Originally posted by SMB66X:Why LTA banned from having more bendy bus?
Because LTA don't like to have a lot of worms in Singapore(MRT & Bendy Bus)
Something similar I made up this morning:
Why did LTA banned articulated buses?
Because they are Bandy (Bendy) buses!
.. no one cracked it yet. answer?
SBS > Slow Bus Services ( joke by an ex-smrt bc who always got blocked by SBS DDs in Bedok )
SMRT > Super Mario Racing Team :D
Originally posted by TIB930Z:SBS > Slow Bus Services ( joke by an ex-smrt bc who always got blocked by SBS DDs in Bedok )
SMRT > Super Mario Racing Team :D
super mario cart also not that fast...wihed it was possible to put in nfs
Originally posted by TIB930Z:SBS > Slow Bus Services ( joke by an ex-smrt bc who always got blocked by SBS DDs in Bedok )
SBS > Si Beh Slow.
+1. But not always slow...
I have another one...
If you exchange the 1st and 4th digit with the 2nd and 3rd digit and vice versa, you would still get the rego with the check letter 'T'. There are two regos to name. What are they?
Answer: SBS1881T (Volvo MK II) and SBS8118T (Scania KUB)
refer to this thread on mercedes jokes
Originally posted by SBS8533C:I have another one...
If you exchange the 1st and 4th digit with the 2nd and 3rd digit and vice versa, you would still get the rego with the check letter 'T'. There are two regos to name. What are they?
Answer: SBS1881T (Volvo MK II) and SBS8118T (Scania KUB)
2772 and 7227
OC is busy = OCBC bank
KUB = Kick Ur Butt
...thats why we all complaint about the vibrations...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:KUB = Kick Ur Butt
...thats why we all complaint about the vibrations...
LOL~! ahahahaha
What about KUD? Scania K310UD?
KUD = Kiss Your Ducky
Then SMB?
Smell My Butt?
Originally posted by TIB657M:KUD = Kiss Your Ducky
no.... its Knock U Down...
Originally posted by Kira™:Then SMB?
Smell My Butt?
Smooth My Butt
...cos of the OCs...
TIB = �爱比
TIB = Tear Idiot's Butt
CSS = Chao Si Si OR C*** S***ING SKILLS?
Originally posted by Ngweitong:
B7RLE = B7 Racing Limited Edtion (Any BC would like this bus cos they can chiong like hell )
KUB = Krappy Useless Bus
We are having 'SMB' now. Please go to the hall now!!!
Originally posted by TIB657M:We are having 'SMB' now. Please go to the hall now!!!
SMB = Ass-em-bly