SV 59 is very packed, even during peak hours with double deck. And the frequency is still bleh. O.O
Originally posted by jayh272416:187... whenever i take the rigids on 187, ANY TIME OF THE DAY, it's always packed
But I took TIB674M on 187 from Jurong Poly to Teck Whye today at around 8.21am, it was less crowded. Maybe the frequency has improved to around 5 - 6 minutes during the PEAK.
Always the same old ppl who gang up against one person.. I really admire ppl who MYOB. I respect these ppl!
Some comments about 969:
As a frequent user of it to Tampines I'd say it's demand is higher than any of the other town routes I can find. Firstly it's the only fast service linking Yishun to Tampines, given that Yishun town is so big. 39 is a little bit longer but the waiting time for one is already very long, secondly the speed of the buses along TPE bores people and thirdly, the monotone radiator sound from the KUB along TPE puts people to sleep. I didn't mind taking 39 from Tampines to Yishun during the N113 & DM3500 era but now I'd rather take 168 or 969. Secondly it is SUPER direct, with totally no stops in Tampines. After Khatib it's just zoom all the way.
I've seen it's loading during peak hours before. Try observing at Yishun as SMRT schedules alot of downroutes at Yishun MRT & Blk 923 during AM peak. The headway is at 3-4 mins but almost every bus I see are fully seated and half-filled with standees.
And if I'd comment on the bendy deployment, I'd say SMRT has improved over the years about 969 by adding more bendies. So it's a no to removing bendies from that service, in fact it needs more.
Seems like SMRT needs to buck up more about routes plying by Yishun since it's a really huge town to be honest.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Always the same old ppl who gang up against one person.. I really admire ppl who MYOB. I respect these ppl!
erm MYOB stands for what?
MYOB = Mind your own business
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:962 should have cut,856 and 960 can't, while 859 is during the weekends, so can't comment much, and don't see the need there, it is barely packed, even with a bendy
Errrr... 962 rigids at certain time you can see passengers sticking at the entrance...
If you saying 859 is "barely packed", may I know your definition of "packed" is? Btw, 859 has bendies on weekends, the cut for the bendies are effective for weekdays only.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:MYOB = Mind your own business
reminds me of this ad on SBS214B, while it was perm 157
I used to saw 857 deploy on bendies during Wkdays once in a while.. The frequency for svc 857 shld be improve. Once I had to wait for 1/2 hr from my hse in Yishun to town during nite times.
Yes I agree CTE is jam sometimes and I think 857 can avoid this.. rmb that ffw svc can ply any routes they like on express sector? I think 857 shld do the same.. choose the least jam rd to go town and vice versa.. anyway passengers wont be affected in the express sector as long as it proceed back to its original route for non-express sector.
Originally posted by off_service:If you saying 859 is "barely packed", may I know your definition of "packed" is? Btw, 859 has bendies on weekends, the cut for the bendies are effective for weekdays only.
packed to the maxed, till there's no space
i took bendies on 859 before, sometimes it isn't really packed, let alone rigids which is not so packed.
In one sense, SMRT is simply running on tight resources. Even during the PM post peak hrs at 2000, the YIS feeders are running at close to 90% loading (but freq wise, is abt 10 mins per bus).
I've noticed though the schedule seems to be better planned these days, less of chionging buses (though today sat on 2 seperate trips tat the SMRT bus beat red light).
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:packed to the maxed, till there's no space
i took bendies on 859 before, sometimes it isn't really packed, let alone rigids which is not so packed.
859 loadings are not that predictable. Sometimes it is extremely packed during off peak while some peak hour trips are relatively empty.
If it's packed to the max, I think that would mean more than just adding bendies to it.
Originally posted by sbst275:In one sense, SMRT is simply running on tight resources. Even during the PM post peak hrs at 2000, the YIS feeders are running at close to 90% loading (but freq wise, is abt 10 mins per bus).
I've noticed though the schedule seems to be better planned these days, less of chionging buses (though today sat on 2 seperate trips tat the SMRT bus beat red light).
I think this has something to do with the newer lifestyle locals are having. I've noticed that some buses and trains from towns at night are somehow more packed than trips during the stipulated peak hour timings. I wonder if our bus companies or even LTA have plans to cater to this change, maybe not for all services but some popular ones.
Originally posted by off_service:859 loadings are not that predictable. Sometimes it is extremely packed during off peak while some peak hour trips are relatively empty.
If it's packed to the max, I think that would mean more than just adding bendies to it.
For weekdays, i can understand. but for weekend-wise, took it at about 5+ close to 6, or 6+, still don't see signs of crowd, i am not lying, i took that service before
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:For weekdays, i can understand. but for weekend-wise, took it at about 5+ close to 6, or 6+, still don't see signs of crowd, i am not lying, i took that service before
I never say you are lying. I'm just explaining some facts about 859. Some 859s will leave Yishun empty if there's one 856 leaving like 3 to 5 minutes before it. The timings with highest loadings for 859 are in the weekday morning (where that's crossover from 167) and from around 7pm to 10pm. Some trips for rigids at night will depart Yishun with standees and bus will be quite full after Chong Pang.
I agree that while 859 doesn't need full day bendies, one or two during peak hours will prove useful, especially during morning peak hours.
Sunday morning is the time when 859 will be packed with market goers.
Edit: Typo.
Originally posted by off_service:I think this has something to do with the newer lifestyle locals are having. I've noticed that some buses and trains from towns at night are somehow more packed than trips during the stipulated peak hour timings. I wonder if our bus companies or even LTA have plans to cater to this change, maybe not for all services but some popular ones.
sadly to speak, it does not apply to every new town. I think it has to do w/ every new town residents travelling pattern.
Some new town's pm peak demand cool down after 8pm.
In any case, if anyone noticed the 1hr 10 mins freq belt oftenly results in longer waiting time after it lapses.
Originally posted by off_service:I never say you are lying. I'm just explaining some facts about 859. Some 859s will leave Yishun empty if there's one 856 leaving like 3 to 5 minutes before it. The timings with highest loadings for 859 are in the weekday morning (where that's crossover from 167) and from around 7pm to 10pm. Some trips for rigids at night will depart Yishun with standees and bus will be quite full after Chong Pang.
I agree that while 859 doesn't need full day bendies, one or two during peak hours will prove useful, especially during peak hours.
Sunday morning is the time when 859 will be packed with market goers.
Oh ok, so 859 having bendies during weekends is because of those market-goers?(Weekends-wise)
Originally posted by jayh272416:SV 59 is very packed, even during peak hours with double deck. And the frequency is still bleh. O.O
not to mention Sv 5
Originally posted by sbst275:
sadly to speak, it does not apply to every new town. I think it has to do w/ every new town residents travelling pattern.Some new town's pm peak demand cool down after 8pm.
In any case, if anyone noticed the 1hr 10 mins freq belt oftenly results in longer waiting time after it lapses.
Well, having the popular routes running at better frequency at night may indirectly benefit residents living in towns that "cool down" after 8pm. They might have more transfer choices instead of waiting up to 20 minutes for their bus.
I find that many services from town (yes, even Orchard) have really really bad frequencies at night, some may even hit 30 minutes "unofficially". I myself had experienced a service lapse of 1 hr before.
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:Oh ok, so 859 having bendies during weekends is because of those market-goers?
Most probably yes.
Originally posted by off_service:Well, having the popular routes running at better frequency at night may indirectly benefit residents living in towns that "cool down" after 8pm. They might have more transfer choices instead of waiting up to 20 minutes for their bus.
I find that many services from town (yes, even Orchard) have really really bad frequencies at night, some may even hit 30 minutes "unofficially". I myself had experienced a service lapse of 1 hr before.
I can only say the QoS 10 mins issue has created some form of mess in loading cum actual travelling time vs scheduled issue.
Not to mention the traffic jam duration these days. Hopefully the tightening of COE quota would help in e long run.
As for Sv 969.
My 2 cents thought is to intro a Sv 969A. It would end at Yishun Ave 5 and off service back to Tampines via Upp Thomson Rd, SLE, TPE.
Originally posted by sbst275:
sadly to speak, it does not apply to every new town. I think it has to do w/ every new town residents travelling pattern.Some new town's pm peak demand cool down after 8pm.
In any case, if anyone noticed the 1hr 10 mins freq belt oftenly results in longer waiting time after it lapses.
There seems to be a pattern in the heartlands that are far from the city centre. the 8pm+ trips in these towns can also be packed with people. This actually goes in line with where most people who travel by public transport work.
Say the big 3 in the east. Demand actually starts to drop after 8.30 or 9pm. the farther from city centre, the later it drops. Coupled with split shift keeping and meal breaks ending the frequency will drag a little after the core pm peak period.
Conversely, it also means the pre-am peak load is likely to be heavy especially if pax are travelling a great distance to their workplace. That is why the Boon Lay feeder loads drop after 7.45am. This allows 242 and 243 buses to cross to 179/199 respectively for the student loads.
Towns near the city centre like Clementi, Bt Merah, Toa Payoh and Serangoon are pretty tricky. By theory the loads should drop after 8pm but due to residents taking advantage of their geographical residential convenience, they may go home later from the city centre than people who stay farther away. In the end, demand may only drop at the same time as the towns farther away from city centre.
I agree that frequency tends to get screwed after the QoS 10min freq especially for PM peak (AM peak not so jia lat). The problem lies here is the pm shift mealbreaks cannot be too early (cos they start like 1.5-2hours then meal break), and neither it can be too late (split shift keep liao means with mealbreak = longer headway). Either way still screwed that's why they stick to the current way.
Extending the QoS 10min freq period isnt financially viable either, depending on service. Maybe they can consider 12min for the 30-45min period after the 10min pm peak-within-peak period. Services from the city centre may sound good as compared to services serving the heartlands. The impact on the points i raised in the earlier para wont be so much, and yet still able to satisfy a group of commuters who happen to take during this period. But of course having 12min post peak-within-peak period may also lead to even longer headways after that period. Its hard to balance.
Originally posted by sbst275:As for Sv 969.
My 2 cents thought is to intro a Sv 969A. It would end at Yishun Ave 5 and off service back to Tampines via Upp Thomson Rd, SLE, TPE.
I don't think it would really hurt much if your proposed 969A could just 'turn-around' and then start trips somewhere at Yishun Ave 5 and pick up passengers back towards Tampines. Having your proposed 969A just off-service back to Tampines like that seems so...wasted.
Originally posted by supremebull:I don't think it would really hurt much if your proposed 969A could just 'turn-around' and then start trips somewhere at Yishun Ave 5 and pick up passengers back towards Tampines. Having your proposed 969A just off-service back to Tampines like that seems so...wasted.
is wasted, but how is the bus going to u turn back to opp side of Yishun Ave 5?
Unless bus downroute from Khatib