Unknown CAC UD on 855
Originally posted by Veyron16.4:Unknown CAC UD on 855
Wahx, perm TRG bus on service today!!!
today really got so many quality cameos wor ~
Originally posted by AEW5001:today really got so many quality cameos wor ~
2 OCs on 966, Volgren Bendy demo on 901, Dennis Trident on 161, TRG UD on 855 what more could you ask :)
Originally posted by TIB770T:2 OCs on 966, Volgren Bendy demo on 901, Dennis Trident on 161, TRG UD on 855 what more could you ask :)
too bad everything is lumped up into a single day..
still hope ud do sv855 tmr..
Today 11/09/10: 9th Anniversary
TIB442R on 925(KJDEP 970)
TIB483Y on 961(WLDEP SP)
TIB522T on 187 (WLDEP 961)
TIB582U on 67(AMDEP 965)
TIB674M on 187(WLDEP 178)
TIB721K on 920(KJDEP 75) X - over
TIB730J on 969(WLDEP 858)
TIB734Z on 171(WLDEP 61)
TIB791H on 178 (WLDEP SP)
TIB838H on 67(KJDEP 172/SP)
TIB977P on 856(WLDEP 962A/963*)
TIB1015J on 853(AMDEP 961)
SMB92U on 925(KJDEP 970)
SMB120Y on 187(WLDEP 960)
SMB124L on 171(AMDEP SP)
SMB126G on 985(AMDEP SP)
SMB129Z on 966(WLDEP 961)
SMB132M on 966(WLDEP 187)
Originally posted by Blackerol:Today 11/09/10: 9th Anniversary
SMB132M on 966(WLDEP 187)
?! Now a 3rd OC appear om 966
Originally posted by TIB770T:?!
Now a 3rd OC appear om 966
966 next service to get OC perm?
In fact, OC had cameoed on 966 a lot of times, especially during the peak hour.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
966 next service to get OC perm?In fact, OC had cameoed on 966 a lot of times, especially during the peak hour.
We just have to wait and see
Originally posted by TIB657M:
966 next service to get OC perm?In fact, OC had cameoed on 966 a lot of times, especially during the peak hour.
WL doesn't have enough OCs to give 966.
Provided AMDEP throw OCs over, Which I seriously doubt it is possible.
Originally posted by #11-18:11/9/2010
SBS 7321D(HGDEP 147)on Svc 62
Only 806T and 946Y non WAB buses for full day shifts.. haha!!!
Originally posted by TIB770T:That makes 2 OCs on 966
SMB122S (WL 960) on 966
TIB1024H (WL 913) on 901
TIB868X (WL/WR 911) on 903Unknown OC on 925
Nope, there's 3 OCs on 966 today, including SMB132M which i took it.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Nope, there's 3 OCs on 966 today, including SMB132M which i took it.
Ya,I wrote it when I replied to Blackerol on top.
Originally posted by AEW5001:today really got so many quality cameos wor ~
Include SBS2751D on 27, super shiok...
Originally posted by TIB770T:Unknown OC on 925
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
SMB104U on 925
The OC I saw was a adless one
Originally posted by TIB770T:2 OCs on 966, Volgren Bendy demo on 901, Dennis Trident on 161, TRG UD on 855 what more could you ask :)
SBS584H on 80 (HGDEP SP)
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Include SBS2751D on 27, super shiok...
way too many today..
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
Plus Mk4 DM on 96 and 191, DM3500 on 228 (SBS2690X) and Strider on 229 (SBS1902S), OC on 812.
I'm not really pro with SBST cameos but I'm sure those are rare cameos
Today is really bus fans' day :)
Originally posted by TIB770T:I'm not really pro with SBST cameos but I'm sure those are rare cameos
Today is really bus fans' day :)
de BBDEP mk4 DMs more rare.
Originally posted by AEW5001:
de BBDEP mk4 DMs more rare.
That's why I tell you I not pro with SBST cameos
I may have seen some rare SBST cameos but I take them as perms
SBS1981M on 161 [HG 156].
SBS1997T on 161 [HG 156].
SBS2631S on 161 [HG 156].
SBS2751D on 27 [HG 105].
SBS2776H on 147 [BB 151].
SBS3916P on 86 [AM SP].
SBS7499A on 51 [SL 174].
SBS9235G on 161 [HG SP].
SBS9486Z on 168 [BN SP].
SBS9671E on 161 [HG 51].
SBS9807G on 88 [BR 154].
SMB92U on 925 [KJ 970].
SMB97G on 965 [AM 851].
SMB122S on 966 [WL 960].
SMB129Z on 966 [WL 961].
SMB132M on 966 [WL 961].
TIB432U on 961 [WL 963].
TIB435L on 961 [WL 966].
TIB488J on 858 [WL SP].
TIB571B on 187 [WL 178].
TIB587G on 187 [WL 911E/963/966].
TIB602X on 167 [WL 61].
TIB618B on 853 [AM 965].
TIB638T on 966 [WL 178].
TIB742A on 965 [WL 856/911].
TIB746P on 980 [WL 859].
TIB772M on 171[WL SP].
TIB816X on 858 [WL SP].
TIB840A on 852 [WL SP].
TIB849B on 960 [WL 964].
TIB977P on 856 [WL 962].
TIB997G on 960 [WL 912].
TIB1021R on 806 [AM 854].
TIB1038T on 913 [WL 856]. Weekend perm?
TIB1040K on 900 [WL 960].
TIB1047S on 913 [WL 169]. Weekend perm?
TIB1073R on 859 [WL 963]. Weekend perm?
TIB1090R on 859 [WL 169]. Weekend perm?
TIB1105H on 856 [WL SP].
TIB1144U on 187 [WL 960].
TIB1178Y on 903 [WL 169].
TIB1192E on 960 [WL SP].
TIB1233X on 960 [WL SP].
TIB1234T on 187 [WL SP].
TIB1245L on 913 [WL 901/969].
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
SMB92U on 925 [KJ 970].
TIB1192E on 960 [WL SP].
Thats must be the adless OC I saw on 925
And is TIB1192E's service no. on the EDS in those LAWO font?
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
TIB638T on 966 [WL 178].
Which explains why today TIB 569J did 178 though. That slot hardly gets taken up on a Saturday though.