can uue shtopp posting dis or notch !?!? its fucking irritating !! interchange picture den interchange picture lahh . dunch be shoo bo liao pls ! u must hav no life ! goo nn get one soon . stupid noob .
Originally posted by Junyang700:U failed to comprehend.
No photo taking at interchange, but photo taking outside interchange is allowed what?
hiie junyang ! i've seen ur pix where uue stand outside bukit panjang interchange to snap them parking inide too ! very nice :) if im notch wrong dis angle where the person snap should b standing outside !
oh yesh btw dats chua chu kang interchange ?
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):
yupp . this thread ish a joke ! esp TS ! noob shyt !!!
Lock this useless thread.
Whoever you are, it's just pathetic that you're starting a thread which will get into nowhere.
You're just a pathetic piece of junk, hoping to start a flame war. Well, i'm sorry but you've come to the wrong place. So, it's better that you just get out from here. Take the pictures with you.
Go find yourself a new hobby lah
Originally posted by SBS8448R:
hiie junyang ! i've seen ur pix where uue stand outside bukit panjang interchange to snap them parking inide too ! very nice :) if im notch wrong dis angle where the person snap should b standing outside !
oh yesh btw dats chua chu kang interchange ?
Yup. Choa Chu Kang Interchange and shot taken outside Choa Chu Kang Interchange. SMB137A slated for WLDEP/KJDEP - since training there? Or AMDEP 67/985?
hehex sbs8104h iie lurves ur comment ! :)
and to TS stop seeking attn ! this oni shows uue hav a deprived childhood and obvious mental problems !
Later the owner of the pix take legal action on you then you know
I sue you, you sue me, we are one big family.