How about a discussion on bus deployments in depots?
I may have been an ex-driver, but then I was just driving. Never thought, never ask how the buses are being deployed. Never thought why some buses were transferred here and there.
Share some thoughts.
amdep is able to have constraints in its bus deployment for its services due to its sheer number of buses under its fleet holding.
1. B9s only on services with B9s (21 25 72 76 88)
2. Batch 1 K230s only on services with them (60 63 232 238 265 268)
3. B10Ms only on services with DD (due to rectangular desto availability). Some SD services without DD are allowed to have them deployed due to historical reason (124 162)
hgdep has some restrictions on its Tridents i think..
bndep doesnt have any restrictions except B9 and Dart.
bbdep's priority is the JB Mk3 availability for 160/170.
slbp seem to have restrictions of K230s on JIS..
Despite all that there are outliers though..
amdep/brbp, slbp and bbdep got restriction of B9s?
Originally posted by service_238:amdep is able to have constraints in its bus deployment for its services due to its sheer number of buses under its fleet holding.
1. B9s only on services with B9s (21 25 72 76 88)
2. Batch 1 K230s only on services with them (60 63 232 238 265 268)
3. B10Ms only on services with DD (due to rectangular desto availability). Some SD services without DD are allowed to have them deployed due to historical reason (124 162)hgdep has some restrictions on its Tridents i think..
bndep doesnt have any restrictions except B9 and Dart.
bbdep's priority is the JB Mk3 availability for 160/170.
slbp seem to have restrictions of K230s on JIS..Despite all that there are outliers though..
you may want to reconsider the part in bold
anyway i think BNDEP is quite flexible with its B9... even services like 197 69 28 31 received B9 quite a few times. Definitely more flexible than AM/BR/SL
for amdep side, preventive maintenance of brbp and amdep. the starter will try to deploy closest to the service.
like for example sv 56 S shift drove in 9668R and sv 157 S shift drove in 9032A both for preventive maintenance. afternoon they still need further checks. there are sv139 merc 504P, sv 154 B10TL 9807G, sv 162 B10M 2804K and a sv186 leyland 9190B available. the starter will choose 9807G to be despatched on 157 and 9190B for 56. unless choices are limited then you see a big variation like if there was only the 162 B10M left, it would be despatched on 56 and 157 will have to wait for another bus available.
this is to facillitate easier parking when they return after their runs as parking attendants have to drive around the depot or between amdep and brbp and repark the buses in order.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:amdep/brbp, slbp and bbdep got restriction of B9s?
But BBDEP deploys B9 on 166 occassionally.
But nowadays, SLBP also practices B9 cameo on 199.
WLDEP frequently/occassionally practices OC cameo on 178, 187 (which had perm last time), 852, 962 and 966.
Add-on: UDs are restricted on 178, 187 and 852. (For WLDEP services) 853 and 855 (For AMDEP services)
Anyway, is there a reason why AMDEP restrict OC cameos on 855?
Originally posted by service_238:
hgdep has some restrictions on its Tridents i think..
147 occassionally gets the cameo.
403 occassionally gets KUB cameo.
Originally posted by TIB657M:WLDEP frequently/occassionally practices cameo on 178, 187 (which had perm last time), 852, 962 and 966.
If you are referring to mercz cameo, it should be 5 (full*)days in a week (for 178), 187 gets them almost everyday.
Scania-wise, for 962 and 966 only as X-overs, along with 965
*excluding S201s and splitters, weekends only SPs and selected perms
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:If you are referring to mercz cameo, it should be 5 (full*)days in a week (for 178), 187 gets them almost everyday.
Scania-wise, for 962 and 966 only as X-overs, along with 965
*excluding S201s and splitters
An aplogy that I never state clearly. I mean OC cameos (look on my edited post)
Anyway, is ELBO restricted to 178, 187, 852, 961 and 966? Rarely spot an ELBO cameo on other services. I know last week TIB841Y cameoed on 969, TIB842U did 2 times on 169 last year. When TIB840A was SP, it cameoed on 171, 920/922 etc...
Yahx, mercz cameo are meant to replace the perm Scanias.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
An aplogy that I never state clearly. I mean OC cameos (look on my edited post)Anyway, is ELBO restricted to 178, 187, 852, 961 and 966? Rarely spot an ELBO cameo on other services. I know last week TIB841Y cameoed on 969, TIB842U did 2 times on 169 last year. When TIB840A was SP, it cameoed on 171, 920/922 etc...
Yahx, mercz cameo are meant to replace the perm Scanias.
what about 846J on 963 last year? remember seeing this cameo though, 965 kenna one or 2 ELBO cameo before though
AMDEP services (excluding 171,811,854)if i am not wrong, like only once a month. like how 178 gets it's OC.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
147 occassionally gets the cameo.
403 occassionally gets KUB cameo.
trident on 147 is rather passe. 147 is part of the exclusive trident club. 87 was the last entrant I believe.
The only other time I can think of where an anomaly in trident deployment occured was when a trident did 161.
For obvious reasons, it could not use its EDS.
Originally posted by jayh272416:you may want to reconsider the part in bold
anyway i think BNDEP is quite flexible with its B9... even services like 197 69 28 31 received B9 quite a few times. Definitely more flexible than AM/BR/SL
yeah, a classic example was yesterday when SBS7400J did svc 5..
hope this will happen again soon..
For WLDEP- They restrict Scanias from doing 900, 901, 902, 903, 911, 912, 913, 922. (Even though 900, 911, 912, 913 get Scania cameos before, 901 and 903 get Scanias via x-over form 961) Ever since, 636Z was redeployed to 178, I have never heard of Scania cameos on 902/964.
For AMDEP- They restrict OC from doing 855. UDs are only deployed on 853 and 855.
For KJDEP- They restrict:
Hinos from doing 67, 176, 180, 184 (Even though 180, 184 got Hino cameos last year), CCK feeders unless breakdown replacement
DAF from doing 67, 188 (even though 697Y did 188 earlier on), CCK feeders unless breakdown replacement
Originally posted by TIB657M:For WLDEP- They restrict Scanias from doing 900, 901, 902, 903, 911, 912, 913, 922. (Even though 900, 911, 912, 913 get Scania cameos before, 901 and 903 get Scanias via x-over form 961) Ever since, 636Z was redeployed to 178, I have never heard of Scania cameos on 902/964.
For AMDEP- They restrict OC from doing 855. UDs are only deployed on 853 and 855.
You forgot to add 858 in, 900 it is like twice in a year, just like how Lances on Yishun based feeder services (not sure if i am right).
AMDEP restricting OCs? How many times did you see them on 853 and 855? should be about once or twice per month you see it right?
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:AMDEP restricting OCs? How many times did you see them on 853 and 855? should be about once or twice per month you see it right?
OC on 853 quite common nowadays. But 855 only one time, but was replaced by another bus after that. Otherwise, never heard OC cameos on 855 anymore.
To add-on, AMDEP started their OC cameos on 882, 965 and 980 after intaking some of Batch 2s.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
OC on 853 quite common nowadays. But 855 only one time, but was replaced by another bus after that. Otherwise, never heard OC cameos on 855 anymore.To add-on, AMDEP started their OC cameos on 882, 965 and 980 after intaking some of Batch 2s.
So common for 178 to get them too? sorry if i asked because i have a feeling 178 will be another 853, Should it have mercz perms though
853-wise, been to Yishun recently, Should be like 178 though
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:So common for 178 to get them too? sorry if i asked because i have a feeling 178 will be another 853, Should it have mercz perms though
853-wise, been to Yishun recently, Should be like 178 though
SMB134H did 178 2 weeks ago.
Same as 178, 853 also has OAC Mercz spams (mostly from 854 and 855 permers)
Originally posted by TIB657M:
SMB134H did 178 2 weeks ago.Same as 178, 853 also has OAC Mercz spams (mostly from 854 and 855 permers)
But 178 gets from SP and 950, CAC wise should be from 856,859(if you are lucky enough to spot one),177/925*,961*** and 966***.
And 500G did 853, along with 623K.
*** means on Weekdays and Sundays
* denotes on alternate months
Anyway, hope 853 and 854 can come under Woodlands and AM though, even though they had a stint in the past.
BTW is ARBP K230UBs only restricted to svcs 5, 48 and 123/123M?
Originally posted by chikopek:BTW is ARBP K230UBs only restricted to svcs 5, 48 and 123/123M?
they can be on any svc controlled by ARBP & BBDEP..
Originally posted by chikopek:BTW is ARBP K230UBs only restricted to svcs 5, 48 and 123/123M?
Yes. But SBS8679R did 111 on March.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
Same as 178, 853 also has OAC Mercz spams (mostly from 854 and 855 permers)
That's so wrong. 853 only have OAC Merz once in a while and mostly on Sundays where there is a perm 854/853 crossover.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
An aplogy that I never state clearly. I mean OC cameos (look on my edited post)Anyway, is ELBO restricted to 178, 187, 852, 961 and 966? Rarely spot an ELBO cameo on other services. I know last week TIB841Y cameoed on 969, TIB842U did 2 times on 169 last year. When TIB840A was SP, it cameoed on 171, 920/922 etc...
Yahx, mercz cameo are meant to replace the perm Scanias.
There no such restriction for ELBOs. Please do not predict any sort of restrictions unless you are working for the depot.