SBS343L on 30 (SLBP SP)
SBS2777E on 30 (BNDEP 222/30e*)
SBS726R on 32 (BNDEP SP)
SBS5195P on 66 (SLBP SP)
SBS314X on 157 (BRBP SP)
SBS338C on 157 (BRBP 26)
SBS3910E on 157 (BRBP 142)
SBS8882U on 198 (BBDEP 99)
SBS5001R on 199 (SLBP 241)
SBS415M on 405 (SLBP SP)
SBS511T on 405 (SLBP SP)
SBS8127S on 502 (SLBP 183)
SBS 278S(BRBP SP)on Svc 139
SBS 807R(BNDEP SP)on Svc 518
SBS0517C on Sv130A (2nd)
SBS3871J on Sv130A (1st)
SBS8542B on Sv130A (3rd)
SBS0469H on Sv130/402 (AM S x-over)
SBS3871J on Sv130/402 (PM S x-over)
Originally posted by azharjj:
JWA467 on CW1 - is this perm ?
Its JMA 467. Sometime this bus appear at around 5pm doing CW1.
TIB927J/855 (AMDEP 853)
TIB960L/852 (WLDEP 962)
Originally posted by sgbuses:MDEP 853)
TIB960L/852 (WLDEP 962)
What time did you saw this bus doing 852?
on a full day basis?
22: SBS436C SBS1917A SBS3844M
25: SBS9151P
30: SBS2777E SBS9065E
45: SBS8267X
51: SBS9130A
60: SBS9026T
63: SBS331X SBS444D
64: SBS8315R
65: SBS9333G SBS9604A
66: SBS2788Z SBS8615A
93: SBS748C SBS2638Z SBS2818X
99: SBS9252G
123: SBS2817Z
124: SBS503S
132: SBS847A
133: SBS9197H
154: SBS449R SBS8727K SBS8899Y
157: SBS338C SBS3910E SBS5150T
196: SBS8903T
199: SBS5001R SBS5139C
249: SBS9077X
262: SBS516E
285: SBS1967E
405: SBS415M SBS459L SBS470C SBS511T
408: SBS1982K SBS2830J SBS2835X
409: SBS2836T
CT18: SBS858T
61: TIB760Y
169: TIB746P TIB916R
172: TIB686D TIB690R TIB715D SMB113T SMB127D
176: TIB468S TIB858A TIB1210L
187: TIB542K TIB772M
188: TIB859Y
852: TIB960L
854: TIB942P TIB1095C
855: TIB926L TIB1011U
856: TIB1154R
925: TIB442R SMB58U
975: TIB951M
985: SMB72C
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:What time did you saw this bus doing 852?
on a full day basis?
Bukit Batok Int @ 7pm
SBS550E on 59 (AMDEP SP)
SBS5128J on 5 (BBDEP SP)
SBS8607Z on sv 3 (BNDEP 19)
SBS9509S on sv 10 (BNDEP 28)
SBS2707H on sv 19 (BNDEP 196)
SBS8535Y on sv 19 (BNDEP 196)
unindentified LO on sv 21
SBS1917A on sv 22 (AMDEP SP)
SBS436C on sv 22 (AMDEP SP)
SBS493L on sv 22 (AMDEP SP)
SBS8288K on sv 22 (AMDEP 24)
SBS8596X on sv 39 (BNDEP 81)
SBS902Z on sv 59 (AMDEP SP)
SBS8519U on sv 293 (BNDEP 29)
SBS9486Z on sv? (BNDEP SP) - tamp int with bedok feeder sv 222 destos
TIB559M on Tampines Ikea Shuttle (KJDEP 176)
TIB745S on sv 969 (WLDEP 859)
CSS185P On Service 178!!!! 7 minutes ago departed from Boon Lay Interchange towards Woodlands. Behind Bus is SMB134H
This bus deregistered liao, still on Service!!!!
TIB0634D On Service 172
SMB134H On Service 178
Originally posted by TIB 589B:
SMB134H On Service 178
what time did you saw this bus on 178? don't remember seeing this bus though
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:what time did you saw this bus on 178? don't remember seeing this bus though
7 minutes ago.
Today (Volgren spammages)
TIB951M on 975 (KJDEP 925)
TIB959S on 171 (WLDEP 962)
TIB960L on 852 (WLDEP 962)
TIB966X on 925 (KJDEP 77)
TIB969M on 969 (WLDEP 961) < Info from SMB66X
Originally posted by TIB 589B:CSS185P On Service 178!!!! 7 minutes ago departed from Boon Lay Interchange towards Woodlands. Behind Bus is SMB134H
This bus deregistered liao, still on Service!!!!
Lol! What on earth is WLDEP doing?
TIB889K (WL 963) on 859
TIB1154R (WL 61/180) on 856
TIB616G (WL SP/963R) on 858
Originally posted by SMB66X:Lol! What on earth is WLDEP doing?
Could it be an extension, which i doubt is likely
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:Could it be an extension, which i doubt is likely
I hope so. UDs are good buses.
Originally posted by Chintouch:why nobody spot all the night riders? full detail of all night riders.
Go spot yourself loh. Wait 40 minute for one bus see fun or not...
Originally posted by sgbuses:I hope so. UDs are good buses.
it would be great if they are refurb-ed though
Anyway, no use of having them re-furbed, since the majority of them are gone now
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:it would be great if they are refurb-ed though
Anyway, no use of having them re-furbed, since the majority of them are gone now
They did refurbish them to some extent, without giving them a makeover.
Notice that the A/C panels were repainted, and seat covers were in decent condition (a few leather covers looking brand new).
Originally posted by sgbuses:I hope so. UDs are good buses.
I just took TIB370P recently and found out that the ride was super duper nice! Cold A/c some more :)
Originally posted by SMB66X:I just took TIB370P recently and found out that the ride was super duper nice! Cold A/c some more :)
Yeah, agree! When i took it a few months back, there was mist on its windows even when outside was hot!