Originally posted by ahtansh:It really depends on who STOMPer R2ditoD2 is? A young sexy lady, an old aunty or a fit young boy.
If the stomper is a pregnant lady, I will be pissed with the uncle but if its an abled young boy... I guess he should let uncle win... The old folks in Singapore are boiling in anger, because of our fast economic progress and changes that places stress on them.
Many of them are not well educated but forced to keep up. Have pity on them.
I understand becos I'm struggling to keep up too.
Yes, also need to see the size and gender of the stomper.
yesterday i took SBS8935B on 52, there is this woman who occupied the 1.5 seater seat behind the bus driver by herself. then got one plump ang moh board the bus and sit beside her. the woman kena squeezed, can see she is not quite happy liao
This kind of uncle should be beaten up and get bludgeoned (to death) though for being so yaya.
Seriously last week on an MRT, This fucking uncle has the balls to call me a bastard for snatching his seat though, asif it's a must to give him. I ignored him, and feel like whacking him already at that time.
I apologize for being vulgar, But old people/pregnant people always think that the seat is theirs to take.
They should be hung, drawn and quartered, bad example to the younger generation
Originally posted by laurence82:They should be hung, drawn and quartered, bad example to the younger generation
Remember to get all their organs .... so that they can redeem themselves... =)
Originally posted by sexy girls:yesterday i took SBS8935B on 52, there is this woman who occupied the 1.5 seater seat behind the bus driver by herself. then got one plump ang moh board the bus and sit beside her. the woman kena squeezed, can see she is not quite happy liao
hahahahahahaa......serve her right.