Originally posted by SBS8155K:315 got very heavy load after it relocated to the new int.
it is originally very popular demanding oredi, it's just that over here, since directly connected to MRT, last time is 50% int, 50% following stop, now 100% int
Originally posted by SMB128B:
it is originally very popular demanding oredi, it's just that over here, since directly connected to MRT, last time is 50% int, 50% following stop, now 100% int
Originally posted by SBS5013G:45,113,74,147,16,65
Originally posted by hairycrab138:334? I personally think it needs Double Deckers. =)
Last time they have double deckers for 334 when I was young very windy to sit at the 2nd floor and enjoy the wind. After reviewing the bus route, they decided to have single deck for it.
During peak hour, the bus is cramp especially it serves two big neighbourhood and many schools in Jurong. For non-peak hour, the pax count is just comfortable for single deck.
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:
Last time they have double deckers for 334 when I was youngvery windy to sit at the 2nd floor and enjoy the wind. After reviewing the bus route, they decided to have single deck for it.
During peak hour, the bus is cramp especially it serves two big neighbourhood and many schools in Jurong. For non-peak hour, the pax count is just comfortable for single deck.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
addon : 53,113,105,80
80? ermmm... not as crowded, 105 as well, but still noticebly popular at peak hours
Originally posted by SMB128B:
80? ermmm... not as crowded, 105 as well, but still noticebly popular at peak hours
svc 222..
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
113 leh?
Originally posted by SMB128B:
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
Yes means??
Originally posted by SMB128B:
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
int very less ppl take as it makes a big loop before proceeding to hougang ave 8/hg mall then start it's normal routing (80% of passengers board there) for holy high students , they will take at hg plaza , chij girls take outside their school , while people at ave 6 take 113 to kovan mrt, seats full but 2-3 standees from hg mall that side, but from kovan mrt always pack =D, last time 113 got additional bus, now dont have, don't know for whatever apparent reason.
i tot wkday afternoon a wave of aunties take at int after their NTUC shopping?
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
no matter how popular it is, the bus is never packed to the door. at the most some standees only, from what i can see.
NO..., from int onwards the WHOLE ASILE is jam-packed wif people. i basically had a hard time breathing on that bus becoz of the OWs all going back home. blame SBS again, for not arranging the frequencies of 317 and 315, and not deploying KUB on 315. Becoz the reason it became so packed is becoz usually those queueing for 317( a whole berth of those) just jump queue and take the alternative 315 when it came first(315 the line is less than a row).
Originally posted by SMB128B:NO..., from int onwards the WHOLE ASILE is jam-packed wif people. i basically had a hard time breathing on that bus becoz of the OWs all going back home. blame SBS again, for not arranging the frequencies of 317 and 315, and not deploying KUB on 315. Becoz the reason it became so packed is becoz usually those queueing for 317( a whole berth of those) just jump queue and take the alternative 315 when it came first(315 the line is less than a row).
Originally posted by SMB128B:
i tot wkday afternoon a wave of aunties take at int after their NTUC shopping?
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
315/317 duplicates the route of going to serangoon gdn circus. if you see, without those ow workers, the bus wouldnt be so packed, the pax count will be jus comfortable, people board these buses from the int only, and people start boarding these buses at the loop point to the int.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
how you know~ stalker ah >:)
i take bus in HG int frequently, i know mah... -,-"
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
315/317 duplicates the route of going to serangoon gdn circus. if you see, without those ow workers, the bus wouldnt be so packed, the pax count will be jus comfortable, people board these buses from the int only, and people start boarding these buses at the loop point to the int.
yep, and they all going to chomp chomp...
Originally posted by SMB128B:
i take bus in HG int frequently, i know mah... -,-"
Originally posted by SMB128B:
yep, and they all going to chomp chomp...
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
now still got take? >:)
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
personally i'll take 315 to chomp chomp. 317 takes a big loop to reach there >:)
i take whichever comes first, if 317 comes first, i take it becoz by the time i wait for 315 and take the shorter one, i would have oredi rached chomp chomp oredi, UNLESS if 315 is just behind 317, then...