anyone has any idea what is the fastest way to get to Orchard from Changi Prison?
any premium bus services?
Which part of Changi? Is it Changi Airport or Changi Village? If you mean Changi Airport, then its 36.
>> Post in proper thread.
Service 36. Changi Airport - Orchard Road.
Changi is a huge place...
Please proceed ur post to "How to go there ah?"..........
Please "Delect" This Post.
Originally posted by SBS9231S:Please "Delect" This Post.
you need more inverted commas because it doesnt make sense!
Originally posted by ^tamago^:Changi is a huge place...
same as Jurong
Jurong - a name that will make Singapore famous in a new way
To the TS: Please elaborate which part of Changi are u coming from?
Originally posted by service_238:
same as JurongJurong - a name that will make Singapore famous in a new way
Jurong stretches from Toh Guan to Pioneer
Originally posted by GHoST_18:edited...
take 2 change mrt at tanah merah if you talk about speed.
take bus no 2 to Tanah Merah MRT,then transfer to train to Orchard.Or take bus no 5,stop at SAFRA Tampines,take 518 direct to Orchard...If not in a hurry,take bus no 5 to Orchard direct.
Mods lock the thread please
Originally posted by SBS2615P:Mods lock the thread please
Help you in hyperlink
Service 5 direct to Far East Plaza only, if not change to Express Service 518 or Service 65 at SAFRA Tampines along Tampines Avenue 1.
Its always the same bunch of people asking for threads to be closed, and the mods don't close them half the time for good reasons.
Thankfully these people are not mods.
LOCK. Post in 'How to go there arh' thread next time :)
thank you
TS gong changi prison liao ma...