Originally posted by SBS6305H:Hi there!
Name: SBS6305H (Prefer to be known anonymously) :D
School: A school in Sengkang
Favourite services: Service 88, Service 89, Service 359
Favourite buses:
-MB Citaros
-Scania K230UBs
-Volvo DM3500s
Welcome to SGForums!
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Welcome to SGForums
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Hi all!
Name: Arjan
Age: 13
School: For me to know and for you to find out :P (Nearest bus depot: AMDEP)
Favourite models: SMRT: MB OC500LE, MAN NL323F, MB O405 (OAC)
SBST: Volvo B10M (DM3500) , Volvo B9TL Wright
Favourite services: 851,852,858,410,88
Welcome to sgfourms! :D
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Hi all!
Name: Arjan
Age: 13
School: For me to know and for you to find out :P (Nearest bus depot: AMDEP)
Favourite models: SMRT: MB OC500LE, MAN NL323F, MB O405 (OAC)
SBST: Volvo B10M (DM3500) , Volvo B9TL Wright
Favourite services: 851,852,858,410,88
amk sec?
Welcome to the new users...
Why both looks the same?
Originally posted by TIB1218R:.
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Nope i live in Bishan. I planned to make this acc last week and im not SBS6305H.
Oh okay..
3 of your favourite services is just few minutes walk from my house..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Oh okay..
3 of your favourite services is just few minutes walk from my house..
Originally posted by SBS6301T:What are they?
Nearest is 858, just 5 mins walk. The other 2 is 851 and 852.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Nearest is 858, just 5 mins walk. The other 2 is 851 and 852.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Welcome to the new users...
Why both looks the same?
Bored, I'll do an intro myself
Name: Arthur Jie (That's not my real name, but I'm on Facebook!)
School: Catholic High School
Hometown: Little India (But I'm NOT AN INDIAN!!! )
Favourite Buses: Mercedes-Benz O405G, Mercedes-Benz Citaro, Mercedes-Benz OC500LE, MAN A22 NL323F, Scania K230UB, Volvo B9TL, Volvo B10TL
Bus Representatives: TIB1138M and SBS8501U in SGForums
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Welcome to the new users...
Why both looks the same?
Erm, TIB1218R you haven't introduce yourself leh...
I'm curious about yours...
I dun think i introduce myself last year haha
Name: Muhd Syahmi
Sch: Republic Poly
Hometown: Woodlands
Fav buses: Merc 0405 OAC,CAC, Volgren, MANs, B9TL Wrights, Mercs OC
Fav svc: 858,911,965.969.966.961,168,900,167,852,187,
Originally posted by SBS8501U:Erm, TIB1218R you haven't introduce yourself leh...
I'm curious about yours...
Erm, you can forget about that...
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Erm, you can forget about that...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I dun think i introduce myself last year haha
Name: Muhd Syahmi
Sch: Republic Poly
Hometown: Woodlands
Fav buses: Merc 0405 OAC,CAC, Volgren, MANs, B9TL Wrights, Mercs OC
Fav svc: 858,911,965.969.966.961,168,900,167,852,187,
Welcome you to SGForums (A bit late...)
Hi i'm new here
Name: TIB1218R
Hometown: Yishun
Fav buses: Leyland Olympian 3-axle, Volvo B10M MK2, Mercedes-Benz O405G Habit, MAN A22 and many more....
Fav services: 27,39,82,83,85,86,88,89,136,161,167,169,171,359,800,804,806,811,812
Originally posted by TIB1138M:Welcome you to SGForums (A bit late...)
Hahaha. I am more than 1 year old here. :D
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Hi i'm new here
Name: TIB1218R
Hometown: Yishun
Fav buses: Leyland Olympian 3-axle, Volvo B10M MK2, Mercedes-Benz O405G Habit, MAN A22 and many more....
Fav services: 27,39,82,83,85,86,88,89,136,161,167,169,171,359,800,804,806,811,812
Hahaha most of ur fav are AMDEP. Alright mister AMDEP/YIBP 812 perm
The identity i given previously is BOGUS, nobody can real my actual identity
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Hi i'm new here (Ha Ha Ha...)
Name: TIB1218R
Hometown: Yishun
Fav buses: Leyland Olympian 3-axle, Volvo B10M MK2, Mercedes-Benz O405G Habit, MAN A22 and many more....
Fav services: 27,39,82,83,85,86,88,89,136,161,167,169,171,359,800,804,806,811,812
Welcome our new user to SGForums!
hi i'm nameless and my Sch is Somewhere in bukit timah :)
Hi there!
Name: SBS3174M (Adam Levine) :D
School: A school in AMK
Favourite services: Service 86, Service 88, Service 162,Service 518
Favourite buses:
-Scania K230UBs
i forgot to introduce and my interests almost same as SBS6305H
my brother acc is SBS3071B
Originally posted by SMB189A:hi i'm nameless and my Sch is Somewhere in bukit timah :)
Welcome to SGForums (Kind of late yeah...)