SBS Transit's Scania K230UBs are having CCTVs installed top of the rear of the bus.
Spotted a few AMDEP KUBs having it.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:SBS Transit's Scania K230UBs are having CCTVs installed top of the rear of the bus.
Spotted a few AMDEP KUBs having it.
include SLBP
Originally posted by sbst275:Just came back
Dunno wat's SLBP really doing. Not a single 179A appeared.
By the time I gave up observing, a total of 400 ppl were stranded at NTU. Outside I saw so many empty 241 towards Jurong N9, brunching somemore.
It's back to square one.
I bet SLBP is only dispatching 50% of the planned capacity onto 179.
I dun understand why SLBP love to dispatch buses onto 179 instead. It ends up those ppl who stays at Jurong N7, N8, N6 deprived of a chance to board the bus. If they more garang dispatch more 179A by force, then those ppl and at Pioneer Rd Nth bus stop has better boarding chances.
Like I've said, chicken n egg problem.
I dunno wat's w/ ppl at SLBP, as if it's so efficient to make ppl wait 30 mins for 1 bus.
I believe you are talking about the PM Peak. I heard from some BC that many of the 179s are stuck at NTU. The passenger volume was recorded high but what can be done is to build longer bus stops in NTU. Buses are usually late and can't get back on schedule and also can't park at BNL for long time. What can be done will be transferring 179 back to the temp int which is impossible.
Similar incident also happen between the bus stop opp Clementi MRT bound SIM/Ngee Ann in the morning and vice-versa. I heard students complained that they had to wait for close to 30 mins in the morning peak at Clementi to board a bus. In the evening, students at Ngee Ann bus stop are also left stranded at the bus stop. Part of the reason is also the Jam in the evening. With close to 5 services serving along Clementi Rd, there are also similar incident in other part of the schools. This can likely be solved if MRT could be extend to these areas.
Empty 241 will occur from BNL to N9 and brunching was due to the previous bus was late. I had observed this trend where the 179 S or E shift buses start their crossover to 241 are late and caused such problem. There are also notable high capacity between 4 - 5pm from N9 to Pioneer/BNL. Not to mention about the real business from 6pm - 7.30pm.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:brunching
Not to mention about the real business from 6pm - 7.30pm.
let's go brunching tmr. i love sunny side up :)
so after 730pm no business occurs?
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:I believe you are talking about the PM Peak. I heard from some BC that many of the 179s are stuck at NTU. The passenger volume was recorded high but what can be done is to build longer bus stops in NTU. Buses are usually late and can't get back on schedule and also can't park at BNL for long time. What can be done will be transferring 179 back to the temp int which is impossible.
Similar incident also happen between the bus stop opp Clementi MRT bound SIM/Ngee Ann in the morning and vice-versa. I heard students complained that they had to wait for close to 30 mins in the morning peak at Clementi to board a bus. In the evening, students at Ngee Ann bus stop are also left stranded at the bus stop. Part of the reason is also the Jam in the evening. With close to 5 services serving along Clementi Rd, there are also similar incident in other part of the schools. This can likely be solved if MRT could be extend to these areas.
Empty 241 will occur from BNL to N9 and brunching was due to the previous bus was late. I had observed this trend where the 179 S or E shift buses start their crossover to 241 are late and caused such problem. There are also notable high capacity between 4 - 5pm from N9 to Pioneer/BNL. Not to mention about the real business from 6pm - 7.30pm.
The problem I've noticed is rather the buses are not dispatched accordingly. There's more 179 dispatched these days.
I admit there's p-t students heading in, but there's way more heading out. Furthermore I've said bef, there's no pt even if students prefer by dispatching more 179.
179A empty buses picking up ppl from either Nth or South Spine (downroute) clears the crowd faster than waiting for ppl to alight 1st (179).
179A issue is because timekeeper dun want to dispatch buses by timing. They always wait till like ADD load to dispatch during the lower demand time slot. Ends up the buses are dispatched like 15 mins behind scheduled.
Ends up these buses cannot do the 179 trips bet 0930 - 1020 on time. This slow is supposed to be 2 mins headways.
I've noticed 1800 - 1930 is not as peak as claimed, I've seen brunching empty ADDs into N9. mmm, maybe ard 1900 yes
Only 1 packed ADD was spotted.
SBS9145H made a super loud "WHROONG" sound that frightened almost everyone on the bus stop when it stopped to pick up ppl. SBST should replace the brake pads asap incase of accident due to a worn out brake pad.
Originally posted by sbst275:I've noticed 1800 - 1930 is not as peak as claimed, I've seen brunching empty ADDs into N9. mmm, maybe ard 1900 yes
Only 1 packed ADD was spotted.
As mentioned earlier, empty 241 will occur from BNL to N9 and buses will come together due to the previous bus was late or having high passenger capacity. I had observed this trend where the 179 S or E shift buses start their crossover to 241 are late and caused such problem. Currently, some BC and I also discover an increase in no of ppl leaving N9 during 1800-1915.
The problem w/ NP's is that SBS is unable to anymore buses to Clementi.
You can add during AM peak but wat abt PM peak of the bus stop mess os Clementi Mall? The other way is to add on Sv 74 trips instead which incurr buses
As for MRT...
I've said over NTU's jioing to LTA to give them a LRT. For NTU's case it's pretty simple, for 1/2 of the year NTU is in recess, what are they going to do w/ e LRT trains? Furthermore an LRT can only carry some 90 pax vs ADD's 120 pax.
As for Clementi Rd, I do not see a point into building an LRT or spur line for now. I think tabulating the cost and benefits does not balance
Originally posted by sbst275:The problem w/ NP's is that SBS is unable to anymore buses to Clementi.
You can add during AM peak but wat abt PM peak of the bus stop mess os Clementi Mall? The other way is to add on Sv 74 trips instead which incurr buses
it is not only SBS issue, 184 and 75 have to play a part too, that also includes the high demand svc like 61.
I don't know whats with the time keeper at WRI today.
1255H was late, and 584P caught up, and they chose to let 1255H go and 584P wait, where later the same thing at Kranji MRT station happened, 1255H reached Kranji MRT at 2123, 584P caught up at 2128, ended up 1255H doing 2nd last car from BNL, 584P going home last.
Seriously they should have just amended the schedule to meet Sundays one with the fleeting still same.
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:I don't know whats with the time keeper at WRI today.
1255H was late, and 584P caught up, and they chose to let 1255H go and 584P wait, where later the same thing at Kranji MRT station happened, 1255H reached Kranji MRT at 2123, 584P caught up at 2128, ended up 1255H doing 2nd last car from BNL, 584P going home last.
Seriously they should have just amended the schedule to meet Sundays one with the fleeting still same.
is the bus following schedule?
In such cases nothing wrong w/ timkeeper as long as I do not see the run time allocated.
Originally posted by sbst275:
is the bus following schedule?In such cases nothing wrong w/ timkeeper as long as I do not see the run time allocated.
Nope it wasn't following schedule
The fleet order was totally messed up and even after 10 minutes my 584P caught up with 1255H and again at first at WL, later at BNL it happened.
by right 1255H should be starting at 1830 but it didn't, 584P has time and they let 1255H start first instead of extending 584P's break time.
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:Nope it wasn't following schedule
The fleet order was totally messed up and even after 10 minutes my 584P caught up with 1255H and again at first at WL, later at BNL it happened.
by right 1255H should be starting at 1830 but it didn't, 584P has time and they let 1255H start first instead of extending 584P's break time.
if no one bothers to follow the schedule, nothing can be solved.
It contradicts what a schedule is for
If everyone follows the schedule properly and regulate their speed, nothing would happen. You did not even mention how long ppl would have to wait for the next bus aft 584's slot.
tat said SMRTB's schedule standard... shakes head
Originally posted by sbst275:
if no one bothers to follow the schedule, nothing can be solved.It contradicts what a schedule is for
If everyone follows the schedule properly and regulate their speed, nothing would happen. You did not even mention how long ppl would have to wait for the next bus aft 584's slot.
If I remember correctly at night it was 5 minutes, When I took it late afternoon straight from BNL it was like 10 min+, but 584 somewhat caught up with 1255 at KJ at about 6 and was surprised when I saw 1255H infront, at night 1255 is scheduled to start at 2146, and 584 starting at 2200, and this time also caught up with 1255.
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:If I remember correctly at night it was 5 minutes, When I took it late afternoon straight from BNL it was like 10 min+, but 584 somewhat caught up with 1255 at KJ at about 6 and was surprised when I saw 1255H infront, at night 1255 is scheduled to start at 2146, and 584 starting at 2200, and this time also caught up with 1255.
the behind bus aft 584
Originally posted by sbst275:
the behind bus aft 584
I'm not sure. but behind 1255H the freq was about 5 minutes
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:I'm not sure. but behind 1255H the freq was about 5 minutes
178's is always in a mess
Downroutes from Kranji towards BNL, 2 - 3 buses brunching at night. I dunno wat's next
Originally posted by sbst275:
178's is always in a messDownroutes from Kranji towards BNL, 2 - 3 buses brunching at night. I dunno wat's next
The weekday's schedule now follows sunday's schedule indirectly.
If you get my point you will know what I mean. The schedule has been amended atleast 2x, ART(Additional run time) from last year sept-march '11, after march 11 they use Additional with RT, I'm not sure what's next.
rescheduling dun matter, it's whether it's done properly or not.
I've better not reveal what I'm planning to do to show e problems w/ 178 in this domain
For 178's timing they make it longer about more than 15 minutes.
So if 637X comes in at 1715, 638T might follow suit at around 1734, but don't really see a problem with the schedules since all buses came on time, don't have to do downroute on W'days.
912 have it's worst fleet yesterday, 9 April 2011, from 1pm to 2pm. First, 3 bendy bunched up(TIB1185B, TIB1143Y, TIB1129P). Due to that, 3-4 normal freq bus, about 20mins, was left, causing a big gap to the next bunch. Around 1:39pm, another 2 bendy bunched up again(TIB1000B & TIB1179U).
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:For 178's timing they make it longer about more than 15 minutes.
So if 637X comes in at 1715, 638T might follow suit at around 1734, but don't really see a problem with the schedules since all buses came on time, don't have to do downroute on W'days.
problem is w/ tat kind of fleet size & 15 mins peak freq, it's very difficult to maintain
I've done a worst case type of scheduling for 178 ever before. It's like 14A/ 14 P, 4 S required. Tat's like 14 - 15 mins PM peak freq.
But I believe headways could be improved further if I go on more into differentating the running time.