Saw it along KJE towards CCK @ around 1215hrs, front EDS panel similar to SBS9889U V-shape front, rear is almost black in color, with the iconic top rear arc-shape window. Already in SBST livery, but can't see the rego, therefore dunno registered already or not. As I was holding non-camera phone and driving at the same time, I unable to take any pics. Anyone spotted it today?
Good, hope it will be on service soon.
wah, B9 with EDS siol.. is that EDS on or off?
looks like this will be the demo while the rest will be destos.
EDS not on at time spotted, but I assume that there's EDS on these batch of B9 Wright. A very handsome looking bus.
Dunno whether will it be registering from SBS7500Y onwards, but check from one-motoring that it was not registered.
Originally posted by SGCar:Saw it along KJE towards CCK @ around 1215hrs, front EDS panel similar to SBS9889U V-shape front, rear is almost black in color, with the iconic top rear arc-shape window. Already in SBST livery, but can't see the rego, therefore dunno registered already or not. As I was holding non-camera phone and driving at the same time, I unable to take any pics. Anyone spotted it today?
wooo. did you see any Volvo badge or bodywork logos? smths? any wright bodywork features?
this is how a B9TL Wright looks like.
sure or not ??
KJE? Sounds like it's going to the West District. Hope it comes out soon, probably a bus to stand against SMRT's Citaro.
Most likely you spotted the demo.
Originally posted by SBS7322B:KJE? Sounds like it's going to the West District. Hope it comes out soon, probably a bus to stand against SMRT's Citaro.
They are short of DD WABs.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:wooo. did you see any Volvo badge or bodywork logos? smths? any wright bodywork features?
this is how a B9TL Wright looks like.
Link broken.
Originally posted by sgbuses:SLBP.
They are short of DD WABs.
i think you are right.. maybe this bus goes to SLBP.. confirm 174 again -.-"
i can say its either BBDEP or SLBP..
BBDEP? That means CLE route group.
BBDEP? That means CLE route group.
Haiya,They buy B9 Wright for their outgoing LO3Xs lah,Not competing with SMRT.In SG public transport sector there's no such thing as "competition".All rule and controlled by one organisation.Period.Anyway i welcome the B9TL MKIIs with open arm.Good bus..
if is BBDEP the 1st depot to get it massively, they might kick out some VO3x then send to SLBP, while the leylands are going to lay up by then.
just like how they did for last time when ComfortDelgro bodied B9s came in.
Yes maybe BBDEP going to take in the new B9s & kick those VO3x out to SLBP & AMDEP.
If 99 and 241 want to be next WAB service, BBDEP and SLBP should intake some of wright B9 due to PIW facility at Jurong West Street 91
Most of LO3xs have been refurbished.
oh yes
wan to see it
Originally posted by SBS7322B:KJE? Sounds like it's going to the West District. Hope it comes out soon, probably a bus to stand against SMRT's Citaro.
KJE towards CCK is eastbound. anyway time will tell lah. it might not be travelling to its home depot.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:if is BBDEP the 1st depot to get it massively, they might kick out some VO3x then send to SLBP, while the leylands are going to lay up by then.
just like how they did for last time when ComfortDelgro bodied B9s came in.
nothing is for sure.
there may be major cross-deployments taking place as well
like VOs from HG or BB going SL and etc
meanwhile, if these new buses come in. they'd better be maintained properly
hey this morning at 10am i saw a B9 Wright on KJE. not sure where is it heading to. the bus seems to be travelling towards CCK.
the bus was trying to overtake a slow moving truck on lane 3, so i let it cut in front of me. the bus has no rego, only a blue colour trade plate. am i the 2nd one to spot the B9 Wright? really a beautiful bus!
HGDEP is it?
that is where Kubs are bodied..