Originally posted by Stage:
byebye leyland super olympian 3 axle
Haiz miss it when it was perm 59
Originally posted by Stage:
9182A's rear rego is placed at the position as the vso's... if you get the joke...
hey...now it looks like something wrong..the bumper kope from somewhere one ar?
I last time visually spotted SBS9182A was during bus enthuaists day. It cameoed on 86.
I took 9182 on 55 last time! xD
SBS9002L rocks man
sia why must go to SLBP... skeli it doesnt do well at there? ok sry
looks like there are quite a few leylands which were involved in accidents or burnt down
Burnt: SBS9013E, SBS9163E, SBS9174Z, SBS9188J
Accident: SBS9149Y, SBS9104B, SBS9182A, SBS9084A
I'll Miss The Leylands on Svc 197 & 143 D=
Originally posted by fireice rox:looks like there are quite a few leylands which died early due to fire or accidents.
Burnt: SBS9013E, SBS9163E, SBS9174Z, SBS9188J
Accident: SBS9149Y, SBS9104B, SBS9182A
Well , early farewell?
which year was SBS9013E scrapped? anyone got pic of this bus?
added in SBS9084A
Originally posted by fireice rox:added in SBS9084A
don't jump the gun. wait for lay-up notice please.
Originally posted by fireice rox:which year was SBS9013E scrapped?
SBS9013E was burnt in the 1998 AMDEP fire.
Less than 2 months left for the 1st batch of 10 LOs.
I think they may need more DD to meet demand
Any news of preserving the last of leyland olympians???
Originally posted by Operation//Overkill:Any news of preserving the last of leyland olympians???
Dun worry.Singapore will nvr hav such a ting.Cuz last time i heard bcause of land constraints..Tats wat i heard la.Not i said.
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:4 of them went off during the fire recently at AMDEP, and you can tell me to relax. Pro :D
Ya la.U dun get wat i say isit??Did anybody confirm tat the LO3X wld b dereg early??So far nth is mention yet.Tats y i said relak 1st la.U dun wan relak then u go spam them la.Tell me here for wat??Tis is my own opinion.
Originally posted by service_238:SBS 9104 B laid up till expiry
SBS 9182 A laid up till expiryBoth suffered accidents on their respective perm service. And since 9182A has been in amdep with the laid up Merc for the longest time its highly unlikely it will do revenue service again.
Haiz.Seems lik tis 2 buses totally no more hope leh....
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):
Haiz miss it when it was perm 59
Same la.At least took 9171G and 9181C many times.But didnt get to take tis bus at all.Saw it many times only.
Originally posted by Operation//Overkill:Siao what leyland super olympian? Only got Volvo Super Olympian la..... Did u meant Superbus?
The rear bumper is using VSO type.The bus is a Leyland.So he jokingly combined it and said Leyland Super Olympian wen its obviously NOT la....
wah so fast august liao.. first 10 are due by the end of the month...
26 Aug 2010: 9000-9009
Goin to miss SBS9073G - SBS9076Z on sv197
has been PERM on this service since LO3X was introduced...
Originally posted by Merczrox:Dun worry.Singapore will nvr hav such a ting.Cuz last time i heard bcause of land constraints..Tats wat i heard la.Not i said.
sell to other countries like UK or HK?
Hope these LO3X can get at least a 1yr extention since those B9s are not coming so soon
SBS9002L, u rocks man! gonna miss u though
9123X Rox Too =D i Hope i can get a pic with u Before u go =X