Originally posted by Simple_boi:My turn now for SBS7888K!
http://sbs9679j.fotopic.net/p64849769.htmlTake a look at the excitement of bus enthusiasts!!
Originally posted by sbs8104h:May not be the best pic of the day but................................
What the heck?
Disclaimer: Tintinspartan and unknown bus fan destroyed my pic... So have to camp again
It's near SG Flyer, one of the attractions availble and today 7888K attracted alot of people's attention at MBS, from what i see, including bus fans. So, i decided to have this shot up like this... (If it's lame to you, im no entertainer, i don't entertain people BUT i entertain myself)
if u call that destroyed, see the 9889 on 99 pics from one year ago. LOL
Sat, 15/05/2010 (part 2):
PA6026S - Scania K124IB
Originally posted by TIB1051D:whoa...Braddell Road. isn't the traffic heavy over there?
Originally posted by TIB1051D:whoa...Braddell Road. isn't the traffic heavy over there?
errr i snapped there like dunno how many times liao... LOL.
one of the big shots on 157 snapped here.
i have like dunno how many more la
17/5 Part 1
SBS3920B on 182M
SBS459L on 255
SBS9817C on 154
SBS2754X on 81
17/5 Part 2
Today's Cameos
SBS3921Z on 24
TIB1015J on 851
Photos of buses - 17/05/10
15/05/2010 and 17/05/2010
SBS3915S on 98
SBS503S on 133
SBS480Z on 238
SBS3922X on 262
SBS414R on 333
SBS2784J on 334- Look at how dirty is this bus... Very good maintainence by SLBP! BRAVO!
Originally posted by Stage:
yummy veggies
Originally posted by sbs8104h:
SBS414R on 333
Wow, SLBP Bravo. Make SBS 414R like new one.
Originally posted by smrt3099:I saw this bus going OS from TPY before 7pm
haha 29E keeps around 650pm
Originally posted by Stage:
errr i snapped there like dunno how many times liao... LOL.
one of the big shots on 157 snapped here.
i have like dunno how many more la
hahaha. i snapped thr cos bo bian.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
Wow, SLBP Bravo. Make SBS 414R like new one.
never talk about 2784J?
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
Wow, SLBP Bravo. Make SBS 414R like new one.
Please! it was an ex-amdep bus. SLBP only made it worse... So much better when it was on 52(AMDEP) Than 333(Current SLBP Control)
Look at your 2784J! That is why i pity buses that are being transferred over to SLBP.
Not happy again? GO BANG WALL