U.S.-based National Trademark Investigations and Hong Kong-based I-OnAsia align to combat counterfeiting and piracy on behalf of brand owners from source to sale
LOS ANGELES, Calif. and HONG KONG, Feb. 18 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- National Trademark Investigations, a California-based provider of professional investigative services for trademark professionals and brand owners in the United States, and I-OnAsia Ltd., a full service global investigations and security consultancy based in Hong Kong, today announced a strategic alliance through which the two organizations will provide aligned services to track and combat counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement worldwide.
I-OnAsia provides expertise and services to businesses needing security and business risk expertise in Asia, with particular capabilities in China. National Trademark Investigations (NTI) serves the brand interests of organizations operating in the United States. Both firms have extensive experience in the investigation and disruption of counterfeiting and channel diversion, both in the American and Chinese domestic markets and internationally.
"I-OnAsia and NTI are organized to respond to emerging issues. Together, with resources located throughout the world, we can have someone on the ground to address supply chain or infringement issues within just hours," said James Tunkey, I-OnAsia partner and chief operating officer. "Our alliance with NTI extends both organizations' reach, meaning we will be able to more quickly identify issues and trace them throughout a global supply chain."
"I-OnAsia's investigators are resourceful and responsive, and have a reputation for delivering high quality services that help identify and control the risks associated with global business," said NTI vice president Tim Santoni. "As two organizations with shared values and competencies, we can provide a new level of intelligence to our clients, including quickly linking domestic infringement to actionable remedies up to and including the source of production."
The alliance intends to enhance both companies' abilities to serve the needs of intellectual property owners by sharing information that will both remove infringing goods from distribution in the United States, through actions such as court-authorized civil and criminal seizures, and to seek similar simultaneous remedies to stop further counterfeit or pirated goods at their point of manufacture.
More information on the companies' capabilities can be found at their respective web sites, www.ionasia.com.hk and http://www.nationaltrademarkinvestigations.com .
About I-OnAsia
I-OnAsia Ltd. is a full service global investigations and security consultancy company, founded in Hong Kong in 2001. We are a private company independent from any other interests. We provide a wide range of strategic and tactical services to our clients located all over the world. I-OnAsia offers a comprehensive range of services in the following main areas: background checks on individuals and companies, due diligence services on partners, vendors and business relationships, brand protection and intellectual property, market and business intelligence, investigations and surveillance, asset tracing and security, safety and consultancy services. If you have any inquiry, please contact us at http://www.ionasia.com.hk or by phone +852 2896 4489.
About National Trademark Investigations
National Trademark Investigations, founded in 1980, provides trademark usage, acquisition, compliance and infringement investigations to brand owners and trademark professionals. The firm specializes in anonymous specimen acquisition for anti-counterfeiting efforts, including documented chain of custody control, and the anonymous negotiation and acquisition of Internet domain names. They may be contacted at www.nationaltrademarkinvestigations.com or by phone, +1 949 900-3435 (toll free from within the United States: 1-800-498-1097).
For More Information, Contact:
Scott Rutherford
Director of Marketing
National Trademark Investigations
[email protected]
Tel: +1-949-900-3435
Glenn Tracey
Managing Director I-OnAsia, Ltd.
[email protected]
Tel: +852-2896-4489
SOURCE I-OnAsia Ltd.
Lock and BAN pls.