stops in front of sv147 berth
and change shift
now at HGDEP
and park outside
Can mods Sticky this topic?
And now,TIB 511A comes rushing 75km/h towards sengkang...anyone want race me?xD
Rush in to sengkang and off svcs.bye!
Originally posted by ama-teur:And now,TIB 511A comes rushing 75km/h towards sengkang...anyone want race me?xD
wad svc?
Originally posted by AEW5001:wad svc?
On svc 965
Driving SMB134H on 965 now.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Driving SMB134H on 965 now.
ooo a bus driving a bus xD
Driving KM2979 on 263M
Entering Tai Lam Tunnel towards Tsing Yi
Originally posted by SMB92U:ooo a bus driving a bus xD
is the driver able to fit in?
Driving PC3112(ASU 15) on KMB170
Now in CROSS HARBOUR TUNNEL 海底隧� towards Hong Kong Island
Originally posted by SMB92U:ooo a bus driving a bus xD
Lol. Driver of TIB1234T driving SMB134H.
Just arrived at Bukit Merah Int.
Switches on 139 EDS
* drives in..
Departs BMI with 139 pax
Arrived at Cheung Sha Wan Bus Terminus
with pav200
off svc and head to BNDEP
Chiongs Through Alexandra Rd
Turns left towards Delta Rd/River Valley Rd. People were shocked to see 139 with KUBS
Drives at KPE at 70 km/h.
Take 278S
park at AMK Int
Drives in to see updates
drove 278S and put on 292 desto
replacing 8670P