Originally posted by TIB783G:Yes.
:( Guess SMB116K is going to be stripped of the Audi A1 Ad soon...
All the Former NUS Ad Habit are supposed to get the NDP 2011 Ad. That explains why TIB1035B, TIB1068G and TIB1158E.
So I suspect TIB1120M has that NDP 2011 Ad.
TIB468S Ad removed
Originally posted by SMB116K:All the Former NUS Ad Habit are supposed to get the NDP 2011 Ad. That explains why TIB1035B, TIB1068G and TIB1158E.
So I suspect TIB1120M has that NDP 2011 Ad.
Those passing by schools, like TIB1035B,1068G and 1088Z (RGS(P/S) for 1035 and 1150B, SCG and SJ for 1068G and 1088Z alongside with 1215Z ), ditto for 1158E, it passes by SP.
Originally posted by TIB783G:Those passing by schools, like TIB1035B,1068G and 1088Z (RGS(P/S) for 1035 and 1150B, SCG and SJ for 1068G and 1088Z alongside with 1215Z ), ditto for 1158E, it passes by SP.
Oh I see. Okay understood. Anyway, I understood the 188AM05 or 190S101 timesheet thing already. Thanks for your explanation last time.
SBS5088R (BNDEP 38)
Former: Tena (Full Body)
Current: No Ad
TIB467U (WLDEP 857)
Former: Tourism Malaysia (Full Body)
Current: No Ad & Re-stickered
SBS9615T (AMDEP 56)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: FW: Samsung Galaxy S II
SBS8767U (SLBP 502)
Former: Wall's Gold Ice
Cream: The New Wall's Selection Gold Series. New And Improved Ice Cream
Exclusively For You!
Current: SBS Transit livery
Former: NS & OS: SMRT
Buses: South East Asia's F1RST Euro V Bus
Current: Yifon Bottled
Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient! (feat. Zhou Ying)
SBS7529Y - Samsung Galaxy S II
Unknown svc 174 KUB with new 7up adv
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SMB2E (KJDEP 172)
Former: NS & OS: SMRT Buses: South East Asia's F1RST Euro V Bus
Current: Yifon Bottled Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient! (feat. Zhou Ying)
Yup. I saw it. I told you also... I have 2 pictures of it.
Originally posted by TIB1086D:SBS7529Y - Samsung Galaxy S II
Unknown svc 174 KUB with new 7up adv
SBS8048L. Spotted it early this wk. Dunno that it is a new ad. (7UP)
SBS7529Y: I saw it ytd. SBS7571Z also has it (According to Chris Tan).
Originally posted by SMB116K:
SBS8048L. Spotted it early this wk. Dunno that it is a new ad. (7UP)SBS7529Y: I saw it ytd. SBS7571Z also has it (According to Chris Tan).
So did 7571 or 7529 cameo on svc 197 on 29/6/2011?? I saw a 197 wright also had this ad.
SBS 8048 L (SLBP 174)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: 7UP
SBS 9159 T (BRBP 143)
Former: FW: Shaw Theatres: Lido Max - The World's Most Impressive Movie Experience.
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 9471 R (ARBP 65)
Former: FW: Samsung ST700 Digital Camera: Dual LCDs Make It Easy.
Current: FW: Samsung Galaxy S II
TIB 1083 L (KJDEP 106)
Former: Monsoon Group: Silkpro Hair Thinning Treatment Series [Feat. Addy Lee]
Current: NDP 2011: Majulah The Singapore Spirit. What does the Singapore Spirit Mean to You?
SBS 8417 E (BNDEP 40)
Former: Wall's Gold Ice Cream: The New Wall's Selection Gold Series. New And Improved Ice Cream Exclusively For You!
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8847 Y (AMDEP 25)
Former: Human Capital Singapore (HCS): What Drives the People Driving Your Company? National Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centre for HR WSQ Training.
Current: Zesta: Lets You Do More. The Pulse of The Amazon is Here.
SBS 8259 U (SLBP 66)
Former: Tena: You Don't Have To Miss Out On Those Precious Moments. Live Them All with Tena.
Current: Training Vision
SBS 9632 T (AMDEP 168)
Former: FW: MDIS: Think Progression, Think Humanity. The School of Psychology. Think Success, Think MDIS.
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8478 D (BNDEP 17)
Former: Wall's Gold Ice Cream: The New Wall's Selection Gold Series. New And Improved Ice Cream Exclusively For You!
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 9175 X (SLBP 97)
Former: FW: Sony NEX-5 & NEX-3: Creativity Changes the Everyday. DSLR Quality in Your Hands.
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8266 Z (BNDEP 21)
Former: Tena: You Don't Have To Miss Out On Those Precious Moments. Live Them All with Tena.
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 7303 G (AMDEP 21)
Former: FW: LKF Medical: Axe Brand Universal Oil - Adoi! Headache, Tahu! Keep A Bottle Handy. [4th Gen: Nyonya Edition]
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8580 R (BNDEP 10)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: Seven Seas Joint Care
SBS 5129 G (ARBP 5)
Former: Webjet - Your Online Travel Agent, Experience The Wonder At Webjet.com.sg
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 2795 C (BNDEP 15)
Former: Young Parents Magazine
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8358 S (BNDEP 15/15A*)
Former: Yifon Bottled Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient! (feat. Zhou Ying)
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 9845 X (BRBP 8)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: FW & B: SlimSpa
SBS 9806 J (AMDEP 59)
Former: FW: Singtel Red Rewards: Redeem amazing movie deals with Singtel Red Rewards. Movie deals are bigger when they're Red!
Current: FW: SingTel Youth Mobile Plans: Express Yourself Freely. Free AMPed - Unlimited Music Downloads, Incoming Calls, Campus/Camp Calls, Unlimited SMS, Data Bundle
SBS 8396 G (BNDEP 15)
Former: Siikygirl: New! Gross on Upcolor Singapore's Number 1 brand in Lips (Feat Felicia Chin)
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 8402 Y (AMDEP 59)
Former: Yifon Bottled Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient! (feat. Zhou Ying)
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 5235 H (HGDEP 151)
Former: NUS University Town
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 7454 D (HGDEP 80)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: FW: Medzs Condominium
SBS 5056 H (AMDEP 269)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: OCBC ExtraCash Loan
SBS 8829 A (AMDEP 136)
Former: Yifon Bottled Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient. (feat. Zhou Ying)
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 9432 D (AMDEP 25)
Former: FW: Monsoon Group: L & R: SilkPro Hair Thinning Treatment Series: Controls Hair Thinning, Strengthen Follicles & Protects Hair Shaft; B: Celebrate The Launch of The Silkpro Hair Thinning Treatment Series: $19.90 Haircut By Monsoon Senior Stylist at Monsoon Novena!
Current: SBS Transit livery
SBS 0824 R (ARBP 16)
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: HTC Wildfire S
SBS 9373 R (BBDEP 99)
Former: Gold Roast Coffee & C.L.I.F.
Current: Adless
SBS 8508 B (BRBP 157)
Former: Silkygirl
Current: Adless
SBS 9405 H (BBDEP 198)
Former: OCBC Business Banking
Current: Adless
SBS 8049 J (SLBP 335)
Former: Silkpro Hair Thinning Treatment Series
Current: Adless
Unknown Habit with Mobitec (on 169 today, suspect TIB1055T) with Sanyo Eneloop Glitter: Light Up Your Life ad.
SBS 8318 H (SLBP 185)
Former: B: TS Entertainment: The Naughty Kiss
Current: Adless
SBS 8337 C (BRBP 145)
Former: Wall's Gold Ice
Cream: The New Wall's Selection Gold Series. New And Improved Ice Cream
Exclusively For You!
Current: Adless
TIB 0439 B (WLDEP 857)
TIB 0442 R (KJDEP 188/188E/188R)
Former: Singapore Art Museum - Negotiating Home, History and
Nation: Two Decades of Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia, 1991 - 2010 (1st Gen)
Current: Singapore Art Museum - Negotiating Home, History and
Nation: Two Decades of Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia, 1991 - 2010 (2nd Gen)
TIB 1116 B (KJDEP 190)
TIB 1120 M (AMDEP 61)
TIB 1237 K (AMDEP 106)
Former: Adless (for TIB1116B and TIB1237K); NUS (for TIB1120M)
Current: Sanyo Eneloop Glitter
SBS 9109 M (SLBP 79)
Former: Adless
Current: Svensons
SBS2797Y (HGDEP 100)
Former: Nex Serangoon
Current: HTC Wildfire S
SBS9827Z [AM 70].
Former: SBS Transit livery
Current: The Great Job Central Hunt
TIB494R [WL 966].
Former: B: Leonard Drake
Current: Farmhouse Freshmilk - 100% Farm-Fresh from Australia
TIB644A [WL 852].
Former: Adidas: New look, Improved formula (Feat. David Beckham)
Current: Yifon Bottled Mushrooms: So Healthy, So Convenient! (feat. Zhou Ying)
TIB778Y [AM 169].
Former: SMRT livery
Current: OXY
TIB918K [AM 167].
Former: Essilor Varilux Crizal: Crystal Clear Vision Beyond Ordinary Lenses.
Current: Wall's Magnum Double Caramel
Originally posted by TIB1234T:TIB778Y [AM 169].
Former: SMRT livery
Current: OXY
Quite long ago liao. also mentioned before. ok . :)
SBS9320T (BNDEP 9)
Former:Gold Roast 3-In-1 Instant CoffeeMix: Gold Roast Proudly Partners The Singapore Police Force In Supporting C.L.I.F. Debuts 31 May, Mondays to Fridays, 9.00pm on Channel 8
Current:Sbst livery
SBS9321R (BBDEP 165/285)
Former: SIM Global Education: SIM Fulfilled
Current:Sbst livery
double post.
TIB656R (WLDEP 178)
Former : SMRT Livery
Current : Farmhouse Freshmilk ad.
Former : B : PC Show 2011
Current Farmhouse Freshmilk ad .
New ad!
Originally posted by TIBbc:TIB656R (WLDEP 178)
Former : SMRT Livery
Current : Farmhouse Freshmilk ad.TIB779U (WLDEP/WRDEP 169)
Former : B : PC Show 2011
Current Farmhouse Freshmilk ad .New ad!
Yeap. :D
Either TIB761U or TIB764L got the Farmhouse Ad and is cameoing on 188 tdy.
SBS7425M (AMDEP 76) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: Samsung Galaxy S II
SBS5113B (AMDEP 136) Former: Monsoon Group - SilkPro Hair Thinning Treatment Series: Control Hair Thinning, Strengthen Follicies & Protect Hair Shaft
Current: 7UP
SBS1917A (AMDEP 262) Former: SBSTransit Corporate Livery Current: 7UP
SBS9120D (BRBP 31) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: FW: Sony Xperia Play; L: Android is ready to PLAY; R: Smart Phone, Smart Play.
SBS8700L (HGDEP 80) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: Gobbler: A Great Deal A Day. Food, Fashion, Spas, Shopping & Holidays.
SBS8783Y (AMDEP 162) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: SalonPas
SBS8505J (AMDEP 55) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: Seven Seas Joint Care
SBS8256C (AMDEP 13) Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery Current: Zesta: Let's You Do More. The Pulse of the Amazon is Here.