Originally posted by eX.A.K.R.:Problem: they are not perms... yet.
I will rejoice when Dennis Tridents become permers on route 161, so my dream of Dennis Tridents at Woodlands Interchange will become a regular reality.
Also, I'm quite surprised that they are not putting any Scania KUB buses on routes 161 and 168 yet - at least on a more often or regular basis.
You can have them all you like.
And you can roast and bounce along the expressway at 55-60km/h (no faster) if you want as bonus.
If I had to choose between the VSO and Trident in the AM/HG days, I would have happily picked the former anyday anytime. The Trident isn't as much fast than the VSO as people often make it out to be. And the suspension is just plain horrible. (too soft).
Only thing cute about the Trident would be the single side-facing seat on the upper deck. Yes. I liked that seat. Can put hand on top of the fire extinguisher compartment.
Originally posted by TIB657M:SMB137A EDS reformatted to the OC version!!!
haha yea. seems to have just reformatted.
though when the front shows "OFF SERVICE", the rear EDS shows "001" , which seems to be the version data number (my guess)
is waiting to see if all the other SMRT Mobitec-equipped buses are gonna get this reformat.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
is waiting to see if all the other SMRT Mobitec-equipped buses are gonna get this reformat.
Hmm I guess probably not, from my observation that all the WAB buses display their service number on the right, whereas all (or most - are there exceptions?) the non-WAB buses display their service number on the left, whether these buses have new Mobitec/Lawo EDS or still using the old ones.
This can probably allow people to easily differentiate between the WAB and non-WAB buses from afar ...
Originally posted by service_238:antique man some of them
:c last year nia
31/01/2011 (Mon)
SBS845E on 7 (BBDEP SP)
Selected cameos/pics for the month of Jan:
SBS823T on 196 (BB 175) Electrolux
SBS940M on 16 (AR 93)
SBS985J on 95 (AR 198)
SBS2779A on 161 (HG 107)
SBS7525H on 197 (SL 197) Bedok EDS
SBS7527C on 197 (SL 197) Jurong East EDS
SBS8888D on 80 (HG 100)
SBS9300B on 166 (AM 25)
SBS9489R on 22 (BR 88)
SBS9810X on 28 (BR 31)
SBS9889U on 166 (BB 166) EDS + route details
TIB366C on 985 (AM 852) CCK / Lor 1 EDS
TIB846J on 859 (WL 187)
TIB847G on 961 (WL 852)