this auntie also dumb la... stay in singapore how many years liao?
wjile waiting for bus, dont know how to read the information board for route details?
dont know how to plan journey in advance anyhow jump inside a bus?
although true la... public bus drivers is also partially front-line staff, need to learn english...
recently didn't another lady complain abt 151 also? Over NJC?
I mean ppl kp, we spend so much $$ on info board.. yet sadly no one wants to use it.
How about putting the information panels in all 4 official languages of Singapore?
What's the big deal about asking and confirming? so what if there is an information board, can one just ask to confirm?
if the lady did it politely, what is the problem with that?are her demands really that sky high & unreasonable?
Look @ the bigger picture, plz.
Imagine going to a MacDonalds and asking for "coke", N "less ice", and the counter staff goes "huh?". Maybe, we singaporeans are already too used to having English as our common median, but isn't that our 1st lang?
the loophole is the way PTOs handle the language barrier. its quite shocking. how can the management teach a captain english with pi li zi as please. please lah.
and then there's also the unforgiving singaporean that just loves to make news over things. like the bus captain give dao face when i ask got go to Turut Track boh, bus captain brake too hard when its cos Scanias are super jerky. bus captain drive too slow cos zaodao, drive too fast cos lambat, the seats too few stand my feet will die one, one bus wait very long can zzzzzzzzzz liao la, bus fare keep go up government want eat money only somemore aircon so weak, ooooh the bus smells of strong mayo and honey mustard *munch munch munch a sub* onboard, then cockroaches come, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE complaint la, stupid sbs raise my bus fare and put cockroach. then boy kiss girl boy kiss boy also make noise. sigh. just be grateful u got bus go home cannnn. 1 bus 15min already consider blessing. singapore bus standards arent that great you know.
kay poh so much for what. learn to give and take. no one is perfect.
Are bus captain jobs open to Indians form India?
They have to be fair at least.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:the loophole is the way PTOs handle the language barrier. its quite shocking. how can the management teach a captain english with pi li zi as please. please lah.
and then there's also the unforgiving singaporean that just loves to make news over things. like the bus captain give dao face when i ask got go to Turut Track boh, bus captain brake too hard when its cos Scanias are super jerky. bus captain drive too slow cos zaodao, drive too fast cos lambat, the seats too few stand my feet will die one, one bus wait very long can zzzzzzzzzz liao la, bus fare keep go up government want eat money only somemore aircon so weak, ooooh the bus smells of strong mayo and honey mustard *munch munch munch a sub* onboard, then cockroaches come, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE complaint la, stupid sbs raise my bus fare and put cockroach. then boy kiss girl boy kiss boy also make noise. sigh. just be grateful u got bus go home cannnn. 1 bus 15min already consider blessing. singapore bus standards arent that great you know.
kay poh so much for what. learn to give and take. no one is perfect.
Singaporeans take almost everything for granted...... So true ppl romance in buses also wan care..... WTF dosen't make sense isn't it? >.<
Originally posted by SBS Transit and SMRT:How about putting the information panels in all 4 official languages of Singapore?
I will find that messy.
the smart BC actually knew and understood english, but he refused to reply and pretended he didn't understood
his motive is to make this smart-alec women asked him in mandarin
in the first place, if english is the working language in singapore, then Kechil should be translated to english by this woman
Originally posted by No_10_Tomas:the smart BC actually knew and understood english, but he refused to reply and pretended he didn't understood
his motive is to make this smart-alec women asked him in mandarin
in the first place, if english is the working language in singapore, then Kechil should be translated to english by this woman
thats the name of the place. why don't you translate your chinese name or whatever to english then.
i think we should strongly push for english speaking bus drivers no matter the nationality.
no matter what, bus driver still has to understand some English because we live in a mulit racial country and society
Yes, no doubt recruiting foreign bus driver is cheaper and whatsoever, but i must say that bus driver should put in effort to make sure these BC understand english, at least spoken english.
singaporeans speak english..?? i don't think so
they speak singlish rather
Lah, Lor, Meh, Hor, Alamak, Aiya, Jialat, Yandao eh
"Uncle, this bus got go jalan jurong kechil?"
since when can singapoerans speak proper english that americans/europeans understand haha
singlish may be
we should train BC singlish
Originally posted by No_10_Tomas:the smart BC actually knew and understood english, but he refused to reply and pretended he didn't understood
his motive is to make this smart-alec women asked him in mandarin
in the first place, if english is the working language in singapore, then Kechil should be translated to english by this woman
and jalan besar would have become the big street.
They should complaining constantly about the hygenie standards in the bus, no air con in the MRT, late arrival of buses and the driver's standard in the press.
Then, they have to get LTA to justify how they obtained the result of their survey when there are so many complaints.
This is time for the communters to stand up for themselves so that they are not bullied every time with fare increase and no service standard improvement.
Originally posted by hiphop2009:no matter what, bus driver still has to understand some English because we live in a mulit racial country and society
Yes, no doubt recruiting foreign bus driver is cheaper and whatsoever, but i must say that bus driver should put in effort to make sure these BC understand english, at least spoken english.
tis is where e problem comes
Every Singaporean wants more buses, yet no one wants to drive.
so lppl?
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:They should complaining constantly about the hygenie standards in the bus, no air con in the MRT, late arrival of buses and the driver's standard in the press.
Then, they have to get LTA to justify how they obtained the result of their survey when there are so many complaints.
This is time for the communters to stand up for themselves so that they are not bullied every time with fare increase and no service standard improvement.
So you want more buses but no locals want to drive so how?
You want to make e PAP or e govt look a baddie, end up e whole argument makes the opposition against it a bigger fool.
The hiring of China BC are good because they drive quicker. However, SBST and SMRT should do more in providing them with training in English so that they can answer questions posed by commuters. China BC have another problem though, they do not seem to have the guts to ask a non-paying passenger to come forward and pay the fare and usually shrug it off. I am really perplexed by this. How can the PTOs earn money when more commuters are taking advantage of this ignorance? Rising fares are caused by these bastards who don't pay, because PTOs don't have enough money. When they don't have enough money, there will always be poor bus maintenance and no money to buy new buses! SBST should at least try to match up to KMB in terms of getting new buses!