INTRODUCTION (Happy Birthday! edition)
Name: AS'14
Age: Sec 2 this year
Birthday: 5 Sep
Likes: Bubble tea, bus rides, cycling, bowling
Dislikes: Getting scolded...
Bus routes I like:
SBS Transit: 3, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 27, 30, 36, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 81, 97, 141, 156, 175, 195, 196, 291, 292, 293, 410G
SMRT: 61, 75, 77, 167, 169, 171, 173, 176, 178, 180, 187, 188, 189, 302, 307, 811, 812, 852, 853, 858, 965, 969, 985
Buses I like:
NL323F = SMB206J, WLDEP 167 MANs (SMB250E – SMB259G and SMB1347D), SMB1345J, SMB1405U, SMB1408L, SMB1422U, SMB1442L
Mercedes Benz:
O405 OAC = TIB448A, TIB458X, TIB461K, TIB474Z, TIB484U, TIB490B – TIB494R, TIB518G, TIB547Y, TIB549S, TIB550L, TIB551J, TIB556X, TIB557T, TIB558R, TIB574T, TIB576M, TIB579E, TIB583S, TIB586J, TIB589B, TIB591T, TIB599Y, TIB609C, TIB610Y, TIB623K, TIB625E, TIB628Y – TIB630P, TIB799L, TIB809S, TIB815Z, TIB819M, TIB820H, TIB825U, TIB828L, TIB831B
O405 OAC (Retired): TIB428H, TIB433S, TIB442R, TIB443M, TIB447C, TIB450S, TIB465A, TIB481C, TIB498E, TIB502B, TIB507M, TIB508K, TIB529A, TIB533L, TIB536D, TIB538Z, TIB539X, TIB541M, TIB542K
O405 CAC = TIB725A, TIB733B, TIB740E, TIB746P, TIB752X, TIB771R, TIB772M, TIB784D, TIB787X, TIB791H, TIB794A
O405 Volgren = TIB959S, TIB964B
O405G = TIB868X, TIB887R, TIB899G, TIB988H, TIB1045Y, TIB1061A, TIB1082P, TIB1087B, TIB1102R, TIB1156K, TIB1207Y, TIB1213D
OC500LE = SMB11D, SMB13Z, SMB111Z, SMB116K
Citaro = SBS6046E, SBS6188D, SBS6189B, SBS6212S, SBS6244A, SBS6399L, SBS6645B, SBS6658P, SMB140P, SMB148T
K230UB = SBS8162P, SBS8169X, SBS8220E, SBS8262J, SBS8309J, SBS8319E, SBS8565K, SBS8569A, SBS8670P, SBS8713A, SBS8801D
Olympian = SBS9376H, SBS9408A, SBS9413J, SBS9480P, SBS9520H, SBS9580J, SBS9642P
B10M = SBS899A, SBS921T, SBS960E, SBS1938P, SBS1941D, SBS1969A, SBS1999M, SBS2602B, SBS2614S, SBS2624M, SBS2633L, SBS2639X, SBS2642K, SBS2654B, SBS2679E, SBS2684P, SBS2702X, SBS2709C, SBS2739R, SBS2788Z, SBS2795C, SBS2802R, SBS2806E - SBS2808A, SBS2812L, SBS2816B, SBS2837R
B9TL = SBS3184J, SBS3637U, SBS3761T, SBS3796T, SBS7395R, SBS7477M, SBS7520X, SBS7528A, SBS7532L, SBS7537Z, SBS7592M, SBS7627Y, SBS7657K, SBS7671T, SBS7707A
B7RLE = PA4136X, PA5286P
Bus service reps (perm services):
10: SBS7671T
36: SBS8169X, SBS8262J
51: SBS7528A, SBS9382P
61: TIB591T
67: TIB557T, TIB599Y
75: TIB733B, TIB787X
81: SBS1969A
88: SBS3184J
106: TIB586J
107: SBS2602B
133: SBS9520H, SBS9580J
135: SBS899A (gone)
143: SBS7627Y
159: SBS2642K
169: TIB815Z
173: TIB625E
176: TIB542K (gone)
178: TIB809S
293: SBS3637U
Summary: I'm an avid O405 and bubble tea fan.
Introducing myself after 2 years on the forum (but never introduced before)
Name: BusAnalyzer (fondly called BA or BusAnal)
Profession: Head of Sales for Singapore (have accounts all across Singapore that help me travel to different places using my favorite mode of transport - buses)
Hobby: Buses, Cycling, Traveling, Food, Drinks, Airplanes
In Buses: Enjoy observing bus loading levels, route suggestions, interchanges/terminals, type of bus deployment (not into redeployments and rego numbers)
Contribution to Forum:
1. I give real data on bus loading levels - a skill I have mastered over the last years to count the number of pax on board. The loading observation gives you a stop by stop account of people boarding and alighting and I use my quick pad to make the notes. I normally use the 5th row window on DDs and seat by the exit door for SDs to do my observation and keep accurate count. I have not mastered the art for counting on bendies - find it extremely difficult since there are multiple exit doors. If I say a route needs more high capacity buses, it is because I have done the survey, been on the ground, rather than just observing a bus at one stop and making a comment.
2. Route suggestions. Through my work, I also have an idea about the development projects and occupancy that helps me suggest or anticipate areas where bus services will be added or needed. Also, given the loading experience, I suggest routes that will cater to heavy used areas and more "unique" in nature
Originally posted by carbikebus:Hope one find day when the new operator starts you will join them in the management level.
Thank you, bro!!
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INTRODUCTION (Hi October! edition)
Name: AS'14
Age: Sec 2 this year
Birthday: 5 Sep
Likes: Bubble tea, bus rides, cycling, bowling
Dislikes: Getting scolded...
Bus routes I like:
SBS Transit: 3, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 27, 30, 36, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 81, 97, 141, 156, 175, 195, 196, 291, 292, 293, 410G
SMRT: 61, 75, 77, 167, 169, 171, 173, 176, 178, 180, 187, 188, 189, 302, 307, 811, 812, 852, 853, 858, 965, 969, 985
Buses I like:
NL323F = SMB206J, WLDEP 167 MANs (SMB250E – SMB259G and SMB1347D), SMB1345J, SMB1405U, SMB1408L, SMB1422U, SMB1442L
Mercedes Benz:
O405 OAC = TIB448A, TIB458X, TIB461K, TIB474Z, TIB484U, TIB490B – TIB494R, TIB518G, TIB547Y, TIB549S, TIB550L, TIB551J, TIB556X, TIB557T, TIB558R, TIB599Y, TIB610Y, TIB623K, TIB625E, TIB628Y – TIB630P, TIB799L, TIB809S, TIB815Z, TIB819M, TIB820H, TIB825U, TIB828L, TIB831B
O405 OAC (Retired): TIB428H, TIB433S, TIB442R, TIB443M, TIB447C, TIB450S, TIB465A, TIB481C, TIB498E, TIB502B, TIB507M, TIB508K, TIB529A, TIB533L, TIB536D, TIB538Z, TIB539X, TIB541M, TIB542K, TIB574T, TIB576M, TIB579E, TIB583S, TIB586J, TIB589B, TIB591T, TIB609C
O405 CAC = TIB725A, TIB733B, TIB740E, TIB746P, TIB752X, TIB771R, TIB772M, TIB784D, TIB787X, TIB791H, TIB794A
O405 Volgren = TIB959S, TIB964B
O405G = TIB868X, TIB887R, TIB899G, TIB988H, TIB1045Y, TIB1061A, TIB1082P, TIB1087B, TIB1102R, TIB1156K, TIB1207Y, TIB1213D
OC500LE = SMB11D, SMB13Z, SMB111Z, SMB116K
Citaro = SBS6046E, SBS6188D, SBS6189B, SBS6212S, SBS6244A, SBS6399L, SBS6645B, SBS6658P, SMB140P, SMB148T
K230UB = SBS8162P, SBS8169X, SBS8220E, SBS8262J, SBS8309J, SBS8319E, SBS8565K, SBS8569A, SBS8577B, SBS8670P, SBS8713A, SBS8801D
Olympian = SBS9376H, SBS9408A, SBS9413J, SBS9480P, SBS9520H, SBS9580J, SBS9642P
B10M = SBS899A, SBS921T, SBS960E, SBS1938P, SBS1941D, SBS1969A, SBS1999M, SBS2602B, SBS2614S, SBS2624M, SBS2633L, SBS2639X, SBS2642K, SBS2654B, SBS2679E, SBS2684P, SBS2702X, SBS2709C, SBS2739R, SBS2788Z, SBS2795C, SBS2802R, SBS2806E - SBS2808A, SBS2812L, SBS2816B, SBS2837R
B9TL = SBS3184J, SBS3637U, SBS3761T, SBS3796T, SBS7395R, SBS7477M, SBS7520X, SBS7528A, SBS7532L, SBS7537Z, SBS7592M, SBS7627Y, SBS7657K, SBS7671T, SBS7707A
B7RLE = PA4136X, PA5286P
SBS Transit: SBS1938P, SBS2602B, SBS2642K, SBS3637U, SBS6046E, SBS6189B, SBS7520X, SBS7592M, SBS7595E, SBS7671T, SBS8262J, SBS8577B, SBS9382P
SMRT: SMB206J, SMB1408L, TIB557T, TIB610Y, TIB625E, TIB629U, TIB733B, TIB787X, TIB794A, TIB809S, TIB815Z, TIB825U, TIB831B, TIB1087B, TIB1207Y
Dey how many times u wanna introduce yourself?
- Deleted -
Re-introduction (Hello November edition):
Name: 23ispolo
Age: To be Sec 3
Birthday: 5 Sep
Likes: Bubble tea, bus rides, cycling, bowling
Dislikes: Getting scolded...
Bus routes I like:
SBS Transit: 3, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 27, 30, 36, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 81, 97, 100, 141, 156, 175, 195, 196, 410G
SMRT: 61, 75, 77, 167, 169, 171, 176, 178, 180, 188, 302, 307, 811, 812, 852, 853, 857, 858, 965, 969, 985
Buses I like:
NL323F = SMB206J, SMB250E – SMB259G, SMB1345J, SMB1347D, SMB1405U, SMB1408L, SMB1422U, SMB1442L, SMB1482X
Mercedes Benz:
O405 OAC = TIB448A, TIB458X, TIB461K, TIB474Z, TIB484U, TIB490B – TIB494R, TIB518G, TIB547Y, TIB549S, TIB550L, TIB551J, TIB556X, TIB557T, TIB558R, TIB596E, TIB599Y, TIB610Y, TIB623K, TIB625E, TIB628Y – TIB630P, TIB799L, TIB809S, TIB815Z, TIB819M, TIB820H, TIB825U, TIB828L, TIB831B
O405 OAC (Retired): TIB428H, TIB433S, TIB442R, TIB443M, TIB447C, TIB450S, TIB465A, TIB481C, TIB498E, TIB502B, TIB507M, TIB508K, TIB529A, TIB533L, TIB536D, TIB538Z, TIB539X, TIB541M, TIB542K, TIB574T, TIB576M, TIB579E, TIB583S, TIB586J, TIB589B, TIB591T, TIB609C, TIB610Y, TIB623K
O405 CAC = TIB725A, TIB733B, TIB740E, TIB746P, TIB752X, TIB771R, TIB772M, TIB784D, TIB787X, TIB791H, TIB794A
O405 Volgren = TIB959S, TIB964B
O405G = TIB868X, TIB887R, TIB899G, TIB988H, TIB1045Y, TIB1061A, TIB1082P, TIB1087B, TIB1102R, TIB1156K, TIB1207Y, TIB1213D
OC500LE = SMB11D, SMB13Z, SMB111Z, SMB116K
Citaro = SBS6046E, SBS6188D, SBS6189B, SBS6212S, SBS6244A, SBS6399L, SBS6645B, SBS6658P, SMB140P, SMB148T
K230UB = SBS8162P, SBS8169X, SBS8220E, SBS8262J, SBS8309J, SBS8319E, SBS8565K, SBS8569A, SBS8577B, SBS8670P, SBS8690G, SBS8713A, SBS8801D
Olympian = SBS9376H, SBS9408A, SBS9413J, SBS9480P, SBS9520H, SBS9580J, SBS9642P
B10M = SBS899A, SBS921T, SBS960E, SBS1938P, SBS1941D, SBS1969A, SBS1999M, SBS2602B, SBS2614S, SBS2624M, SBS2633L, SBS2639X, SBS2642K, SBS2654B, SBS2679E, SBS2684P, SBS2702X, SBS2709C, SBS2739R, SBS2788Z, SBS2795C, SBS2802R, SBS2806E - SBS2808A, SBS2812L, SBS2816B, SBS2837R
B9TL = SBS3184J, SBS3637U, SBS3761T, SBS3796T, SBS7395R, SBS7477M, SBS7520X, SBS7528A, SBS7532L, SBS7537Z, SBS7592M, SBS7627Y, SBS7657K, SBS7671T, SBS7707A
B7RLE = PA4136X, PA5286P
SBS7671T, TIB733B, TIB815Z
Name:Herman Loke.Seville
Fav Buses:B10M MK4,Volvo Olympian&o405 OAC
Hobbies:Collecting bus tickets/parts,Sing,Making YouTube Videos&Snapping Buses
ststus:new enthu
Originally posted by sbs1976d:Name:Herman Loke.Seville
Fav Buses:B10M MK4,Volvo Olympian&o405 OAC
Hobbies:Collecting bus tickets/parts,Sing,Making YouTube Videos&Snapping Buses
ststus:new enthu
Eh Herman SBST DTL here
Name: Idk
Sch: Somewhere in Clementi
Resides in: Jurong East
Age: K (hint)
@23ispolo, never put AS'14 or your real name liao ah? (Remember cassie?)
Originally posted by A Bus Observer:Intro:
Name: Idk
Sch: Somewhere in Clementi
Resides in: Jurong East
Age: K (hint)
@23ispolo, never put AS'14 or your real name liao ah? (Remember cassie?)
See my earlier introductions to find out my name... AS'14 are my initials, with '14' representing this year 2014, which will change next year to '15'. BTW, you seem familiar...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:See my earlier introductions to find out my name... AS'14 are my initials, with '14' representing this year 2014, which will change next year to '15'. BTW, you seem familiar...
So fast forgotten me?
Btw i guess u misunderstood me, AS14 is a hint to u
Originally posted by A Bus Observer:So fast forgotten me?
Btw i guess u misunderstood me, AS14 is a hint to u
I know who you are, but I shall keep privacy by not mentioning. I'm not trying to reveal anyone's name here... I do not want to take the risk of getting caught for revealing your identity.
Name: Hugh Janus
Age: 26
Resides in: Jakarta
Hobbies: Bus Hopping
Fav Bus Brands: Mercedes, Hino, Mitsubishi, Scania, Volvo, etc
Re-introduction (Hello December edition):
Name: 23ispolo
Age: ---
Birthday: 5 Sep
Likes: Bubble tea, bus rides, cycling, bowling
Dislikes: Getting scolded...
Bus routes I like:
SBS Transit: 3, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 27, 30, 36, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 81, 97, 100, 141, 156, 175, 195, 196, 410G
SMRT: 61, 75, 77, 167, 169, 171, 176, 178, 180, 188, 302, 307, 811, 812, 852, 853, 857, 858, 965, 969, 985
Buses I like:
NL323F = SMB201Y, SMB206J, SMB220S, SMB250E – SMB259G, SMB1345J, SMB1347D, SMB1405U, SMB1408L, SMB1422U, SMB1442L, SMB1482X
Mercedes Benz:
O405 OAC = TIB484U, TIB490B – TIB494R, TIB518G, TIB547Y, TIB549S, TIB550L, TIB551J, TIB556X, TIB557T, TIB558R, TIB596E, TIB599Y, TIB610Y, TIB623K, TIB799L, TIB809S, TIB815Z, TIB819M, TIB820H, TIB825U, TIB828L, TIB831B
O405 OAC (Retired): TIB428H, TIB433S, TIB442R, TIB443M, TIB447C, TIB448A, TIB450S, TIB458X, TIB461K TIB465A, TIB474Z, TIB481C, TIB498E, TIB502B, TIB507M, TIB508K, TIB529A, TIB533L, TIB536D, TIB538Z, TIB539X, TIB541M, TIB542K, TIB574T, TIB576M, TIB579E, TIB583S, TIB586J, TIB589B, TIB591T, TIB609C, TIB610Y, TIB623K, TIB625E, TIB627A – TIB630P
O405 CAC = TIB740E, TIB746P, TIB752X, TIB771R, TIB784D, TIB787X, TIB791H, TIB794A
O405 CAC (Retired) = TIB725A, TIB733B, TIB772M
O405 Volgren = TIB959S, TIB964B
O405G = TIB868X (retired), TIB887R, TIB899G, TIB988H, TIB1045Y, TIB1061A, TIB1082P, TIB1087B, TIB1102R, TIB1156K, TIB1184D, TIB1207Y, TIB1213D
OC500LE = SMB11D, SMB13Z, SMB111Z, SMB116K
Citaro = SBS6046E, SBS6188D, SBS6189B, SBS6212S, SBS6244A, SBS6399L, SBS6645B, SBS6658P, SMB140P, SMB148T
K230UB = SBS8162P, SBS8169X, SBS8220E, SBS8262J, SBS8309J, SBS8319E, SBS8474P, SBS8565K, SBS8569A, SBS8577B, SBS8670P, SBS8690G, SBS8713A, SBS8801D, SBS8947S
Olympian = SBS9379A, SBS9382P, SBS9413J, SBS9447L, SBS9480P, SBS9520H, SBS9580J, SBS9642P
Olympian (Retired) = SBS9376H, SBS9408A
B10M = SBS960E, SBS1941D, SBS1999M, SBS2602B, SBS2614S, SBS2624M, SBS2633L, SBS2639X, SBS2642K, SBS2654B, SBS2739R, SBS2788Z, SBS2795C, SBS2802R, SBS2806E - SBS2808A, SBS2812L, SBS2816B, SBS2837R
B10M (Retired): SBS899A, SBS921T, SBS1938P, SBS1969A, SBS2679E, SBS2684P, SBS2702X, SBS2709C
B10TL/Super Olympian = SBS9808D, SBS9816E. SBS9817C, SBS9828X
B9TL = SBS3184J, SBS3637U, SBS3761T, SBS3796T, SBS7348C, SBS7395R, SBS7477M, SBS7520X, SBS7528A, SBS7532L, SBS7537Z, SBS7592M, SBS7627Y, SBS7657K, SBS7668D, SBS7671T, SBS7707A
B7RLE = PA4136X, PA4144Y, PA5286P
SBS7671T, TIB733B, TIB815Z
Hey everyone, fellow bus fan here, here is my introduction!
Name: Adam (nickname)
Age:14 (turning 15 in 1 month)
Place of residence:Tiong Bahru
School: QSS
Hobbies: Cycling,Listening to Music,Comic Books, Bus Spotting,Taking strolls in parks
Favourite Bus Models: Volvo B10M Mark III( retired), Dennis Trident, MB 0405 OAC, Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (Batch 2), Volvo B10TL Super Olympian Hated Bus Models: Scania K230UB (Euro V) ,Dennis Lance 245,Mercedes Benz OC500LE, Volvo B9TL (CDGE)
Favourite Bus Services: 2,5,14,16,32,33,57,64,65,123,131,147,175,195,196,198,401,851,855,961,970
Favourite Mrt Model: Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151
Favourite Food: Chicken Rice
Favourite Subjects in School: Geography and Physics
Aspiration: To be a Lawyer
Name: Secret
Age: K (If you get what I mean...)
School: Somewhere in Clementi
Bus Services I take often: SBST>SMRT: 157/185/198/334 - 187/990/106/188/963
to be continued..