Hi there,
I would like to know if there is anything that is making bus captains drive at a ridiculously low speed? That time i board 87. It was so slow that from the window, i can see this guy running pass us -.-
And thanks to his low speed, I took 35mins instead of the usual 15mins to reach my destination and cause me to be late for my appointment and kena forfeited of my money. That time, my friend went up to the bus driver to ask him to speed up, the bus driver just rev up the accelerator and went back to the old slow speed.
Kindly explain to me as I believe there are some bus captains or many bus enthusiasts around here??
all buses have a time frame for the whole drive.
some drivers drove too fast in the beginning and hence had to slow down in order not to reach the interchange earlier then allowed.
it happens all the time. there was once.. the driver was so slow that an old man riding bicycle by the pavement was faster than the bus. another time, the bloody driver actually stopped at the pedestrian crossing when the traffic light was still GREEN. he even signalled to the drivers on the opposite side to go ahead to turn right. -.-"
This service and like most SBST services have excessive running time. Thus BCs need to drag along their routes to meet scheduled time at Interchange/terminal.
Sad that they are wasting commuting customers' time and as well as their productivity in the use of resources, in term of fuel-saving, BC and bus turn-a-round time.
If only SBST could carry out frequent review on their running time checks of their services.
some drivers actually stopped the bus, opened and closed the rear doors allowing phantoms to board and alight.
There was one time i took this SBS bus, svc242 (SBS8892R), I ringed the bell, the bus drove to the bus stop, but then nvr stop!!! Nvr even open the door. Then I must walk back to the destination.. wasted like 10mins.
write to the ST forum and asks the spokesperson to explain. otherwise call up a reporter to ask him/her to do a report or a show on the BC driving at snail's pace. if not write to the company and demand a satisfactory answers.
The runtime of buses should be shortened.
stupid bus system. no wonder the BC are driving at a snail's pace. which is more important, reputation of the company or adhering to the stupid schedule.
Originally posted by dragg:all buses have a time frame for the whole drive.
some drivers drove too fast in the beginning and hence had to slow down in order not to reach the interchange earlier then allowed.
If the bus driver left the interchange punctually, how would they have so much time on the road to spare so that they could reach in time!!? Even if add in the fact that there is very good road conditions, all his traffic light all green, not possible he will be that early right. And I board the bus just one bus stop away from the interchange, that i can see it coming out. From there, its already cruising at snail pace. -.-
who is the CEO and COO of SBS? is tammy their spokesperson from SBS or SMRT de?
I realised that bus 901 in woodlands interchange make passengers waited for a REALLY LONG TIME ! it's like when i was wating for 901, two 900 buses already come and gone and 901 still havent come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what's the reason for this anyone can tell me ?? and sometimes ti just come v fast when there's like only <10 people waiting in the queue? frustrating!
Originally posted by Exbbman:This service and like most SBST services have excessive running time. Thus BCs need to drag along their routes to meet scheduled time at Interchange/terminal.
Sad that they are wasting commuting customers' time and as well as their productivity in the use of resources, in term of fuel-saving, BC and bus turn-a-round time.
If only SBST could carry out frequent review on their running time checks of their services.
drivers can feedback about safety issues if they have to drive too fast.
SBST - SiBeiSlowTransport
can anyone here pls go write to ST forum or call TNP and report it to the reporters there.
Do you think that BC driving at dragging speed meant that is considered safe ? There are more road safey issues than just the speed. Bus driving so slowly (hogging) can frustrate other road users, but also the commuting customers.
Comparing SMRT and SBST buses, there are relative more cases of dragging speed with SBST buses.
fuck bus, i'm gonna drive once i get the license
Sometimes the bus has a mechanical fault. As it can still move albeit at a slow speed, the driver may have been instructed to continue.
Also it they arrive at the interchange too early, they must be speeding. Too late, they are slack. It has to be just right.
Bus drivers are not a special species of human beings. They are also like you and me. They also use their own logic when working.
You never try to be smart, at your workplace?
its 95% due to schedule. all the time. just compare a sv 25 and 854 bus. 45min for 25 and 28min for 854 from hg ave 2 to bedok int taking the same route during peak hours.
sbst problem is that they add time during 3-5pm when there is no jam. den the poor BC got to drive very slowly. den mealbreak at 6plus runtime still the same, bigger headways causing higher loading along with the hardcore jams become not enough time. problem is with the meal break period not 3-5pm. 6plus trips tend to be late with the exception of crazy runtime services like 25 and 72 which you can practically head 30kph per stop.
I remembered many years ago when I was in secondary school that buses tend to drive to a snail pace when about to reach the interchange. looks like the habit die hard for BC eh after so many years later.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:its 95% due to schedule. all the time. just compare a sv 25 and 854 bus. 45min for 25 and 28min for 854 from hg ave 2 to bedok int taking the same route during peak hours.
sbst problem is that they add time during 3-5pm when there is no jam. den the poor BC got to drive very slowly. den mealbreak at 6plus runtime still the same, bigger headways causing higher loading along with the hardcore jams become not enough time. problem is with the meal break period not 3-5pm. 6plus trips tend to be late with the exception of crazy runtime services like 25 and 72 which you can practically head 30kph per stop.
yah lah, smrt fast =)
Originally posted by SBS7485P:its 95% due to schedule. all the time. just compare a sv 25 and 854 bus. 45min for 25 and 28min for 854 from hg ave 2 to bedok int taking the same route during peak hours.
sbst problem is that they add time during 3-5pm when there is no jam. den the poor BC got to drive very slowly. den mealbreak at 6plus runtime still the same, bigger headways causing higher loading along with the hardcore jams become not enough time. problem is with the meal break period not 3-5pm. 6plus trips tend to be late with the exception of crazy runtime services like 25 and 72 which you can practically head 30kph per stop.
Wait.. But I thought they ply different routes? I rmb svc 25 got turn left sumwhere around Defu when doing the AMK->BDK route while 854 did not? o_0
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:yah lah, smrt fast =)
Yea True.
I Live Along Jalan Bukit Merah, Every Morning When i go to school i'll nid a bus Ride(961,14,147,196,197). If 961 Comes Behind any of the SBST Buses i'll take e 961 Bcos Everytime Without Fail, 961 Will OVERTAKE the SBST Bus.
Oh And yea Sometimes Bus Drivers Just Drive VEERY SLOW. Once i boarded 33, at Redhill MRT towards Tiong Bahru Plaza, The Bus Went Off Very Slow and STOP AT A GREEN LIGHT. My Friend Was Like WTF is rong with the Bus ? Stop at Green Light? But i noticed the 63 Infront Passed with no problem. after a few seconds the 33 move off from the junction and reach the next bus stop. it stopped and doesnt want to open the doors for the passenger to board until 30 seconds later, den when finishing boarding le 15 sec later den close de door. den it move off to the next traffic light which was also green and stopped agn? 10 seconds later it moved off and went to the next bus stop and slowly proceed on to Tiong Bahru.
Originally posted by Operation//Overkill:SBST - SiBeiSlowTransport
ok lah the speed is ok..but the frequency can be more consistent.
Originally posted by Whatdatoot:fuck bus, i'm gonna drive once i get the license
Yes. After I get that damn license, I'm not going to take the bus anymore -.- Suaysuay that day also forget to bring out my nets card, if not can have board a cab instead.
Anyway, SMRT buses are really faster. Base on experience, the speed taken in SMRT buses are usually much quicker than that of SBS. All my snail pace bus experience comes from SBS!
Don't mean to pin point at bus drivers who are doing their job, going by what some of you guys say, it should be the management dai ji alr -.-