i think super olympian and volgren logo no more liao, volvo logo sure have one
volgren logos were placed above the front door door cock and at rear with super olympian logo
Unfortunate... Mk1 B10M and Leyland National 2 not well documented.
Can anyone classify the demos into 2 parts: 1) <1985 2) >1985?
Originally posted by jayh272416:should compare the K310UD with a LO3x or VO3x
no guesses for which one will look way nicer xD
Originally posted by Ngweitong:Anybody have photos of TIB bendies with the bendy bus word after the centre door?
Go find in suhirman's gallery.Saw the pic there b4.
And i tink ony the Box Bendies had tat 'bendy bus' logo aft the middle door.The later Habit and Volgren Bendies didnt hav them i tink....
Originally posted by The Kiwi Bus Fan:That is if you include SBS9000S. It is (by far all i know) the only Lo3 with Leyland logo intact with original colour. That reminds me: Why is SBST removing the logos of the bus make from buses?
e.g. Volvo Super Olympian had
1. Volvo logo
2. Super Olympian logo
3. Volgren logo.
Now, not a single one (some might have 1)
9000S wasnt a demo la.Its jus the 1st bus to b reg in the series.Tats all.1st bus to b reg in a series dosent mean tat it has to b the demo....
And yea.A lot of the Volvos had their logos removed quite a long time ago.But some Volvos still retain the slashes etc lik the MK4 DM,Striders and the VO3X.Iirc,go see 2610C,2649S etc.The last time which was in the middle of tis year wen i saw them,they still had their slashes unpainted (silver colour).But i tink wen i saw 2649S agn,the slash was repainted alr i tink.
Originally posted by Merczrox:9000S wasnt a demo la.Its jus the 1st bus to b reg in the series.Tats all.1st bus to b reg in a series dosent mean tat it has to b the demo....
And yea.A lot of the Volvos had their logos removed quite a long time ago.But some Volvos still retain the slashes etc lik the MK4 DM,Striders and the VO3X.Iirc,go see 2610C,2649S etc.The last time which was in the middle of tis year wen i saw them,they still had their slashes unpainted (silver colour).But i tink wen i saw 2649S agn,the slash was repainted alr i tink.
Made in Farkirk. BTW, Why VSO CDGE demo have NO logo at all?