Any OCs got the Cadbury Chocolates (Feel the Bubbly Fun) Ad?
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:Ok thank you.
SMB TIB645Y TIB735X TIB965Z has the lifebouy ad, Any more?
SMB4A (AM 61)
SMB81B (AM 851)
SMB86M (KJ 190)
SBS9605Y (BBDEP 198)
Former: Singtel Shop
Current: SBS Transit Corporate livery
SBS8680K (SLBP 335) does NOT have Weekend Farm advertisement. Apologies for error in spotting.
TIB494R removed its back ad...
TIB567P has Audi A1 ad isit???needs confirmation..also dunnoe if anyone posted this b4
Originally posted by SMB116K:TIB494R removed its back ad...
TIB494R still have rear ad.
Originally posted by TIBbc:TIB567P has Audi A1 ad isit???needs confirmation..also dunnoe if anyone posted this b4
Yah, already posted.
Originally posted by SMB116K:Any OCs got the Cadbury Chocolates (Feel the Bubbly Fun) Ad?
Sadly this time round, no OC with Cadbury ad.
SBS644T (BNDEP 197)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Hwal Sam 28 Ginseng Drink
SBS1930K (BNDEP 10/10e*)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Rexona
Former: Cordlife (B)
Current: SBST livery
SBS5003K (SLBP 52)
Former: Yokohama Advan Neova AD07 (B)
Current: SBST livery
SBS5128J (ARBP 5)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Hwal Sam 28 Ginseng Drink
SBS5216M (BRBP 145)
Former: SPC
Current: Motorola Milestone 2
SBS8078A (SLBP 97)
Former: Singapore University of Technology and Design (2nd Gen)
Current: Xiamen Airlines
SBS8302C (AMDEP 55)
Former: Lee Kum Kee
Current: SBST livery
SBS8338A (BNDEP 66)
Former: Woods Peppermint Cough Syrup
Current: Heaven and Earth
SBS8471Y (BRBP 131)
Former: True Yoga
Current: SBST livery
SBS8750S (AMDEP 56)
Former: OTO Cruncher
Current: SBST livery
SBS8787L (BRBP 154)
Former: Singha Beer
Current: SBST livery
SBS8836D (BRBP 31)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Carl's Junior (2nd Gen)
SBS8837B (BRBP 31)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Yum Cha Garden
SBS8896E (SLBP 66)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Weekend Farm
SBS8925E (SLBP 66)
Former: SBST livery
Current: Hwal Sam 28 Ginseng Drink
SBS8927A (BBDEP 506)
Former: Sato Healthcare Innovation
Current: SBST livery
SBS9210C (AMDEP 59)
Former: Sony NEX-3 & NEX-5
Current: SBST livery
SBS9391M (BBDEP 198)
Former: Magiclean
Current: SBST livery
SBS9501M (HGDEP 87)
Former: SBST livery
Current: OCBC Business Banking
SBS9534T (HGDEP 74)
Former: Singapore Army
Current: SBST livery
SBS9825D (BRBP 8)
Former: SBST livery
Current: ABC Extra Stout
SBS2716G (BNDEP 168)
Current: No Ad
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Sadly this time round, no OC with Cadbury ad.
Oh okay. Thanks.
Btw, any KJ buses with Rexona ad other than TIB810L. It seems that TIB810L is the only bus having it...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
TIB494R still have rear ad.
Then i saw wrongly lor. Sorry...
TIB599Y got the New Yellow I can Read ad. TIB599Y was on 67; Perm Svc on monday...
Supposed to post this on Monday... Late...
Wrong Thread; Wrong Post.
TIB429E adless~~
Lifebuoy :SMB4A SMB81B SMB86M TIB645Y TIB735X TIB782J TIB965Z
Oh and TIB581Y has the Uptrend college ad, and anymore for the lifebuoy ad?
Former: Kinder Buneo
Current: Mamee Monster: This is the way to enjoy Mamee Monster Snack
TIB1108A (KJDEP 190)
Former: NETS Flashpay
Current: SMRT Livery
Duplicate Posts
Duplicate Posts
Duplicate Posts
Duplicate Posts
Duplicate Posts
Duplicate Posts
SBS8481T (AMDEP 133)
Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery
Current: Rexona
SBS1897Z (BRBP 28)
Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery
Current: Rexona
SBS9479U (HGDEP 74)
Former: SBS Transit Corporate Livery
Current: FW: MDIS: Think networking. Not meetings.
SBS8448R (HGDEP 165)
Former: Old Town White Coffee: Once a Favourite, Forever a Favourite. (2nd Gen)
Current: Vaseline: Be Visibly Fairer With 3X More Sun Protection. Healthy White SPF 24 Triple Lightening. The UVA & UVB Protection Lotion For Fair, Even Toned Skin. (2nd Gen)
SBS8456S (HGDEP 100)
Former: Motorola Milestone 2
Current: Yum Cha
SBS8249Z (HGDEP 156)
Former: B: Cordlife: Saving Cord Blood For 10 Years, Trusted By Over 30,000 Families
Current: Heaven And Earth
Testing 123