Hope this won't become a flammable post.....
This is my suspected redeployment:
(KJDEP SP) -> (KJDEP 189/189A)
I am pretty sure that SMB67T is already out of 189/189A permer since it has been spamming on 190 for everyday.
Secondly, suspect repeployments of JB-registered buses for 911, 912 and 950 which involves:
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 911)
(WLDEP 950) -> (WLDEP 912)
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 950)
My suspected redeployment:
Originally posted by SMB92U:My suspected redeployment:
TIB608E should be out of 67 permer already, unsure about TIB603T though even though it cameos on other KJDEP services oftenly.
Originally posted by TIB657M:Hope this won't become a flammable post.....
This is my suspected redeployment:
(KJDEP SP) -> (KJDEP 189/189A)
I am pretty sure that SMB67T is already out of 189/189A permer since it has been spamming on 190 for everyday.
Secondly, suspect repeployments of JB-registered buses for 911, 912 and 950 which involves:
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 911)
(WLDEP 950) -> (WLDEP 912)
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 950)
911/912/950 rigid are changing sometimes every week.
Have a feeling 669D will be the next one to come on 178 after one of the UDs are gone
593M, 749G's case will have to see
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:Have a feeling 669D will be the next one to come on 178 after one of the UDs are gone
593M, 749G's case will have to see
don't forget about the 961 Scania permers also.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
TIB608E should be out of 67 permer already, unsure about TIB603T though even though it cameos on other KJDEP services oftenly.
yeah, i didnt even get to see 608E doing 67 nowadays.. For 603T's case, it likes to cameo on BP svcs..
Originally posted by TIB657M:
don't forget about the 961 Scania permers also.
don't think they will chuck all scania perms from 961 though, not possible
178 have 16 fleets, only 6 will start, and about 3 UDs and a couple of cameo*
966 should have some, considering they have 2 scania perms
167 should have some though
* subjected to changes though
If they are adding more for 178, whats the point when only about 10-12 will start
I confirm on this.
Effective for around a month already.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:Hmm, maybe I suspect...
(WLDEP 963R) - appeared on 963R every weekends
(WLDEP SP ) to (WLDEP 913) - this bus always appear on 913.
Any confirmation, please reply to this post.
TIB612S out of 901 and become 963R perm?
TIB1192E replace which bus?
Originally posted by SMB66X:TIB612S out of 901 and become 963R perm?
Is TIB453J 950 permer?
Originally posted by TIB657M:Hope this won't become a flammable post.....
This is my suspected redeployment:
(KJDEP SP) -> (KJDEP 189/189A)
I am pretty sure that SMB67T is already out of 189/189A permer since it has been spamming on 190 for everyday.
Secondly, suspect repeployments of JB-registered buses for 911, 912 and 950 which involves:
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 911)
(WLDEP 950) -> (WLDEP 912)
(WLDEP 912) -> (WLDEP 950)
TIB449Y mostly did 950.
Originally posted by SMB66X:TIB612S out of 901 and become 963R perm?
TIB1192E replace which bus?
TIB612S could be because of the 2 additional seats, like it went to perm 587.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:
Nope.. this bus still do the usual 901/587* on weekdays but on weekends it do 963R. For TIB1192E, i not sure which bus is out from 913, but this bus everytime appear on 913.
TIB1052B or TIB1106E?
[WL 961 WL SP]. Been doing other 'rare OC cameo' services!
Originally posted by SMB66X:TIB1052B or TIB1106E?
Speaking about TIB1106E, haven't see it for weeks.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Speaking about TIB1106E, haven't see it for weeks.
did 857 few weekends back, duty should be S201
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Suspect:
[WL 961WL SP]. Been doing other 'rare OC cameo' services!
SMB128B sometimes also does perm 961.
Last monday, it did 922.
1 day later, it went back to do 961.
But last Wednesday, it did 922 again.
SMB129Z also likes to cameo 'rare OC cameo' services.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Speaking about TIB1106E, haven't see it for weeks.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
Just hope that TIB1106E don't follow the tail of TIB1105H, which have to wait that long.
Originally posted by SBS8533C:Hmm, maybe I suspect...
(WLDEP 963R) - appeared on 963R every weekends
(WLDEP SP ) to (WLDEP 913) - this bus always appear on 913.
For TIB612S the more correct version should have been WLDEP 901/587/963R. It still does 901/587 every morning. As for 963R should be able to confirm after this weekend.
TIB1192E and TIB1191H had always been known to sub in MIA perms from feeders .... ....
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
Speaking about TIB1106E, haven't see it for weeks.
Hmm ... I just saw it this morning on 913 ...