Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:a couple of bendies may work, but the problem is, is it enough to fill all the people in or not, or just nice.
From what i see, if a bendy is deployed on 966, not all compartments would be packed though
From my observation, it is very pack already at Bendemeer Rd, not to forget that some roads including this, were very congested during peak hour, longer waiting time means more waiting passengers.
It is so pack that some people had to wait for another bus. Not to forget there is another school at Whitley Rd, so by adding up the numbers, a bendy is capable to be full of pax.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
From my observation, it is very pack already at Bendemeer Rd, not to forget that some roads including this, were very congested during peak hour, longer waiting time means more waiting passengers.It is so pack that some people had to wait for another bus. Not to forget there is another school at Whitley Rd, so by adding up the numbers, a bendy is capable to be full of pax.
this one can agree with you, sometimes during (PM) peak hours, this bus is like packed sardines though, but then Whitley road is like sometimes pack-sometimes not though, took this service at around 6+ from w'lands straight, sometimes like no students, 5+ can understand, Marine Parade-wise, VV
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
i had seen last trip starting from close to 8am and buses bunched together.. So imagine the crowd between 7.48am to 8am with no bus at JW St 91
then that's cos the crowd before 7.45am is too much for the sv179/241 buses, not because it was made intentionally to serve the area fter 7.45am. no matter the crowd at JW St 91, it is not as huge before and after 7.45am, and if based on your observation then sv179 will end up with less trips between 7.45am to 8.15am.
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:this one can agree with you, sometimes during (PM) peak hours, this bus is like packed sardines though, but then Whitley road is like sometimes pack-sometimes not though, took this service at around 6+ from w'lands straight, sometimes like no students, 5+ can understand, Marine Parade-wise, VV
But its better to put 1 bendy at this slot. Because there is no gaurantee and we do not know when will have lots of students/people and when will not during the PM peak hours. So, I think SMRT could possibly take it as a precaution by putting a bendy, if not, people will continue to complain about 966 again.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
then that's cos the crowd before 7.45am is too much for the sv179/241 buses, not because it was made intentionally to serve the area fter 7.45am. no matter the crowd at JW St 91, it is not as huge before and after 7.45am, and if based on your observation then sv179 will end up with less trips between 7.45am to 8.15am.
Frm my daily experience, if there is no bus arriving between 7.45am to 7.55am at JW St 91. The load can fill up one DD and1K230UB previously, 2 DD currently at BLK 953. That's why during random checks, the bus inspector is scheduled at that bus stop until 8.30am.. Sometimes, I think the management had neglected the crowd after 7.45am which is relatively high. I had heard many complaints raised during this period.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
Frm my daily experience, if there is no bus that arrive between 7.45am to 7.55am at JW St 91. The load can fill up one DD and 1K230UB at BLK 953. That's why during random checks the bus inspector is scheduled at that bus stop until 8.30am..
fill up jus nice, but does a fully packed bus (often happens after PM peak) equate to a lot of people using the service? you have to count the number of trips too.... the number of pax before 7.45am could probably fill up more buses to the brim, and faster too, than just 1 DD and 1 KUB.
random checks are meant to cover the tapering off period too in case he didn't see the full picture. stopping the check at 8.30am also doesn't mean anything, it could be from instructions based on already known loading data, that he should stay on till 8.30am because it is known the pax loading will decrease after 7.45am but he should have a reasonable buffer. a 15-minute buffer is not impossible, but if the load only tapers after 8.15am, i think he could stay longer since he's already stationed there....
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
fill up jus nice, but does a fully packed bus (often happens after PM peak) equate to a lot of people using the service? you have to count the number of trips too.... the number of pax before 7.45am could probably fill up more buses to the brim, and faster too, than just 1 DD and 1 KUB.
random checks are meant to cover the tapering off period too in case he didn't see the full picture. stopping the check at 8.30am also doesn't mean anything, it could be from instructions based on already known loading data, that he should stay on till 8.30am because it is known the pax loading will decrease after 7.45am but he should have a reasonable buffer. a 15-minute buffer is not impossible, but if the load only tapers after 8.15am, i think he could stay longer since he's already stationed there....
fully packed means there are only 2-3 seats left at the upper deck and the lower deck is packed to the door. If delay does happen, the bus will be fully packed even after the stop at BLK 924. Sometimes, the 2nd bus will have the same situation( Where there are CHC members). With close to 100 over passengers onboard, I believe the loading is rather high for a feeder service that ply such a short route. More importantly, there are always no loading issue from 6am to 7.30am when crossovers are in place. In fact, most of the complaints I heard are no buses arriving between 7.48am to 8am or 7.50am to 8.10am when some of the crossover left and there are shortage of buses or buses unable keep on their schedule.
Sir, I believe he had received instructions to stay until 8.30. I will consider the loading after 8.30am as normal or low. Normal means a KUB can fetch all the passengers after looping at JW St 91 & 92. To be frank, I am living at the site area and I believe I am very sure of the situation.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:fully packed means there are only 2-3 seats left at the upper deck and the lower deck is packed to the door. If delay does happen, the bus will be fully packed even after the stop at BLK 924. Sometimes, the 2nd bus will have the same situation( Where there are CHC members). With close to 100 over passengers onboard, I believe the loading is rather high for a feeder service that ply such a short route. More importantly, there are always no loading issue from 6am to 7.30am when crossovers are in place. In fact, most of the complaints I heard are no buses arriving between 7.48am to 8am or 7.50am to 8.10am when some of the crossover left and there are shortage of buses or buses unable keep on their schedule.
Sir, I believe he had received instructions to stay until 8.30. I will consider the loading after 8.30am as normal or low. Normal means a KUB can fetch all the passengers after looping at JW St 91 & 92. To be frank, I am living at the site area and I believe I am very sure of the situation.
i suggest you ask your SLBP acquiantances to put in a request citing the data & observations, if there is a need to add a bus or sacrifice trips on sv179. actually, if you have heard of these complaints thru SLBP, they'd have been doing something. if not then you can forward to them.
Why not complain to MP and see what he can do for you, just to add 1 or 2 trips between the 0745-0800 period. If that means a sacrifice of about 2 buses from 179, then students are not able to get to their 8.30 class on time. Then the student union will complain.
then we'll see a good fight.
Got people don't believe the passenger loading data collected by inspector and passed onto SBST ma... black and white is more promiment... hahaha...
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:fully packed means there are only 2-3 seats left at the upper deck and the lower deck is packed to the door. If delay does happen, the bus will be fully packed even after the stop at BLK 924. Sometimes, the 2nd bus will have the same situation( Where there are CHC members). With close to 100 over passengers onboard, I believe the loading is rather high for a feeder service that ply such a short route. More importantly, there are always no loading issue from 6am to 7.30am when crossovers are in place. In fact, most of the complaints I heard are no buses arriving between 7.48am to 8am or 7.50am to 8.10am when some of the crossover left and there are shortage of buses or buses unable keep on their schedule.
Sir, I believe he had received instructions to stay until 8.30. I will consider the loading after 8.30am as normal or low. Normal means a KUB can fetch all the passengers after looping at JW St 91 & 92. To be frank, I am living at the site area and I believe I am very sure of the situation.
I've ever took note of Sv 241's loading. Normally I do not see high loadings after 8am en-route Pioneer MRT Station.
As for the CHC members. My take esp on the Weekends? Sometimes they dun even need to deploy ADDs for them. Many of them just clogg up the lower deck refusing to move to e upper deck.
Sometimes not wanna be critical, but passengers simply are e ones tat cause all these bus delays. Is it because SBS too good to provide 3 - 5 mins freq so they think always have next bus I dunno.
As for 179, go take a look at the demand esp after 0745. An MRT arrival can easily fill up 2x Sv 179A ADDs. If there's any further delay, see wat happens if it moves to the new int wef next acad yr.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:i suggest you ask your SLBP acquiantances to put in a request citing the data & observations, if there is a need to add a bus or sacrifice trips on sv179. actually, if you have heard of these complaints thru SLBP, they'd have been doing something. if not then you can forward to them.
Frequency had been improved recently after 7.45am.. Additional 'S' bus had been added recently.. Anyway, u should know why the bus inspector is there, that goes to show that there are doing something.
Originally posted by sbst275:I've ever took note of Sv 241's loading. Normally I do not see high loadings after 8am en-route Pioneer MRT Station.
As for the CHC members. My take esp on the Weekends? Sometimes they dun even need to deploy ADDs for them. Many of them just clogg up the lower deck refusing to move to e upper deck.
Between 7.45am to 8.10am is a crucial timing for ppl working on 8.30am or 9am. Only if there adhere to the schedule, if not the loading would be unimaginable high.
It does happen when they had service in the weekdays morning..
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Frequency had been improved recently after 7.45am.. Additional 'S' bus had been added recently.. Anyway, u should know why the bus inspector is there, that goes to show that there are doing something.
good. so are your complaints addressed already?
he's there to gauge whether the additional bus is effective or not, he's not there to put on a show....
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
Between 7.45am to 8.10am is a crucial timing for ppl working on 8.30am or 9am. Only if there adhere to the schedule, if not the loading would be unimaginable high.It does happen when they had service in the weekdays morning..
weekday morning for special morning prayers before heading to work (usually lasts every workweek for a week to a month) they're going into jurong west, not out of it.... and a good number of them pack into sv179 and use the side gate. and they actually reach the auditorium at around or before 7am.
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
good. so are your complaints addressed already?
he's there to gauge whether the additional bus is effective or not, he's not there to put on a show....
complaints? Nono, it is not me who address this issue to them. I am just feeding them with some of the info or timing they need to focus on..
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
weekday morning for special morning prayers before heading to work (usually lasts every workweek for a week to a month) they're going into jurong west, not out of it.... and a good number of them pack into sv179 and use the side gate. and they actually reach the auditorium at around or before 7am.
hope that they can navigate some of the followers to take svc 179 instead..
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
complaints? Nono, it is not me who address this issue to them. I am just feeding them with some of the info or timing they need to focus on..
well, in any case, if you have forwarded their complaints to your SLBP "friends", isn't the issue addressed with the additional bus? if not, you can continue to forward them should the same people complain to you again.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
hope that they can navigate some of the followers to take svc 179 instead..
who are 'they'?
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
who are 'they'?
their marshals or management from CHC..
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
well, in any case, if you have forwarded their complaints to your SLBP "friends", isn't the issue addressed with the additional bus? if not, you can continue to forward them should the same people complain to you again.
As mentioned earlier, I wont say that I am complaining but just providing some timing that they should focus on. Just like an example that was raised, freq lapse between 7.45 -8.10am. Other than that, i believe with the headway of 2-5 mins it is considered very short.. Inspectors is currently doing the site checks, so let's see in near time if they are able to kept the freq below 5mins during the peak grs..
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:As mentioned earlier, I wont say that I am complaining but just providing some timing that they should focus on. Just like an example that was raised, freq lapse between 7.45 -8.10am. Other than that, i believe with the headway of 2-5 mins it is considered very short.. Inspectors is currently doing the site checks, so let's see in near time if they are able to kept the freq below 5mins during the peak grs..
"I had heard many complaints raised during this period." You're not convincing your SLBP friends with the background of these complaints? Then you must be instructing them to do something by providing the timings. Your forwarding of complaints to them is as complaints reaching them. So don't say you're not complaining. If you think the situation is not worthy of a complaint, you're not going to recite whatever you see everyday to your friends in SLBP?
How often do you see the inspectors doing site checks for sv 241?
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
"I had heard many complaints raised during this period." You're not convincing your SLBP friends with the background of these complaints? Then you must be instructing them to do something by providing the timings. Your forwarding of complaints to them is as complaints reaching them. So don't say you're not complaining. If you think the situation is not worthy of a complaint, you're not going to recite whatever you see everyday to your friends in SLBP?
How often do you see the inspectors doing site checks for sv 241?
Sir, as mentioned earlier I had already feeded them with the timings. Now, I believe they are collecting the data and doing site checks.
I spotted the bus inspectors on alternate days. Btw, spotted 1 green man recently too but I somehow believe he stays around JW ext.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Sir, as mentioned earlier I had already feeded them with the timings. Now, I believe they are collecting the data and doing site checks.
I spotted the bus inspectors on alternate days. Btw, spotted 1 green man recently too but I somehow believe he stays around JW ext.
if they're willing to adjust timing just because you fed some timings without justification, then it sounds very fishy. if no complaints, just by your voice, need to do site checks?
if everyone wants more buses at whatever timings they want and feed them to you, i think our poor traffic inspectors must be very busy meeting the wants of everybody.
i simply don't understand the need not to acknowledge that there were complaints (as you said you have received). at least SLBP is doing something right? aren't you proud of it? or do you seek to hide the fact that there are complaints against SLBP services, when every depot has its fair share to deal with?