i am shocked to learn that singaporean bus drivers only earn ave $1300 per month. how you expect the driver to feed a family with that amount???? ya, if they put in over time etc, they may earn more, bt what about stress and fatige?? drivers need full concentration on the road. bus companies are earning hundreds of millions every year and yet they are paying peanuts to their drivers. of course, employing foreigners are even cheaper..
on top of that, our gov is approving their fare increases every year
is singapore good for those who have $$$$$ only??????
of cuz..i am really tinking of running away to Malaysia if i can..
Tis stupid island is ony for those who r rich.No money here = u r dead meat.Cannot live here alr.Everyting also so high here.All the f****** electricity bill all one year dunno hw many times increase..In Malaysia,lik nvr increase at all sia..Life is so much more easier there..
Fares could be higher if your overhead is higher....
Originally posted by Neolimo:i am shocked to learn that singaporean bus drivers only earn ave $1300 per month. how you expect the driver to feed a family with that amount???? ya, if they put in over time etc, they may earn more, bt what about stress and fatige?? drivers need full concentration on the road. bus companies are earning hundreds of millions every year and yet they are paying peanuts to their drivers. of course, employing foreigners are even cheaper..
on top of that, our gov is approving their fare increases every year
is singapore good for those who have $$$$$ only??????
$1300 is only the basic pay, something like you don't drive any bus or do anything for 1 month (standby) the driver will still get paid but with that amount, which is very unlikely. In fact, bus drivers earn more than you might think. Believe it or not, some of the BC pay do get a salary near $3000. If every BC pay would be paid a straight $1300 I think nobody would want to be a BC.
Originally posted by Neolimo:i am shocked to learn that singaporean bus drivers only earn ave $1300 per month. how you expect the driver to feed a family with that amount???? ya, if they put in over time etc, they may earn more, bt what about stress and fatige?? drivers need full concentration on the road. bus companies are earning hundreds of millions every year and yet they are paying peanuts to their drivers. of course, employing foreigners are even cheaper..
on top of that, our gov is approving their fare increases every year
is singapore good for those who have $$$$$ only??????
ARen't u aware that govt is practising low pay more work?
Originally posted by Merczrox:of cuz..i am really tinking of running away to Malaysia if i can..
Tis stupid island is ony for those who r rich.No money here = u r dead meat.Cannot live here alr.Everyting also so high here.All the f****** electricity bill all one year dunno hw many times increase..In Malaysia,lik nvr increase at all sia..Life is so much more easier there..
Malaysia lagi worst than us. That day I went JB... Wanted to buy some stuff from the supermarket... Found out I cant find anything to buy. Either cost the same as us, or more expensive.
A packet of Royal Umbrella Rice costs like RM70 (SIN$29) in Malaysia... when we are selling at about SIN$28 last year when the rice prices was at its highest.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
ARen't u aware that govt is practising low pay more work?
Originally posted by SBS 8030 L:$1300 is only the basic pay, something like you don't drive any bus or do anything for 1 month (standby) the driver will still get paid but with that amount, which is very unlikely. In fact, bus drivers earn more than you might think. Believe it or not, some of the BC pay do get a salary near $3000. If every BC pay would be paid a straight $1300 I think nobody would want to be a BC.
i got a few family member in this line... and yes they since to pay out 3K for some BC.. overtime, allowance, etc... but nowadays dun think the new generation will get that.. cos they are importing alot of BC from m'sia or China... by batch one.. even arrange housing for them.....
Originally posted by Neolimo:i am shocked to learn that singaporean bus drivers only earn ave $1300 per month. how you expect the driver to feed a family with that amount???? ya, if they put in over time etc, they may earn more, bt what about stress and fatige?? drivers need full concentration on the road. bus companies are earning hundreds of millions every year and yet they are paying peanuts to their drivers. of course, employing foreigners are even cheaper..
on top of that, our gov is approving their fare increases every year
is singapore good for those who have $$$$$ only??????
From what I know, $1300 is like what other users mention which is the basic pay whereby regardless are you driving anot you will be entiltled with that.
There bonus that serves as add-on to their pay. Such bonus is like DD bonus which mean drivers get paid more if they drive DD and also of cause overtime which is the pay will be counted hourly. In the other word:
Overtime 2 hours > SBST count as 2hr x 1.5time = 3 hrs
So, the driver will get paid for 3 hrs even though he just did 2 hr overtime.
So in conclusion what i was trying to point out is that drivers do earn more than 1.3k
Originally posted by SBS 8030 L:$1300 is only the basic pay, something like you don't drive any bus or do anything for 1 month (standby) the driver will still get paid but with that amount, which is very unlikely. In fact, bus drivers earn more than you might think. Believe it or not, some of the BC pay do get a salary near $3000. If every BC pay would be paid a straight $1300 I think nobody would want to be a BC.
"If every BC pay would be paid a straight $1300" you mean for Senior Bus Captain or those Bus Captain as SBST have 2 type of positions.
I myself is also a Singaporean but education not that high, so i already considering to be a BC too..
$1,300 is the basic pay. Exclude ot and allowances.
That is the norm for any industry ones work in.
If soley rely on $1,300, very very hard to feed a family with 2 kids and ageing parents.
Longer working hours (ot) instead of usual hours. Very stressful especially when weather is very hot and humid.
Sorry sorry i mean $3000, for Bus Captain of Senior Bus Captain?
I tought most bus have air con already, why still very hot and humid?
Originally posted by linwei20:Sorry sorry i mean $3000, for Bus Captain of Senior Bus Captain?
I tought most bus have air con already, why still very hot and humid?
Yes really. Even when we are in the bus with air con, sometime we can feel the humid and warm...and imagine bus drivers, need to see forward and the glaring sun...its tiring.
I'm an ex BC & SL of SBST & SMRTB respectively
The highest i earn as a BC is 3.5K and yes work like hell,The lowest 1.6K,Average 1.85-2.3K.
The highest i earn as an SL is 3.1K including working on one of my off day weekly,The lowest 1.6K.Average 1.63-1.9K.SMRTB is 2 day off weekly while SBST is once a week.Now with more Ah Tiong,Ah Neh and some Filipino its near impossible to rech 3k LIAO.Starter also reluctunt to give you more OT and work on your day off unless you bribe them.Fantagf is quite accurate,Our Gahmen practicing More work low pay for us indirectly.They treat us like FT & PR also
Originally posted by Junyang700:Malaysia lagi worst than us. That day I went JB... Wanted to buy some stuff from the supermarket... Found out I cant find anything to buy. Either cost the same as us, or more expensive.
A packet of Royal Umbrella Rice costs like RM70 (SIN$29) in Malaysia... when we are selling at about SIN$28 last year when the rice prices was at its highest.
You must know where to find cheap stuff in JB or else the price is steep.Mostly local product is more cheaper.
Originally posted by carbikebus:I'm an ex BC & SL of SBST & SMRTB respectively
The highest i earn as a BC is 3.5K and yes work like hell,The lowest 1.6K,Average 1.85-2.3K.
The highest i earn as an SL is 3.1K including working on one of my off day weekly,The lowest 1.6K.Average 1.63-1.9K.SMRTB is 2 day off weekly while SBST is once a week.Now with more Ah Tiong,Ah Neh and some Filipino its near impossible to rech 3k LIAO.Starter also reluctunt to give you more OT and work on your day off unless you bribe them.Fantagf is quite accurate,Our Gahmen practicing More work low pay for us indirectly.They treat us like FT & PR also
for SMRT, which depot did you work for, like wise for SBS, and for how long did you work in order to get that amount?
Originally posted by carbikebus:I'm an ex BC & SL of SBST & SMRTB respectively
The highest i earn as a BC is 3.5K and yes work like hell,The lowest 1.6K,Average 1.85-2.3K.
The highest i earn as an SL is 3.1K including working on one of my off day weekly,The lowest 1.6K.Average 1.63-1.9K.SMRTB is 2 day off weekly while SBST is once a week.Now with more Ah Tiong,Ah Neh and some Filipino its near impossible to rech 3k LIAO.Starter also reluctunt to give you more OT and work on your day off unless you bribe them.Fantagf is quite accurate,Our Gahmen practicing More work low pay for us indirectly.They treat us like FT & PR also
So for you, you think which company will be the best welfare and benefit? SBST or SMRT?
Heard that SMRT you have to pay a sum of money to them for their training is it? Fail, have to pay again is it?
Will our license included Class4 if we under their company (SBST or SMRT)?
Originally posted by linwei20:
Will our license included Class4 if we under their company (SBST or SMRT)?
no, they give you temp class 4, but if you quit their company back to class 3
Hmmm thats why Bus always late...
Originally posted by One Harmonius Blend:no, they give you temp class 4, but if you quit their company back to class 3
How come? What's the reason for them to do so?
Originally posted by linwei20:How come? What's the reason for them to do so?
not sure abt this, you have to ask them
Bonus wise SBST is much better.Working style SMRT a bit better,Less stress.SBST treat customer complain seriously and even dont hesitate to punish you.Work for SBST nearly 5 years then SMRT for 1 half year before joining SATS.Currently also drive SATS RU/PB bus if there's demand.I start working with SBST only class 3 but i do have bus driver vocational license so they issue class 4A.So they just train me with bus operational system without going for the Vocational license course.In 2007 i obtain my class 4 and start working part time with private bus companies before work as a Part timer with SMRT for Night rider services(NR1,NR6 & NR7) before joining full time for short stint.
I think the pay disparity all boils down to the cheap influx of foreign workers. These people work long hours without complaining and draw the salary which is relatively higher as compare in their homeland.
Maybe we should do the same for the MPs (who are drawing 4X higher than the US ministers). Import all these foreign MPs and I am pretty sure they can do the job which our MPs are currently doing, if not much better, at a lower pay.
Also, there is this article in the ST about productivity, all bus captain from SBST must know at least 3 route and must know how to drive single and double deckers.
Originally posted by Junyang700:Malaysia lagi worst than us. That day I went JB... Wanted to buy some stuff from the supermarket... Found out I cant find anything to buy. Either cost the same as us, or more expensive.
A packet of Royal Umbrella Rice costs like RM70 (SIN$29) in Malaysia... when we are selling at about SIN$28 last year when the rice prices was at its highest.
My relatives all live in KL.No JB.Haha..
Originally posted by phillipC:I think the pay disparity all boils down to the cheap influx of foreign workers. These people work long hours without complaining and draw the salary which is relatively higher as compare in their homeland.
Maybe we should do the same for the MPs (who are drawing 4X higher than the US ministers). Import all these foreign MPs and I am pretty sure they can do the job which our MPs are currently doing, if not much better, at a lower pay.
Also, there is this article in the ST about productivity, all bus captain from SBST must know at least 3 route and must know how to drive single and double deckers.
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