Heres a topic that anyone can share about their past memories of buses, can be those old bus rides or any past incidents on buses that you remember and want to share with the community
Just to share,the first rego I remembered was TIB811J (AM 969).That time,I remembered the rego not because i like buses,but because the BC was chionging,I remembered the rego so I can expect a fast ride to my destination.I remembered this rego for a very long time,slowly,this rego allowed me to have a liking for buses and here I am,a bus fan.
yea.. i remember in the mid 90s, me, my brother and grandma (3 people) use to throw 90cents for a ride to serangoon gardens to eat..
all 3 people are still around.. the very same bus is still around.. but 90cents will get u thrown out of the bus instead
When the bus fare was 35 cents.
Volvo Olympian 2 Axle SBS7291G on 291.
Collection of bus guide since I was in P5. -> Interested about deployments of LO3x in BBDEP (9120, 9149, 9165) -> Watch sgforums -> Then become bus fans :) -> Knew about definition of cameos and redeployments
1. When I was still studying in Kindergarden, my mother brought me to Rumah Tinggi (by taking 198) to see the doctor. Most of the time, we boarded the O305s. Then we paid by cash instead of using card.
To all: remember the times when we paid by using card. Press top bottom part, more cheaper fare.
2. SBS9179K on 12 was found on one of secondary 2 Science Textbook.
3. SBS9165A on 190 with PEPSI ad.
4. SBS9021G on 106 with Nippon Express ad.
For 2), 3) and 4) collect me if any, thanks.
Originally posted by TIB657M:When I was still studying in Kindergarden, my mother brought me to Rumah Tinggi (by taking 198) to see the doctor. Most of the time, we boarded the O305s. Then we paid by cash instead of using card.
To all: remember the times when we paid by using card. Press top bottom part, more cheaper fare.
I still remember the time we still paid by fare cards.My parents gave me two of them as a souvenir about the buses of the past
Originally posted by TIB770T:I still remember the time we still paid by fare cards.My parents gave me two of them as a souvenir about the buses of the past
remember the student concession card? i still hav it :)
I remember riding on a Leyland Alantean on 333 in 2000-2001 , that time already using Toh Guan Rd and Jurong Town Hall Rd. Toh Guan Rd had green bus stop shelters at that time.
I started going to every interchange with my Grandma/Mother when I was in Pri 3.
SBS998Y n SBS999U
on svc 18 / 290
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I remember riding on a Leyland Alantean on 333 in 2000-2001 , that time already using Toh Guan Rd and Jurong Town Hall Rd. Toh Guan Rd had green bus stop shelters at that time.
I started going to every interchange with my Grandma/Mother when I was in Pri 3.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
I think you meant the LO2x. Service 333 was amended on 27 Dec 1999 to serve the Toh Guan area.
Before being amended, 333 was full of NAC mercz perms. After amended, there was mixture of LO2xs, merczs and MK2s.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I remember riding on a Leyland Alantean on 333 in 2000-2001 , that time already using Toh Guan Rd and Jurong Town Hall Rd. Toh Guan Rd had green bus stop shelters at that time.
I started going to every interchange with my Grandma/Mother when I was in Pri 3.
For me, I prefer 7197X (former 334 permer) rather than 7163T and 7196Z as it provided me smooth ride. Furthermore, it does not really produce screeching sound when it braked.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:MK3s on 361, 365, 367 before handover of services to tibs.
MK2 and VO2xs (For 367 only) also.
Anyway, 173 get MK3 cameo before whereas 189 get MK4 cameo before?
Sudden fleet upgrade on 188 after handed to TIBS.
From mixtures of LO2xs and merczs to Hispano O405s and bendies.
Originally posted by TIB657M:Sudden fleet upgrade on 188 after handed to TIBS.
From mixtures of LO2xs and merczs to Hispano O405s and bendies.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
MK2 and VO2xs (For 367 only) also.Anyway, 173 get MK3 cameo before whereas 189 get MK4 cameo before?
Remember last time 173 has MK 4 Dms , Strider & DM3500. While 77 has DM 3500 not sure about Strider .
As for 190 i remember seeing SBS9053P , SBS9176T , SBS9474H , SBS9603C , SBS831U , DM 3500 and Striders. ( Cant remember rego)
As for 307 , Mk3s like SBS835J , SBS836G , SBS837D & SBS838B. Not sure if Mk4s ever did this service
As for 61 , VO3x , Mk3s , Mk4s ( DM , Strider , DM3500) 61 is under HGDEP right?
As for 106 , LO3x , O405 (WA)
As for 67 , MK4s ( DM , Strider ) were used , not sure about DM Mk3s & Scanias are they perm or not cos remember seeing Scania on 67.
As for 185 , Mainly Mk3s & Striders Perm.
188 was fully Mercedes O405s , remember 1 of them is SBS3852P. LO2x also i guess.
BBDEP last time seems to have alot of Mk4 DMs , seen them on 61 , 67 , 173 , 185 & 190.
Also remember seeing VO2x on 35 , 70 , 136 ,186 & 291. Think 222 also has it.
For me..:
Taking Volvo B10M MK2s on 302;
Joyriding VO2xes & A/C MK2s on 307 (while i was small);
Taking the old route of 190 (CCK section) on a LO3x;
Taking bendies and O405s on 179;
Taking Hinos frequently on 188 (one of them which got that 'FastTalk' black ad);
Seeing MK4 Striders & N113s on 67.
Not sure about this, but ive seen an O405 on NR3 when i was small with that 'NightRider' logo on its EDS with '3' beside it.
Before Volvo MK3s were introduced on the roads, Merc 0405s were all around the island. SBS services which were converted to PAC between 1990-1992 had perm Merc 0405s in the past. Remember my first Merc 0405 WA ride on service 7 when converted to PAC in 1991.