Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:Since you shield so much over SMRT I would like to hear what you have to offer. Let's make it a constructive discussion between you and me.
From my personal opinion. And fact is if you were to observe. SMRT loses out in many areas, they profit big cos they own much of the rail network which has close to no alternatives and if you were to ask me, they aren't doing a good job with their rail service. Their lunchtime express is under utilised, practically only 10 people in the car with me from Toa Payoh to City Hall. During peak hours, I often see sudden 5min frequencies in the middle of peak hours den a continuous 1min bunching for the next few trains. At peak hours, you practically have to either squeeze or wait for the second train to board on the NSL, EWL.
CCL is only a few months old and underutilised, is that fair judgment?
Currently, SBST and SMRT arent really competing. cos you have take either to get to where you want most of the time. and usually whichever comes first, you naturally choose to board cos Singaporeans are always chasing up for lost time.
Firstly, for buses, what's the SMRT and SBST territory for if they really are competing? If you were to tear down the current territories which is clearly in favour of SMRTB, SMRTB wouldn't stand a chance.
When LTA issued the 10-min ruling for peak hours last year, I would say SBS Transit was proactive in making fleet additions since late 08 all the way to 3rd Qtr 09, practically every week different services were getting fleet additions, sometimes more than 5 at a go. SMRT waited till they very last minute and only added about 20 splits just before the "ruling" which I would say isnt really abided by? a few to 970 and some of the city area serving services.
for SMRTB, the only thing i really observe improved was for 190 and 970, the improvements after thousands of complaints to the extent they couldnt sit on it already, that they went to do smth and made a difference. i have to say now 190 and 970 are much better but it could have been done much earlier, and till now still can be improved esp AM Peak. i belive they did smth cos these are their cashcows. SMRTB interior and exteriors arent as clean as SBST ones, and SMRTB ones often have lots of pests (esp AMDEP). SMRT's 1209S of 190 livery is like all brownish already and it plies the heart of Orchard Rd, if its SBST's 402 or SMRT's 925 where its really dusty, it is still forgiveable.
a ponit to infer tho, SMRTB do have less breakdowns (their Mercedes are solid) than SBST (B10Ms and doubledecks ahve alot of technical problems) but SMRT has more accidents and more fatal ones. for me, i rather be caught in a breakdown than an accident. what about you?
for SLRT, BPLRT has broken down so many times within 3 years of operations from 1999-2002 remembering the accident which caused injuries. while SK/PGLLRT hasnt really broken down much since 2003.
Now on to you. (:
@_@ I wasn't even siding SMRT or SBST lor. I don't see the point of posting such a long wall of text when the thesis isn't really there.
That's the problem when you try to explain.Peoples always say you pro-SMRT.In fact if they used to work at the company before then they will know upper hand.During my stint with SMRT,I receive adequate bonuses,Profit sharings and yes they give yearly Swensen vouchers for 200SGD for you and your family to eat your whole heart out.For that voucher i dine with my wife,my kids,my mom,my in laws and by bro in laws with additional deserts.All i need to top up just a few bucks.Working wise is more relaxed that is 5 days week.When i resign i did give the resignation notice and yes they pay me fully without shortage of single cents and my CPF contribution too.
Mods, lock.
This topic is just for people to add posts counts.
I will now reply to TS: What's the big deal? Ask your dad how much is the ang paos every year. Post it here and tell me whether it's a big deal. If it's hundreds ask SMRT give la, but since your dad's resigning, forget it. He doesn't even deserve it since he's not working it down the year already.
This is a 12 years old boy replying. If you think you have a better idea just spit it out.
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:Mods, lock.
This topic is just for people to add posts counts.
I will now reply to TS: What's the big deal? Ask your dad how much is the ang paos every year. Post it here and tell me whether it's a big deal. If it's hundreds ask SMRT give la, but since your dad's resigning, forget it. He doesn't even deserve it since he's not working it down the year already.
This is a 12 years old boy replying. If you think you have a better idea just spit it out.
I suggest you look at things at the big picture, the amount of money given may be small, but it means a lot to bus drivers, to a bus driver, it shows that the bus company is appreciative of his efforts/work. Yes, he is serving his notice, but serving notices means his name is still on the company's payroll, so in a sense, the company is discriminating against a certain group of employees (luckily this wasn't Europe, the unions would have had a class action against the company for that), and ethically, a company should extend the same level of goodwill to the employees belonging to this group.
Pardon me, but it just seems that we are heading into an uncaring society.
Put yourself in my dad's shoes.Even a small amount of money $20 is important.if you said its not important, do you know how many meals my father can eat with this money?
Besides, i believe the head of the company does not know of this issue.it should be the HR doings.
If i am not wrong, the union siaid that my father shouls have this ang bao. There is even a notice saying that all the people who had worked through this 3 days will have the Ang Bao and orange.
The issue here is not about the ang bao and orange.
what i want to stress is, is this fair to my father?
Do you know that bus drivers have to give up alot? Their time ,friendship,health etc. They does not have alot of time for even their family members. They have 2 shift which mean irregular sleeping time and their friends are mostly from the same line as they do not have time to catch up with other friends.
Please put yourself in my father shoes. Do you think it is fair to you if this had happened to you..?
Originally posted by Cutezhu 1990:Put yourself in my dad's shoes.Even a small amount of money $20 is important.if you said its not important, do you know how many meals my father can eat with this money?
Besides, i believe the head of the company does not know of this issue.it should be the HR doings.
If i am not wrong, the union siaid that my father shouls have this ang bao. There is even a notice saying that all the people who had worked through this 3 days will have the Ang Bao and orange.
The issue here is not about the ang bao and orange.
what i want to stress is, is this fair to my father?
Do you know that bus drivers have to give up alot? Their time ,friendship,health etc. They does not have alot of time for even their family members. They have 2 shift which mean irregular sleeping time and their friends are mostly from the same line as they do not have time to catch up with other friends.
Please put yourself in my father shoes. Do you think it is fair to you if this had happened to you..?
You've put it in your dad's shoe, how about SMRT themselves? Next time these kind of things don't post here, go to Aunt Agony forum to post it.
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:You've put it in your dad's shoe, how about SMRT themselves? Next time these kind of things don't post here, go to Aunt Agony forum to post it.
why put ourselves in SMRT's shoes? to better observe and analyse how they exploit their employees? come back and comment when you ACTUALLY go out into the workforce.
the whole issue is NOT about how much money the angpow contains, its about FAIRNESS and ACCOUNTABILITY. if he was promised the angpow, he has every right to request for it.
since its no big deal to you, remind me to notify your employer when you actually start working to withhold your bonus or goodwill offering which has been promised to you. you can say the premise of a bonus or goodwill gift is different, but the PRINCIPLE is the same. we'll see what you have to say about that.
Originally posted by SBS8214Z:You've put it in your dad's shoe, how about SMRT themselves? Next time these kind of things don't post here, go to Aunt Agony forum to post it.
I don't see a need to put ourselves in SMRT's shoe, it isn't under threat of collapsing yet; they are still making profits. And, I don't thnk that one ang pow would cause the financial statements of the company to look entirely different. Again, its about company ethics, though there is nothing much anyone can do about it.
Originally posted by Scania:I don't see a need to put ourselves in SMRT's shoe, it isn't under threat of collapsing yet; they are still making profits. And, I don't thnk that one ang pow would cause the financial statements of the company to look entirely different. Again, its about company ethics, though there is nothing much anyone can do about it.
Protest, strike =D
Originally posted by Larryteo:Protest, strike =D
do that and see how fast you get thrown into prison.