Originally posted by Merczrox:
There u go agn whining abt SMRT.All yr posts r damn irritating do u know tat??U will die rite if u login to tis forum and nvr even insult SMRT for once????Seriously let me ask u.Wat did SMRT do to u tat u seem to b so hardore against them????Did one of their buses knock down yr pet dog or someting????I also dun understand y u hav so much hatred against them.Everytime u post in each topic,its always complains abt SMRT tis and SMRT tat.I dun even tink the ppl living in SMRT areas complain as much as u do.They live everyday wit the horrid svc of SMRT as u always claim,but they seem to b way more reasonable definitely than u do.
So tis is also a china bus rite??So y cant we call it cheapskate??So u r trying to tell theres a diff between SMRT's yutong and tis bus??Or r u trying to say tat tis bus is a European bus,not a china one??sbst bring in u diam diam,SMRT bring in ony u jump abt as if they brought in a garbage vehicle lik tat.
Since u so biased against SMRT,y u dun wan to talk abt sbst's kubs??I suppose they r very high quality buses bought in a very gd price rite??They were brought in at a even more cheapskate lower price and at such a lousy quality,yet u nvr complain abt tat.Wat the hell is tis man??
Pls la joker.Next time u wan to complain lik a small kid,see both companies flaws 1st la.Dun close one eye on 1 company,then keep on targeting the other.
mercedes benz buses are expensive lah. u think SBST can afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses meh?
Originally posted by SBS9818A:ok then, since you feel that the K230UBs are lousy quality, why not you cough out the dough for SBST to purchase 1100 OC500LEs with say, Volgren or Custom Coaches bodywork? if you can / are willing to do that, then i have nothing to say.
U shut up la.Everytime talk lik some big shot lik tat.I also watch yr posts everytime.Its always full of sarcasm and shooting ppl.U login everytime and wld see who to target to shoot rite??Jus cuz u good in bus stuffs means u can go ard shooting ppl sarcastically lik tis ah??Dun show me yr childish 1 yr old attitude here la.Go show it to somebody else.I have seen it to many times here alr.
And in which part of my post did i say tat i wan them to buy OCs??Dun anyhw put words into ppl's mouths k.U talk so much lik some big shit y not u go buy for them instead??Cuz i didnt say anyting lik tat wat.Haha.
U tink u can shoot anybody but nobody wld dare talk bac to u and u can get away wit it rite??U very clever in bus tings means u can ard shooting anybody la??Dun anyhw mess wit ppl k.U tink u talk lik tat sarcastically to me,i wld b scared and wun reply u isit??U trying to b the sarcasm king of sgforums ah??Eh pls la.Dun hide bhind the comp lik a pussy and act lik a hero la.U tink ony u know hw to show sarcasm here ah??U wan i also can show u la.U wan to challenge me bring it on la.
Originally posted by SBS555S:mercedes benz buses are expensive lah. u think SBST can afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses meh?
what makes you think that SBST is that broke just because they chose Scania over MB? indeed the OC500LE is more expensive, and if an alternative product delivers the same overall benefit (ie conveying passengers from one point to another reliably) and costs less, which would you go for?
Originally posted by Merczrox:
U shut up la.Everytime talk lik some big shot lik tat.I also watch yr posts everytime.Its always full of sarcasm and shooting ppl.U login everytime and wld see who to target to shoot rite??Jus cuz u good in bus stuffs means u can go ard shooting ppl sarcastically lik tis ah??Dun show me yr childish 1 yr old attitude here la.Go show it to somebody else.I have seen it to many times here alr.
And in which part of my post did i say tat i wan them to buy OCs??Dun anyhw put words into ppl's mouths k.U talk so much lik some big shit y not u go buy for them instead??Cuz i didnt say anyting lik tat wat.Haha.
U tink u can shoot anybody but nobody wld dare talk bac to u and u can get away wit it rite??U very clever in bus tings means u can ard shooting anybody la??Dun anyhw mess wit ppl k.U tink u talk lik tat sarcastically to me,i wld b scared and wun reply u isit??U trying to b the sarcasm king of sgforums ah??Eh pls la.Dun hide bhind the comp lik a pussy and act lik a hero la.U tink ony u know hw to show sarcasm here ah??U wan i also can show u la.U wan to challenge me bring it on la.
please grow up and learn how to type properly. thank you.
i hope they remove the chinese wordings on the back....
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
They just like cheapos...
How do you know that this bus is cheap? Do you have the cost? Such comments are not required at all. The purpose of trying this bus is to help to save our earth.....
Originally posted by SBS555S:mercedes benz buses are expensive lah. u think SBST can afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses meh?
Why SBST cant afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses? The OC's cost is not much higher than KUB and is MUCH cheaper than the B9TL. If SBST can afford to buy B9TL, why cant they afford to buy 1100 mercedes. it all depend on whether they want or not.
Originally posted by SBS555S:mercedes benz buses are expensive lah. u think SBST can afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses meh?
Hey hey brother.Since wen did i even say sbst MUS buy Merc buses??Pls la dun b lik tat crazy fellow SBS9818A and put words into my mouth wen i didnt even say anyting lik tat la....U r saying yrself u know....Dun get me involved in tis....
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
They just like cheapos...
I dun think it's cheap, more likely SBST wanna show that they wanna play their part in save earth.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:please grow up and learn how to type properly. thank you.
U diam la.I dun need yr advice leh.I hav alr grown up.Its U who shld grow up and seriously watch the way u post next time.No need to b so serious in every post u make.Lik tis u in real life hw??Giv others a chance for their opinion also la instead of always shooting them wit sarcasm.Dun b jealous la tat at least i behave more maturely here than u..Jus continue drinking more milk k..
Originally posted by lemon1974:How do you know that this bus is cheap? Do you have the cost? Such comments are not required at all. The purpose of trying this bus is to help to save our earth.....
Relax man.Its jus his opinion or he is jus joking.Cant ppl jus make a joke here??Not everybody here needs to b so serious over small tings lik tis rite??
Originally posted by SBS9818A:ok then, since you feel that the K230UBs are lousy quality, why not you cough out the dough for SBST to purchase 1100 OC500LEs with say, Volgren or Custom Coaches bodywork? if you can / are willing to do that, then i have nothing to say.
Ask him to be the fleet purchaser for SBST instead, and get the rights of buying Mercedes buses back for SBST for C&C. Then cough out the dough for 1100 Citaros with MB bodywork and limitless supply of adBlue. Oh, maybe can even get us the Enviro 500 or the Irish bus too.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
There u go agn whining abt SMRT.All yr posts r damn irritating do u know tat??U will die rite if u login to tis forum and nvr even insult SMRT for once????Seriously let me ask u.Wat did SMRT do to u tat u seem to b so hardore against them????Did one of their buses knock down yr pet dog or someting????I also dun understand y u hav so much hatred against them.Everytime u post in each topic,its always complains abt SMRT tis and SMRT tat.I dun even tink the ppl living in SMRT areas complain as much as u do.They live everyday wit the horrid svc of SMRT as u always claim,but they seem to b way more reasonable definitely than u do.
So tis is also a china bus rite??So y cant we call it cheapskate??So u r trying to tell theres a diff between SMRT's yutong and tis bus??Or r u trying to say tat tis bus is a European bus,not a china one??sbst bring in u diam diam,SMRT bring in ony u jump abt as if they brought in a garbage vehicle lik tat.
Since u so biased against SMRT,y u dun wan to talk abt sbst's kubs??I suppose they r very high quality buses bought in a very gd price rite??They were brought in at a even more cheapskate lower price and at such a lousy quality,yet u nvr complain abt tat.Wat the hell is tis man??
Pls la joker.Next time u wan to complain lik a small kid,see both companies flaws 1st la.Dun close one eye on 1 company,then keep on targeting the other.
Grow up, fanboy.
If some of fanboys can complain the KUBs like shit everyday, why can't others complain about SMRT lousy bus services?
I don't think KUBs are that bad that will kill you in a journey, neither did I even complain about the OCs or even the ELBOS and UDs, as buses themselves. You want to support that irresponsible company then it is your business, don't come and make so much noise and type long paragraphs scolding people everytime other people disagrees with you. SMRT destroys and disgraces bus services in Singapore, a reputation that TIBS and CCS have built up for decades, particularly in the segment of commuters in the north, almost overnight. Since they don't see the focus in the bus operations, get out of the market and focus on their rail business.
I didn't say that KUBs are very good, but at least SBST modifies them time to time to keep them better, and most of them are well maintained, despite being inferior quality. And I don't think the KUBs are that bad too, just that SBST has tied up their potential by locking up their gears for safety reasons, which is a lesson learnt from the string of accidents occurred in the 1990s. For the K310UD, I think it is fast, despite being a double decker, but it's gearbox is not locked as far as I know.
As for China buses, I don't like both of them, the Yutong and this King Long and I do hope no more China buses from both operators in future. And I don't even bother to complain the Yutong bus, unlike you, complaining this and that after taking the bus. Don't blame Yutong for the bus, ask why SMRT want to buy it anyway since it is lousy. I think even one day SMRT buy horse carriages as buses, people like you will say good, nice bus. SBS buses are still shit.
Originally posted by SBS555S:mercedes benz buses are expensive lah. u think SBST can afford to buy 1100 mercedes buses meh?
Uncle...you think SBST so poor like you arh, who only can buy 1 mercedes toy bus...
Originally posted by vicamour:
Ask him to be the fleet purchaser for SBST instead, and get the rights of buying Mercedes buses back for SBST for C&C. Then cough out the dough for 1100 Citaros with MB bodywork and limitless supply of adBlue. Oh, maybe can even get us the Enviro 500 or the Irish bus too.Grow up, fanboy.
If some of fanboys can complain the KUBs like shit everyday, why can't others complain about SMRT lousy bus services?
I don't think KUBs are that bad that will kill you in a journey, neither did I even complain about the OCs or even the ELBOS and UDs, as buses themselves. You want to support that irresponsible company then it is your business, don't come and make so much noise and type long paragraphs scolding people everytime other people disagrees with you. SMRT destroys and disgraces bus services in Singapore, a reputation that TIBS and CCS have built up for decades, particularly in the segment of commuters in the north, almost overnight. Since they don't see the focus in the bus operations, get out of the market and focus on their rail business.
I didn't say that KUBs are very good, but at least SBST modifies them time to time to keep them better, and most of them are well maintained, despite being inferior quality. And I don't think the KUBs are that bad too, just that SBST has tied up their potential by locking up their gears for safety reasons, which is a lesson learnt from the string of accidents occurred in the 1990s. For the K310UD, I think it is fast, despite being a double decker, but it's gearbox is not locked as far as I know.
As for China buses, I don't like both of them, the Yutong and this King Long and I do hope no more China buses from both operators in future. And I don't even bother to complain the Yutong bus, unlike you, complaining this and that after taking the bus. Don't blame Yutong for the bus, ask why SMRT want to buy it anyway since it is lousy. I think even one day SMRT buy horse carriages as buses, people like you will say good, nice bus. SBS buses are still shit.
Haha continue barking all u wan kiddo.I am not as free as u to reply bac wit an equally stupid long unneccessary compo.So i will reply in a more short and sensible manner for others to understand easier unlik u.U can continue typing a months worth of compo to entertain yrself.I got better tings to do leh rather than u small kid who ony know hw to come and complain here for the smallest of matters.Go show yr compo skills to SMRT la instead of barking unsuccessfully here.I wonder wat ppl lik u wld do if u were born in a country lik india.Go see the buses and trains there and u wld know.Then ony u wld appreciate the buses and trains we hav here and realise tat SMRT is infinity times better than there.
U can reply bac to tis post if u wan to.But i dun have the free time as u to entertain u and nobody is gonna entertain u also.Continue talking as long as u wan to yrself haha.I got other tings to do rather than entertain imbesiles lik u.No point talking to stones lik u.The forum wld really b so much more peaceful witout yr continuous barking here.Haha hav fun barking boy!!!!
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Haha continue barking all u wan kiddo.I am not as free as u to reply bac wit an equally stupid long unneccessary compo.So i will reply in a more short and sensible manner for others to understand easier unlik u.U can continue typing a months worth of compo to entertain yrself.I got better tings to do leh rather than u small kid who ony know hw to come and complain here for the smallest of matters.Go show yr compo skills to SMRT la instead of barking unsuccessfully here.I wonder wat ppl lik u wld do if u were born in a country lik india.Go see the buses and trains there and u wld know.Then ony u wld appreciate the buses and trains we hav here and realise tat SMRT is infinity times better than there.
U can reply bac to tis post if u wan to.Nobody is gonna entertain u also.Continue talking as long as u wan to yrself haha.I got other tings to do rather than entertain imbesiles lik u.Haha hav fun barking boy!!!!
Look who's barking here all the time. Since you are so busy, you can still reply these load of nonsense after that? Childish kid trying to act like an adult. If this, if that... Well, continue living in your fantasies in comparing rats with elephants, no wonder our public transport is still a laughing stock with this kind of standards, and still wanting to be world class. I say if only KMB comes and kick SMRT out of the market, then we can see world class bus services here. And same here for your complains about the KUBs or whatever, be glad that SBST is still buying European buses for now, not like the buses in India which you claim is so terrible that SMRT buses are so great. (FYI, some India bus companies are buying Volvo buses.) We don't know whether there will be a mass purchase for China buses in future, which I hope no.
I'll don't post to entertain people here, especially to bunch of clowns like you. Want to read or not, is your own business. I post to create awareness because clowns like you like to screw up nonsense on things that do not actually happen, be it intentionally or unintentionally. I'll stop here to get back to topic.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:please grow up and learn how to type properly. thank you.
Ignore this kid, look at his replies, nothing but personal attacks and scoldings.
Eh u'all QUIT FLAMING please!
Wow.. guess ppl who are reading this are gonna flame up too.
Originally posted by sir_peanuts:
how do you know it's not some minister go to china, sign deal with them in exchange for something else... you know how PRC always gives us troubles for our developments there, i think buying their buses is a very small concession to make.as for the tv, eh may be SBS transit's own "next stop" system?
i'm inclined to believe SBST is just an operator for the bus, and is probably not going to commission something like a "next stop" information system....
Originally posted by ^tamago^:i'm inclined to believe SBST is just an operator for the bus, and is probably not going to commission something like a "next stop" information system....
There are rumours in the past that SBST is looking into possibilities in developing such systems in future.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Haha continue barking all u wan kiddo.I am not as free as u to reply bac wit an equally stupid long unneccessary compo.So i will reply in a more short and sensible manner for others to understand easier unlik u.U can continue typing a months worth of compo to entertain yrself.I got better tings to do leh rather than u small kid who ony know hw to come and complain here for the smallest of matters.Go show yr compo skills to SMRT la instead of barking unsuccessfully here.I wonder wat ppl lik u wld do if u were born in a country lik india.Go see the buses and trains there and u wld know.Then ony u wld appreciate the buses and trains we hav here and realise tat SMRT is infinity times better than there.
U can reply bac to tis post if u wan to.But i dun have the free time as u to entertain u and nobody is gonna entertain u also.Continue talking as long as u wan to yrself haha.I got other tings to do rather than entertain imbesiles lik u.No point talking to stones lik u.The forum wld really b so much more peaceful witout yr continuous barking here.Haha hav fun barking boy!!!!
Originally posted by vicamour:Look who's barking here all the time. Since you are so busy, you can still reply these load of nonsense after that? Childish kid trying to act like an adult. If this, if that... Well, continue living in your fantasies in comparing rats with elephants, no wonder our public transport is still a laughing stock with this kind of standards, and still wanting to be world class. I say if only KMB comes and kick SMRT out of the market, then we can see world class bus services here. And same here for your complains about the KUBs or whatever, be glad that SBST is still buying European buses for now, not like the buses in India which you claim is so terrible that SMRT buses are so great. (FYI, some India bus companies are buying Volvo buses.) We don't know whether there will be a mass purchase for China buses in future, which I hope no.
I'll don't post to entertain people here, especially to bunch of clowns like you. Want to read or not, is your own business. I post to create awareness because clowns like you like to screw up nonsense on things that do not actually happen, be it intentionally or unintentionally. I'll stop here to get back to topic.
Ignore this kid, look at his replies, nothing but personal attacks and scoldings.
Originally posted by vicamour:There are rumours in the past that SBST is looking into possibilities in developing such systems in future.
just not on a bus that won't go far on revenue service and is being rushed into service...
in fact, i wonder all the parts they use are from china.. This bus cost about RMB:3500K ($710K)
Anyway, this bus also have curtains :D
Originally posted by ^tamago^:i'm inclined to believe SBST is just an operator for the bus, and is probably not going to commission something like a "next stop" information system....
got la.. a human one.. a famous one at that. haha.
stupid idiots creating a flame war yet again.
If companies in sg use China-made buses as their own, why can't it be?
If companies (local or abroad) choose to use Gemilang as their preferred coach-builder, why not?