lets start the ball rolling with SBS2749L on 335.
01 March 2010
Star Cameo of the month:
TIB862L on 920 (KJDEP 184)
TIB862L on 920 (KJDEP 184)
TIB797S on 922 (WLDEP 901)
SBS224Y on Service 142
SBS228L on Service 235
SBS662R on Service 163
SBS745K on Service 95
SBS985J on Service 200
SBS2797Y on Service 163
SBS9838S on Service 19
SMB133K on Service 857
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:SBS224Y on Service 142
nv snap the 238 behind ah.. cameo leh..
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:wSMB133K on Service 857
961's OC500LE are running around and cameo on services. Like SMB128B, SMB131R and SMB132M are on 922 yesterday...
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:SBS985J on Service 200
is this today or ytd?
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:is this today or ytd?
Originally posted by Stage:nv snap the 238 behind ah.. cameo leh..
taking photos there is a challenge, battle against the traffic lights and the traffic
chose wrong ISO setting.....
Originally posted by SMB66X:961's OC500LE are running around and cameo on services. Like SMB128B, SMB131R and SMB132M are on 922 yesterday...
Well, SMB131R and SMB132M back on 961.
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:today
i got this few months back haha.
Originally posted by lifelikedrama:taking photos there is a challenge, battle against the traffic lights and the traffic
i dont like that spot.. seldom snap there.. i like to stand at the part where the bus moves off from the last stop and snap it after/while it change(s) lanes.. there 90% success.
or you can snap on the opp direction... (this one is not afternoon yet, not fully the correct direction)
sunlight is correct in afternoon during the oct-mar period..
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
i got this few months back haha.
lmao. same stop diff desto.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
end up 9032 go do 88 37S ah soon haha. 37S perm bus 9034. then infront of ah soon got gunalan's 9821
SBS860K on Sv 123
SBS2693M on Service 74
SBS333R on 334
Taken yesterday:
Originally posted by Junyang700:01 March 2010
Star Cameo of the month:
TIB862L on 920 (KJDEP 184)
TIB862L on 920 (KJDEP 184)
TIB797S on 922 (WLDEP 901)
this is still 920 in long vehicles ?
bendy buses you mean..
there's no bendies only rigids..