBS6007T (BRBP 28)
> SBS6008R (BRBP 28)
> SBS6009M (BRBP 28)
> SBS6010H (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6011E (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6012C (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6013A (BRBP 131)
> SBS6014Y (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6015U (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6016S (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6017P (SLBP 502)
> SBS6018L (ARBP 16)
> SBS6019J (ARBP 195)
> SBS6020D (ARBP 195)
> SBS6021B (ARBP 16)
> SBS6022Z (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6023X (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6024T (ARBP 123)
> SBS6025R (ARBP 123)
> SBS6026M (ARBP 16)
> SBS6027K (ARBP 16)
> SBS6028H (ARBP 16)
> SBS6029E (SLBP 52)
> SBS6030A (SLBP 52)
> SBS6031Y (SLBP 52)
> SBS6032U (SLBP 502)
> SBS6033S (SLBP 66)
> SBS6034P (SLBP 66)
> SBS6035L (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6036J (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6037G (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6038D (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6039B (ARBP 32)
> SBS6040X (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6041T (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6042R (BBDEP 96)
> SBS6043M (BBDEP 96)
> SBS6044K (BBDEP 96)
> SBS6045H (BBDEP 96)
> SBS6046E (BBDEP 96)
> SBS6047C (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6048A (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6049Y (BBDEP 7/78)
> SBS6050S (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6051P (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6052L (ARBP 111)
> SBS6053J (HGDEP 83)
> SBS6054G (HGDEP 83)
> SBS6055D (AMDEP 53)
> SBS6056B (BRBP 131)
> SBS6057Z (AMDEP 125)
> SBS6058X (BNDEP 109)
> SBS6059T (BNDEP 9/35)
> SBS6060M (AMDEP 125)
> SBS6061K (BNDEP 222)
> SBS6062H (AMDEP 56)
> SBS6063E (AMDEP 56)
> SBS6064C (AMDEP 138)
> SBS6065A (HGDEP 109)
> SBS6066Y (SLBP 335)
> SBS6067U (HGDEP 109)
> SBS6068S (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6069P (SLBP 333)
> SBS6070J (SLBP 333)
> SBS6071G (SLBP 52)
> SBS6072D (SLBP 52)
> SBS6073B (SLBP 502)
> SBS6074Z (SLBP 502)
> SBS6075X (SLBP 66)
> SBS6076T (HGDEP 109/315)
> SBS6077R (AMDEP 24/261)
> SBS6078M (AMDEP 24)
> SBS6079K (BRBP 131)
> SBS6081C (AMDEP 24)
> SBS6082A (BNDEP 222)
> SBS6083Y (BNDEP 222)
> SBS6084U (BNDEP 518)
> SBS6085S (BNDEP 518)
> SBS6087L (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6088J (HGDEP 51)
> SBS6089G (HGDEP 83)
> SBS6090B (HGDEP 83)
> SBS6091Z (HGDEP 83/TRG)
> SBS6092X (HGDEP 83)
> SBS6093T (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6094R (BNDEP 28)
> SBS6095M (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6096K (HGDEP 158)
> SBS6097H (HGDEP 158)
> SBS6098E (HGDEP 151)
> SBS6101D (ARBP 48)
> SBS6104X (ARBP 16)
> SBS6106R (ARBP 16)
> SBS6107M (BBDEP 156)
> SBS6110C (ARBP 111)
> SBS6111A (ARBP 111)
> SBS6112Y (ARBP 111)
> SBS6113U (ARBP 16)
> SBS6114S (ARBP 16)
> SBS6115P (HGDEP 317)
> SBS6116L (BNDEP 109)
> SBS6117J (BNDEP 518)
> SBS6118G (ARBP 16)
> SBS6119D (ARBP 16)
> SBS6120Z (ARBP 16)
> SBS6121X (ARBP 16)
> SBS6122T (HGDEP 317)
> SBS6123R (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6124M (HGDEP 151)
> SBS6125K (HGDEP 151)
> SBS6126H (BNDEP 9/35)
> SBS6127E (HGDEP 151)
> SBS6128C (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6129A (HGDEP 101)
> SBS6131S (HGDEP 51)
> SBS6136D (BBDEP 175)
> SBS6139X (ARBP 16)
> SBS6142K (ARBP 16)
> SBS6145C (ARBP 16)
> SBS6148U (ARBP 123)
> SBS6149S (ARBP 123)