Originally posted by jayh272416:maybe 25 will get the first batch 2 B9TLs.
May end up ordering a few more KUBs instead
Originally posted by TIB1083L:
May end up ordering a few more KUBs instead
Its too early to say. You will have to wait and see.
thats terrible...
Originally posted by jayh272416:considering theres about 15 yrs of lifespan left, i have an inkling that they might fix it. anyway the damage looks less serious than the LO and VO.
with the info that 9888Y was involved, i have a feeling that the buses are (mostly, if not all) sv25 buses.
9013E died in the amdep fire in the mid-90s, along with 2 Merc and a few LO2x/LAs Did they fix it?
Originally posted by QX179R:maybe sbst decided to end the lifespan of the damage buses..
they got to work extra hard for the batch 2 B9s to replace these damaged buses..
in SBST's history they never saved any bus that was burnt.
Originally posted by service_238:9013E died in the amdep fire in the mid-90s, along with 2 Merc and a few LO2x/LAs Did they fix it?
in SBST's history they never saved any bus that was burnt.
nope. but the thing is im also looking at the damage to the b9. it doesnt look that serious. not sure about 9013's and the other buses case but i feel it can be saved
i thought 996C burnt at toa payoh and they saved it?
They will focus more on Kubs instead...
Originally posted by jayh272416:nope. but the thing is im also looking at the damage to the b9. it doesnt look that serious. not sure about 9013's and the other buses case but i feel it can be saved
i thought 996C burnt at toa payoh and they saved it?
996C's case was a minor fire which did not result in 3/4 of the bus being burnt to the ground like now.
Some stats for all of you to crunch.
13 SP DDs in amdep, 11 SP DDs in bndep, 3 SP DDs in brbp
That's 9.21% of DD fleet for amdep, 5.45% for bndep. 4.54% for brbp. Combining amdep and brbp fleet gives 7.73%.
What are the odds a depot transfer is likely thanks to this incident? 0%
Originally posted by jayh272416:nope. but the thing is im also looking at the damage to the b9. it doesnt look that serious. not sure about 9013's and the other buses case but i feel it can be saved
i thought 996C burnt at toa payoh and they saved it?
Given the extent of the fire its more economical to scrap the bus than to save it.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:996C's case was a minor fire which did not result in 3/4 of the bus being burnt to the ground like now.
the b9 doesnt look like 3/4 of the bus burnt to the ground.
Originally posted by service_238:
Given the extent of the fire its more economical to scrap the bus than to save it.
ok. let's not speculate on the future of the buses anymore. whatever amdep wants to do, thats what they'll do.
Originally posted by jayh272416:the b9 doesnt look like 3/4 of the bus burnt to the ground.
what you see in pictures may not accurately represent what the insurers would want to do with the bus. the front and rear may be relatively intact but the chassis may have already cracked or warped. there will be more damage that meets the eye as compared to 996C where only the engine area was affected. not like now there the interior and exterior is completely gutted beyond recognition.
Well, if the chasis is intact (I dunno if possible or not), could they end up with more 9889U s?
Originally posted by jayh272416:the b9 doesnt look like 3/4 of the bus burnt to the ground.
If the chassis and engine stays intact, then most likely that they might save it and rebuild the body, since it is designed and built in-house. From the looks, it seems to be the starter to be a mechanical/electrical/fuel fault from the Leyland double decker since it is burnt down to its chassis.
I just hope that SBST will increase another 50 Wright B9TLs for the new Volvo order, else they might find another excuse again to say that they do not have enough buses to cater the crowds again.
Originally posted by jayh272416:the b9 doesnt look like 3/4 of the bus burnt to the ground.
it is. except the engine part which the fire didnt touch that.
Originally posted by vicamour:
If the chassis and engine stays intact, then most likely that they might save it and rebuild the body. From the looks, it seems to be the starter to be a mechanical/electrical/fuel fault from the Leyland double decker since it is burnt down to its chassis.I just hope that SBST will increase another 50 Wright B9TLs for the new Volvo order, else they might find another excuse again to say that they do not have enough buses to cater the crowds again.
insurers will also have to do a cost-benefit analysis to see if the salvage cost can be recouped through the remaining useful life of the vehicle.. i would say that the 2 LO3X and probably 9888Y are goners...
Originally posted by SBS9818A:insurers will also have to do a cost-benefit analysis to see if the salvage cost can be recouped through the remaining useful life of the vehicle.. i would say that the 2 LO3X and probably 9888Y are goners...
I agree.
I don't know much about chassis building, but if the engine, wheel suspensions/axles are not affected at all, then remodeling of the chassis would not be impossible. Remembered how the new K230UBs were delievered initially in form of customisable chassis. SBST can saw off the affected parts of the chassis, rebuild a new one, and rebuild the body. Sounds rather complex, so it is up to SBST whether they want to foo the bill. Anyway, the B9TL is still in production in Volvo and thus finding spare parts shouldn't be a problem. And the B9TL is only 2 years old.
However for the older buses, I think most likely they will be scrapped, especially those nearing their lifespan. As for those with their engines intact: there are 2 possiblities, 1. Scrapped, and their engines are used as spares, 2 rebuilding of bus body which will have a very long laid up status.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
it is. except the engine part which the fire didnt touch that.
Its not because the engine was untouched but it is less easy to melt these components which are meant for high temperature operations anyway. The body is easier to burn and melt
sbs9888y looks liek broken into 2
9619 9888 7440 from the second photo.
Wah Lau! Why like this?! 1 B9TL leh, hello?!
Originally posted by sbs8104h:i suspect it's foul play or some idiots just got nothing better to do. Create arson
People smoking and throw the stick on the floor which might be the grass patch and hence it cause that fire.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:seriously amdep needs to take stringent measures to prevent this incident from happening again.
WLDEP worst that AMDEP. WLDEP once any part of the depot is burned, can say bye bye to all the buses inside.
they should start installing CCTVs and smoke detector as near to the buses as possible, since they are all surrounded by grass as a precaution and to catch the culprit if possible.
Originally posted by nenepokey:holy shit...1 B9 gone...
Can see that they were 1 or 2 B9TL, Volvo Olympian (Batch ?), Volvo Super Olympian (SBS98xxx, from 2nd pic - most right).