My father had worked in SMRT for more than 7 years.He work as a bus driver.
Recently,he jus quitted his job and by rule,he has to give advance 1 month notice.He quitted before new year so he has to work till end of FEB.
Every company's has a same tradition, giving of red packet to their workers for hope of a good start of the year for their job.SMRT even gave mandrain orange too for good luck.
Most of the years in this line, my father has to work on the first 3days of Chinese New Year.Every year, my father gets the red packet so no complain.
This year, he gets to work on the first 3days of Chineses New Year too. But, he did not get either the Red Packet nor the mandrain orange while the other workers gets both the Red packet and the mandrain orange.
My father still work all 3days without complain! Is this even fair to him? Is it because he quitted so SMRT don't want to give him both the Red Packet and Mandrain orange at all?
Talk to his manager and ask for ang pow.
And why no ang pow.
Sure there is a reason behind it.
If your father has quitted his job, he should look forward to his new job. Not looking back.
As a son or daughter, you should help or encourage your father to look forward and not backward.
Put aside the issue of Ang Pow. Give him the moral support he needs!
Ang pow for (kei-kong) or (sou-kong), for good luck.
Even my company also gave ang pow before cny. Just for good luck next year.
To HUAT ARH!!!!!!!!!!
laopeh never complain son complain. from this i tink it must be something about the iimediate superior your laopeh don't like that's why quite, if its not due to other things. i am glad your laopeh's cool. being 'cool' and calm is needed if you drive. so long nothing happen to those who are short tempered not because no problem with driving or your sckills ddamn good. because the chances are high but it s not your tim yet.
Originally posted by Cutezhu 1990:My father had worked in SMRT for more than 7 years.He work as a bus driver.
Recently,he jus quitted his job and by rule,he has to give advance 1 month notice.He quitted before new year so he has to work till end of FEB.
Every company's has a same tradition, giving of red packet to their workers for hope of a good start of the year for their job.SMRT even gave mandrain orange too for good luck.
Most of the years in this line, my father has to work on the first 3days of Chinese New Year.Every year, my father gets the red packet so no complain.
This year, he gets to work on the first 3days of Chineses New Year too. But, he did not get either the Red Packet nor the mandrain orange while the other workers gets both the Red packet and the mandrain orange.
My father still work all 3days without complain! Is this even fair to him? Is it because he quitted so SMRT don't want to give him both the Red Packet and Mandrain orange at all?
Hi, we do not talk about this in bus forums. Moderators, lock this topic.
Originally posted by Kawasaki C751B:Hi, we do not talk about this in bus forums. Moderators, lock this topic.
What is so bad about the topic that the mod has to lock it?
play mahjong, cards , driving all requires patience. bus forums and driving may be related. i hope by posting this thread and getting all the replies here TS learn something. knowing the roads, control of vehicle, alertness clear mind and awarensee you also need patience to drive safely.
oh my looks sad... anyway what services does ur father drive i think?
Originally posted by Kawasaki C751B:Hi, we do not talk about this in bus forums. Moderators, lock this topic.
I find it nothing wrong about salary and ang pow.
Not that we are talking about other industry over here that warrant a lock on this topic.
Provided you are someone working in the HR or admin dept handling payroll and ang pow.
oh ya i forgot to add a point for Kawasaki C751B, if someone wrote something about working as a train captain having no ang pao and oranges would ur respond be the same?
u juz complain becoz ur father didnt get ang pow and oranges??
Just forget about it.
Ai ya, suan le
take annual leave and go see the new casino........or take 3 days mc ...................!
No need to be that sad or angry,just forget it.
-Mods, please lock topic-
Is TS need advise or just vent his anger over here?
Then, too bad. SMRT sucks. Look at how badly designed their MRT stations and trains are. The doors even get shaky when then train is going fast above surface, and the contrast between the SMRT area and SBS transit area at Outram Park MRT is too big, one is so dirty and the other so clean. What has SMRT been doing.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Then, too bad. SMRT sucks. Look at how badly designed their MRT stations and trains are. The doors even get shaky when then train is going fast above surface, and the contrast between the SMRT area and SBS transit area at Outram Park MRT is too big, one is so dirty and the other so clean. What has SMRT been doing.
SMRT are just the public transport operators. They were not responsible for any of your perceived shabbiness of construction.
And why are you complaining that the doors are shaking at high speed. Do you expect zero vibrations? They are just sliding doors... not plug doors. It is inevitable that the doors will shake a little. Besides SMRT doesn't design their own trains, they order Electric Multiple Units from other companies. I thought you knew that.
Also, I do not think that stations managed by SMRT are dirty. I presume that due to the lighting contrast, you may perceive the EWL station of Outram Park as being dirty. The NEL station by SBS Transit is brightly lit with white lights, while SMRT uses slightly dimmer lighting.
Originally posted by SBS9622Y:SMRT are just the public transport operators. They were not responsible for any of your perceived shabbiness of construction.
And why are you complaining that the doors are shaking at high speed. Do you expect zero vibrations? They are just sliding doors... not plug doors. It is inevitable that the doors will shake a little. Besides SMRT doesn't design their own trains, they order Electric Multiple Units from other companies. I thought you knew that.
Also, I do not think that stations managed by SMRT are dirty. I presume that due to the lighting contrast, you may perceive the EWL station of Outram Park as being dirty. The NEL station by SBS Transit is brightly lit with white lights, while SMRT uses slightly dimmer lighting.
Don't vibrating doors make you feel insecure? o_o
Originally posted by Larryteo:Don't vibrating doors make you feel insecure? o_o
It's not their fault that the door is loose......
-Mods please lock topic-
The doors don't actually vibrate. The rocking of the trains push the door about its frame, causing it to make some noises, movement etc. But the doors are firmly secured to the train.
Its all about company ethics, there nothing anyone could do about it if a company has such an arrangement for people serving their notices, and its not worth it going to the union for such a small token. Nonetheless, it is unfortunate that there are such policies around.
lock, lock n lock.
Just lock this thread. This is not the place to discuss such issues