Originally posted by SBS7382C:But the yutong seems fine so far
Yutong is far from fine, the bus has given SMRT a huge headache, with a tremendous number of problems with the bus. The dispatch reliability of the bus is probably less than 50%, no kidding on this.
I think the purpose of this bus should be mainly for YOG shuttle. Like tt tym it totally doing YOV shuttle. Show casing to the foreigners.
A pity if not to get deployed.
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:I think this bus should also be widely promoted for private bus chartering, targeting those in the niche market who are willing to spend more and at the same time do their bit for the environment. And this is the first hydrogen demonstrator bus in Singapore, hence would add more meaning to those who charter this bus; for instance, wedding (a once in a lifetime affair), company opening ceremony, etc.
I think the statuatory boards should start first! Any bus charter, please consider this hydrogen bus!
SBST does not provide buses for chartering anymore.. any charters will go straight to ComfortDelgro Bus..
Sorry to up this, but I am really curious about this, what is happening to this bus and why isn't it out on service yet???
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Originally posted by SBS 1000U:Sorry to up this, but I am really curious about this, what is happening to this bus and why isn't it out on service yet???
Costly to run??? Demo to NTU students???
Email to SBST and ask. Useless to rely on this forum.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:Sorry to up this, but I am really curious about this, what is happening to this bus and why isn't it out on service yet???
Should not be out on road since it is a research for NTU students and not really meant for service.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:Sorry to up this, but I am really curious about this, what is happening to this bus and why isn't it out on service yet???
Few weeks ago spotted this Higer bus inside SLBP workshop. The "Green Bus" ad has been put back.
Originally posted by sexy girls:Few weeks ago spotted this Higer bus inside SLBP workshop. The "Green Bus" ad has been put back.
So what is happening???
Periodic maintenance??? Seems more like a research bus for NTU rather than a revenue bus for SBST...