I've no idea does others face tis problem as well
It seems there's always those trips of Sv 160/ 170 (more of 170) tat's not reflected on iris NextBus and yet in no time a Sv 170 bus arrives at your bus stop.
It's been occuring for like 2 - 3 times while waiting for bus 170 to Woodlands Centre at Kranji MRT.
Does anyone has problem waiting for Sv 160? There's once waited 25 mins for 160 at Kranji towards Jurong East.
think e iris slightly better riao
But I've noticed updates along Woodlands Rd is kinda laggy, dunno is it because of the vegetation
160, 170, 170X are now quite well arranged. 170X would die die appear within every 6 - 8 mins , but yah at some timing you might nid to wait for 2nd bus.
11 Jan @ 1054. JB State public holiday.
Woodlands CIQ inbound jam
160 goes 'No prediction' towards JB on iris.
Seems there's no bus locally by using checkpoints @ Ten Mile, Woodlands CIQ & JB CIQ, Parc Oasis.
*Thinks there's something wrong w/ iris output as well
@ 1109
Next trip towards JB is dispatched. Seems like it's 'manual' dispatch mode le. iris keeps on revising estd arr time
Turns out iris is sot
14/01 evening
happened to pass by
Close to some 100 ppl waiting for 160/ 170 (Red) at Opp KRJ bus stop. They were standing along e bus bay.
Chaotic situation
Freq pretty stable today
long queue at BC's mealbreak timing.
crazy spree of buses heading to and fro for downroutes.. a number of 170 spotted at PIE
17 Jan
Passed by Bt Timah during AM off peak
170 full route pretty regular ard 12 - 13 mins per bus.
No time to go down and check
Right now @ 1846
iris showing 170 towards JB no prediction.
40 mins gap for Queen St bound.
Not too sure is it some trips not keyed into system kind of problem again
mmm... I think a reason can be found how come PM peak ops is screwed. Likely thanks to Bt Timah belt after school jam at 1pm.
Sv 160 indeed has > 30 mins headways. Dunno why. The 'sticky' next bus timing is still there.
Sv 170X's ops has improved lots. By 2020, there's no issue of massive backlog. The problem of lack of buses bet 1930 - 2015 is no longer there.
Sv 170's ops has improved. But fare evasion problem is there.
Skycam update. Outbound to JB massive jam
Places where 160 & 170's iris can go wrong or jumpy.
1) Woodlands Rd: More of schedule issue. Planned run time is much longer than actual needed, since my rides are alrdy buses travelling at 40kph. That also explains how come a 20 mins gap could end up displayed as 36 mins gap at JB CIQ (Towards KRT).
2) Causeway: 12 mins planned inbound, but I believe time needed is just 8 - 9 mins. Buses can go missing as it crosses the border.
3) 160 & 170X: Been having a suspicion tat some 170X buses are keyed into 160 data.
4) 170/ 170X: The blue plates tat runs on special runs from Larkin are indicated as 170 instead of 170X. This one is llst due to the route system.
horror 30 mins headways reading again
Headways is likely to have hit 70 mins, unless there's details not keyed into iris
160's schedule so called planned one gives a lot of time along Woodlands Rd, but lack at CCK Rd during PM peak.
Tat's for one example.
Evening ops: 170 SG bound heywired. Rest considered ok
28/1 update
Sv 160 madness.. 1 hr headways
Simply because of Old Woodlands Road lorry jam...
kns, queue dun want to queue.. start cut queueing and horn
frequency screwed due to lorry jam in the afternoon.
Can't ICA open up Old WDL CIQ from noon for these lorries?
I think the KRJ havoc is beginning today.
Think many factories and org would wind down for CNY le.
CNY eve
160 headways
From JUE: 11-13; 9-14; 13-14; 9-15
From KRT: 11-25; 4-20; 13-14; 9-17
From Queen St: 8-10; 8-13; 9-13; 8-12
From Larkin: 8-10; 9-12; 10-12; 8-11
From KRJ: 6-7; 2-9; 4-9; 3-7
From KRT: 6-9; 2-9; 4-9; 3-7
Ultra smooth traffic from skycam
Sun/ CNY schedule
From JUE
0530 - 0830: 9 - 15
0831- 1659: 8 - 15
1700 - 1900: 13 - 16
1901 - 0000: 13 - 16
From KRT
0530 - 0830: 12 - 16
0831 - 1659: 5 - 15
1700 - 1900: 11 - 16
1901 - 0025: 10 - 16
During e jam from JB CIQ to WDL CIQ, saw at least 2x Sv 170X, 2x Sv 170, 1x Sv 950, & 1x CW1 towards SIN.
Towards JB saw 3x Sv 170X, 2x Sv 170, 1x Sv 160, 1x CW1, 1x CW2, 1x Sv 950.
Jam bef JB CIQ.. As far as I know, 160/ 170X at least uses Stulang Laut to get to JB CIQ.
Turns out there's a handful of commuters taking 170X to Kota Raya II.
160 towards JB "No Prediction"