Originally posted by SBS7485P:nope.
i guessed as so.
two identical B9s..
Originally posted by QX179R:two identical B9s..
hahaha, well the typo helped (:
juz tahan the 5 or 10 mins in between ur 1st 20 posts..
Over the ex-SBS8033D, the SBS8214Z :D
I jump SLBP to BNDEP liao.
Name:Lim Jia Xuan
age:only 12 :D
I stay in Tampines.
School: Confidential
Favourite buses: all 293 perms, SBS278S
Favourite services:293 :D
My forum name the real bus ish my gf :D
MSN(dun spam, spammers dun add):[email protected]
Please refer to my latest post in Introductions (Part 2), Singapore Buses, on 30 August 2010 (Monday) for my new introduction. Thank you.
Originally posted by transportspartan:Personal Profile
Name: transportspartan
Age: 13
Education Level: Secondary 2 (Express)
School: [Confidential]
Accounts Online: SgForums, FaceBook, Twitter, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, YouTube
Favourite Bus Services
SBS Transit
All bus services except: 42, 115, 128, 405, Premiums, Nite Owls, CTs, SSs, FFw and Express services
SMRT Buses
All bus services except 926, Premiums, NightRiders, Express and RWS services
Favourite Buses
SBS Transit
The Old: Mercs, Mk 3s, Mk 4s, DTs, VO3x, LO3x, VSOs, SBS1688K, SBS9889U, SBS997A
The New: All (B9TLs CDGE, KUBs Demo/E4/E5, B9TL Wrightbus), SBS8030L, SBS8031J
SMRT Buses
The Old: Mercs, DAFs, Scania Striders, Lances (excludes Volgren), All bendies (excludes Volgren), TIB905Y, TIB838H, TIB1024H
The New: All (OCs Demo and B1/B2), SMB135E, SMB136C (Tmr)
For a moment i thot is tintinspartan cahnge account :P
Originally posted by SBS2615P:For a moment i thot is tintinspartan cahnge account :P
i thot he change acc
Haven't done a proper intro with my new account.
Name: Ben
Age: 19
Hometown: Toa Payoh
School: Monash doing an advanced dip in business.
Likes: Read my Sig (:
I have a confession to make, I used to use clone, SBS9276M but till 7 Mar 2010 it has been handed to my cousin. I'm saying this cause people have been thinking it is still my clone. (:
Hey there. Actually I didn't want to do this but Ben wants me to.
Name: James
Age: 17 (this year)
Hometown: Toa Payoh
I won't call myself a bus fan but just looking around and knowing stuff. Some of my posts are Benjamin-influenced hehe but its also cos I don't know what to post. Since after Os, nothing much to do so look see abit cos quite bored also.
Oh ya, pls don't spam my mailbox asking for my contact cos I'm not really interested in meet ups or events. Just know me from here.
Originally posted by SBS9276M:
Some of my posts are Benjamin-influenced hehe but its also cos I don't know what to post. Since after Os, nothing much to do so look see abit cos quite bored also.
No wonder..
I guess It my Turn....
Name : Aaron(a.k.a Akira)
Age : 19
Home Location : Jurong West
Forum name suppose to be Akira.
But that time my com laggin then miss one A.... so Become Kira. T.T.
Ask me why I love bus? Cause I use to see them when i am 6. Like the
sound and the engine Plus the model. That why i decide to become a bus
fan. My friends thought i'm crazy. Went around Chasing bus since i was 12.
So had some knowledge of bus history but not much. I need more learning
so guys pls correct me if i'm Wrong. :D
I will not be at Sinagpore from tomorrow 11pm to 5th April 11pm as I am going for excursion trip in Korea with the school. So, I won't do any cameo activity during that period of time.
Wont be posting as much cameo as the previous time round, but will keep a lookout for cameos though, due to work and stuff
Guess I havent done an intro since i entered SGF.
Name: Darren
Age: 18
School: Nanyang Poly
Hometown: S'goon.
Likes: SBS 2692R - Cos it's my birthday initials.
SBS 9827Z's my precious baby actually. Heh.
Please refer to my latest post in Introductions (Part 2), Singapore Buses, on 30 August 2010 (Monday) for my new introduction. Thank you.
User SBS 7888K pls kindly introduce urself.. thanks
Mark Chua
20 turning 21, single? lol. and forgets people's names quite easily if never interact for a period of time.
106 ->1083L & 537B
Likes Mercedes Benz buses...and hates the Scania Euro IV's interior design ....like hastily clobbered up messed up interior + colours.
Looks for comfortable rides on board buses, solid build quality etc.
Not familiar with regos and deployments
shall do a proper introduction again, since the change of account
Account Transition: nenepokey TIB1051D
Name: Thian Wei Xiong
Age: 15, going to 16 in around a week's time
School: shall not disclose, though some have already known
Likes: not much...my phones, my friends, my buses (MB)
Hates: would have quite a few here. irritating dumbass, people who dun agree with their stuff being lousy, people blasting music or talking loudly on my bus, my school students, people who disrupt my recordings...
Fav buses: TIB1051D, SMB24S
Services Most frequented: 912, 961
Wishes: I would seriously wish that I could scold those 961 P shift SLs who have ****ed up attitude...they are the ones who always cause the frequency to be screwed up.
and yes. to request for my email or any other stuff, please PM me. i dun wanna get spammed with unneccesary stuff.
I think I will do a reintroduction of myself.
Name: Reuben
Age: 17 going 18
School:ITE College West(Bt Batok)
Likes: Many things(Buses, Sports, Music and etc.)
Hates: People who doesn't know that whatever they say will offend others, attention seekers, trouble makers, people who don't cooperate when they are asked to move to the rear of the bus.
Favourite/ frequent bus services: 143, 99, 302, 174, 66, 97, 7, 160, 409, 506 and a few more.
want to know me better, PM me for my email.
Name : Jeremy
Age : 14
Likes : Taking photos of buses
Favourite models : Mercedes O405 , VO3x , Volvo MK3
Unfavourite models : Scania K230UB (Euro 4) , Dennis Lance , Scania L113CRL (ELBO) , Unrefurb Scania L113CRL (Strider) and unrefurb DAF SB220LT
Hates : Bus delays , buses bunching up (have to wait for long time)
Email : [email protected]
Originally posted by Rk 2010:I think I will do a reintroduction of myself.
Name: Reuben
Age: 17 going 18
School:ITE College West(Bt Batok)
Likes: Many things(Buses, Sports, Music and etc.)
Hates: People who doesn't know that whatever they say will offend others, attention seekers, trouble makers, people who don't cooperate when they are asked to move to the rear of the bus.
Favourite/ frequent bus services: 143, 99, 302, 174, 66, 97, 7, 160, 409, 506 and a few more.want to know me better, PM me for my email.
I think it was sbs&tibs who requested me to move in on citaro first day PM peak -> HBF right? Haha....
OT: I need someone's help in my show and tell. It's about expressing something you want to express to my class. I've chosen buses, so I will be actually talking some articles about some major accidents like the AMDEP fire and all these. Conclusion: I need the 6 burnt buses which used to be alive. The pics of them being alive ah. not "dead" ar... Thanks in advance :D
Name : SBS8888D
Age : 14
Likes : Camping for Cameos
SBS Transit:
Favourite models : Volvo MK3s, MK4s, VSO
Unfavourite models : LO3x
Hates : Rainy days when buses go slower
Email : [email protected]
My Introduction:
Name: c751bLoVuR or kubLoVuR
Age: 14
Favourite SBS Bus Model: Scania K230UB and Volvo B10TL
Favourite SMRT Bus Model: Mercedes-Benz OC500LE
Dislikes: Bus Driving always stop at bus stops.. and wasting time :( and hates alot with Volvo B9TL (horrible sound)
Video: www.youtube.com/c751blovur