Originally posted by SBS8533C:61 used to be from BBDEP and HGDEP. (HGDEP uses O305s/LAs/Mk2/3/B57s and BBDEP uses VO2x/LAs/Mk2/3/B57s)
If I am not wrong service 61 did not have any perm Volvo MK2s and B57s (they did cameos only), the fleet was made up of mainly DDs like 0305s and LAs. When converted to PAC in early 1993 Volvo MK3s were deployed.
Originally posted by SMB92U:For me..:
Taking Hinos frequently on 188 (one of them which got that 'FastTalk' black ad);
when i p4 5 6 sbs9664? and sbs9646? on 86... almost everyday, eitherf one of them will reach castle green bus stop at 1.15
sorry for caps... my phone cannot off caps when posting forums
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
NAC Hinos on 188
Do u mean the Hino Volgrens? I don't remember seeing any NAC Hinos on 188 before, it had Hino Volgren perms and a very small number of NAC Merc 0405s. Before that SBS had more NACs like LO2x and 0405s.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
Hmm, I think you might be referring to TIB949X. This bus used to have the fasttalk ads for a very long time.
Wow.. i really didnt notice the rego lol.. Anyway, i remember that this bus frequently do 307 at times when it got that ad..
Originally posted by SBS8533C:MK3s on 361, 365, 367 before handover of services to tibs.
Before that were Albion Vikings followed by Volvo B57s and MK2s.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
Do u mean the Hino Volgrens? I don't remember seeing any NAC Hinos on 188 before, it had Hino Volgren perms and a very small number of NAC Merc 0405s. Before that SBS had more NACs like LO2x and 0405s.
Not the Volgren Hinos,TIBs bought Hinos when they first started,now they are already scrapped
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
MK3s used to be perm on 173. SBS819G, SBS820B, SBS821Z, SBS822X were new to 173.
As for 189, there were also perm. SBS2609H i think
7256 was one of the VO 2 axles perm as well... During those times I do not remember regos, but there were plentiful of MK3, MK4 Strider and VO 2 axles. Before this was a mix of MK3 and Atlanteans.
Refreshing my old brain...
TIBS Handover Days/189 Goes Yellow, 2000 to 2003 ~ 426M, 517J, 519D, 544E, 592R, 597C, 633G. 988H (S/TQ).
Post-989 Days/Short Bus Era, 2003 to 2006 ~ 516L, 517J, 519D, 520Z, 544E, 592R, 597C, 633G.
Early Articulated Days/Split Shift Comeback, early 2006 ~ 516L, 517J, 519D, 544E, 520Z, 592R, 597C, 633G. 863J, 869T (S/TQ).
The Articulated Days/Going Long, mid 2006 to late 2008 ~ 516L, 517J, 519D, 520Z, 544E, 592R, 597C, 633G. 863J, 869T, 1162S, 1224Y (S/TQ).
On the Road to WAB Service/189 Easy-Access Revolution, late 2008 ~ 11D, 12B, 13Z, 14X, 15T, 16R, 519D, 592R. 863J, 869T, 1162S, 1224Y (S/TQ).
516L, 544E and 633G to Woodlands Depot. 517J 597C to spare then to s75.
WAB Service Days/THE ノンステップ�ス (The Non-Step Bus), 2009 till present ~ 11D, 12B, 13Z, 14X, 15T, 16R, 17M, 18K. 863J, 869T, 1162S, 1224Y (S/TQ).
All the era names are my own notes... You can consider using similar codes for your favorite service.
Originally posted by SMB92U:For me..:
Taking Volvo B10M MK2s on 302;
Joyriding VO2xes & A/C MK2s on 307 (while i was small);
Taking the old route of 190 (CCK section) on a LO3x;
Taking bendies and O405s on 179;
Taking Hinos frequently on 188 (one of them which got that 'FastTalk' black ad);
Seeing MK4 Striders & N113s on 67.
Not sure about this, but ive seen an O405 on NR3 when i was small with that 'NightRider' logo on its EDS with '3' beside it.
speaking of cck int, i miss 300 on vo2x
Originally posted by Ngweitong:SPEAKING OF CCK INT, I MISS 300 ON VO2X
me too! Did anyone here remembered this free Bus-Plus route to Ten Mile Junction before the BPLRT went into operations? I always take them from CCK Central le lol.. From what i know, it plies:
- Choa Chu Kang Central (the whole stretch which 307 goes towards Teck Whye)
- Teck Whye Lane (one whole loop)
- Teck Whye Avenue
- Jalan Teck Whye
Originally posted by SMB92U:Wow.. i really didnt notice the rego lol.. Anyway, i remember that this bus frequently do 307 at times when it got that ad..
TIB949X was perm 961, then to 188.
Taking Mk 2 on 321, 322?, 326
Taking Lo2X, Vo2x, vo3x on 291 last time
Scania N113 was the best especially CAC when it is cold
Merz 0405 WA on Service 27
Seeing lo2x on 136 (tat time loop at hg ave 6 HAHA), SBS997A on old 62 with ad, SBS Nissan?
SBS1816H on 27..
got lots more
anyone still remember this SBS73R..
i only took it once on 293 in 2008?..
For me:
UDs on 975[Took them almost everyday last time when they were perms...]
Originally posted by bus555:anyone still remember this SBS73R..
i only took it once on 293 in 2008?..
lols the refurbishment was kinda nice...wasted it only lasted for 2 yrs......:(
SBS 7281 K thru SBS 7288 S were perm 31s. then replaced by Mk3s when they went to slbp in 2002.
I remembered the days when 61 had VO3x and MK4s during SBS days. Love to take them speeding along Tanglin Halt Road.
Originally posted by SMB32T:
Do u mean the Hino Volgrens? I don't remember seeing any NAC Hinos on 188 before, it had Hino Volgren perms and a very small number of NAC Merc 0405s. Before that SBS had more NACs like LO2x and 0405s.
Except for the capacity, Hino Volgrens were good buses on 188.
Also missed the leather cover seats (grey+blue) on N113CRBs, O405s before their refurbishment.
Originally posted by sgbuses:
Also missed the leather cover seats (grey+blue) on N113CRBs, O405s before their refurbishment.
and mk3...
Originally posted by SBS8533C:SBS7198T on 157! In November 2004, that was the time sv 157 was still PAC.
SBS7266E on 157 when 157 is FAC
Miss SBS3571A on 154
Took SBS 451 H on 76....Sat near the door...At Upp Paya Lebar Road, near the church on the way to Geylang..Vomited.... Coz I was sick at that time....
Originally posted by SMB32T:
Do u mean the Hino Volgrens? I don't remember seeing any NAC Hinos on 188 before, it had Hino Volgren perms and a very small number of NAC Merc 0405s. Before that SBS had more NACs like LO2x and 0405s.
I used to live in Bt Panjang areas so I'll jsut list out the happenings in Bt Panjang.
In the SBS era:
5 - Uses Mercs/Mk2/Mk3/LAs/O305s (BBDEP + HGDEP)
75 - Uses Mercs/Mk2s/Mk3s/B57s (BBDEP) - For B57s, 34xx series were also used, the entire 35xx were reserved for JB 170s.
171 - Uses Mercs/OF 1417s (AMDEP) - passes through Bt Panjang
176 - Uses Mercs/Mk2s/Mk3s/B57s (BBDEP)
177 - Uses Mercs/Mk2s/B57s (BBDEP) - Most of the time this service uses B57s.
179 - Uses Mercs (WA)/Mk3s (BBDEP) - FAC service
184 - Uses Mercs (WA)/Mk3s (BBDEP) - FAC service
187 - Uses Mercs (WA/DM)/Mk2s/Mk3s/LO2x (BBDEP) - JRBP also control this service
343 - Uses OF1417s/MK2s/B57s (BBDEP)
344 - Uses OF1417s/MK2s/B57s (BBDEP)
After the Handover of the services and 5 years after:
5 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hinos/NAC & AC merc/DAF Hispano/DAF WA (service withdrawn)
75 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hinos/NAC & AC Merc/DAF Hispano/DAF WA
171 - Uses NAC Nissan/CAC Nissan/NAC & AC merc/Scania Strider/ELBO (TIB838H was placed on trial on this service)
176 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hinos/NAC & AC merc/DAF Hispano/DAF WA
177 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hinos/NAC Merc
179 - Uses AC merc/DAF Hispano/DAF WA (when bendys were introduced, 179 gets the bendies, besides service 160, 176, 180, 960)
184 - Uses AC merc/DAF Hispano/DAF WA
187 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hinos/NAC & AC Merc/DAF Hispano (this service was extended to Woodlands)
343 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hino/Merc
344 - Uses NAC Nissan/Hino/Merc
New services introduced:
345 - Uses NAC / AC Merc - KJDEP
521 - Uses AC Merc/Bendy - WLDEP
700 - Uses AC Merc/Strider (ELBOs started to deploy on 700 when it became CAC) - WLDEP
920 - Uses NAC/CAC Nissans/ AC Merc/ Strider - WLDEP
921 - Uses NAC/CAC Nissans/ AC Merc/ Strider - WLDEP
922 - Uses AC Merc/Strider - WLDEP
970 - Uses AC Merc/Strider (ELBOs did the same as 75 and 700) - WLDEP
Bukit Panjang becames WLDEP! (except 176, 177 and 184)
75 - Uses AC Merc/Strider/ELBO
184 - Uses 1st Gen/2nd Gen/Habit Bendys/Volgren Bendys
700 - Uses AC Merc/Strider/ELBO
920 - Uses NAC/CAC Nissans/ AC Merc/ Strider
921 - Uses NAC/CAC Nissans/ AC Merc/ Strider
922 - Uses AC Merc/Strider
970 - Uses AC Merc/Strider
Several Striders/ELBOs were assigned to KJDEP when Bt Panjang services were handed over back to KJDEP for sv 75, 700 and 970.
Other points in Bukit Panjnag:
- When more AC buses are in the depot, 343 began using AC buses that are interchangeable within 344 and 345. TIB548U was the bus that did 343 and it took place just 2 months before the opening of the LRT on 26 Dec 1999.
- The Nissan Diesel U31SCN buses regoed from TIB251A - TIB310M, were part of the Fleet Renewal Exercise in 1997. Services like 5, 75, 176 began to upgrade its fleet to modern AC/NAC buses. TIB279X and TIB280R (the first 2 aircon services) never being assigned to the Bt Panjang services (hence they were used as TRG buses, just like the 2 DAFs TIB403D and TIB404B)
- DAF Hispanos on 5, 75, 176, 179, 184 and 187 only appears as cameos and they do not get any perm status. However, some DAFs are either perm on 925 or 927.
- The Bt Panjang Bus Interchange was built in conjunction of the opening of the LRT is also a significant role of TIBS. On 26 Dec 1999, which marks the opening of the interchange as the old Bt Panjang Ter is unable to cope with the situation. (Means there will be no traffic jams along Petir Rd). The Bt Panjang Ter was in operation for 12 years until it eventually shifted to the new interhcange.
- There were feedbacks for 920 that previously uses the Nissan buses, unlike 980. To eliminate the problem, SMRT Buses (precessdor of TIBS), had decided to use its remaining AC Merc on its service.
Service withdrawn:
5, 179, 344, 345
Service amended/renumbered:
187 - service extend to Woodlands Int.
343 - renumbered 921.
700 - cut short to Bt Panjang.
921 - service withdrawn due to extension of Petir Rd.
I still remember ex-328 used to have both O305 and LO2X running. Dun recall whether any LA on this service or not. This is when 325 and 328 were still plying into Woodbridge Hospital.