Originally posted by iamgoondu:This evening I boarded SBST48 near Sim Lim Square. There was a terrible jam and I reached HV 90 minutes later.
The bus was caught jammed all the way from Rochor to Farrer Road, and I believe many passengers would be waiting for that bus service. To my surprise, the bus drive on the right lanes, skipped all the bus stops (the bus still fairly empty), and no passengers were flagging for that bus while approaching at bus stops.
The bus arrived at HV, and I alighted, I realised that the bus panel (at the head of the bus) display 'OFFSERVICE'.
I am very surprised, though the bus was caught in the jam, I didn't feel too bad.
Since when SBST has started such practice? I am impressed.
this step is called fan pai. bus captain is very late from schedule and there are other buses behind it to be able to pick more people. this is done so that Bus Captains can return to the Interchange quickly after a terrible jam. also used if a bus is facing a technical issue but still possible to continue driving.
last weekend i spotted more than 25 buses plying chinatown and clemenceau (thaipusam) - heavy jams. buses were either with EDS switched off or switched to off service. to flipped or removed destos but with passengers onboard. service 2 was one of the biggest culprits. every 1 out of 4 buses flipped desto / changed EDS after bugis.
Originally posted by service_238:SBST also has a service delayed poster. However, i rarely seen it being put up now. haha.
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:this step is called fan pai. bus captain is very late from schedule and there are other buses behind it to be able to pick more people. this is done so that Bus Captains can return to the Interchange quickly after a terrible jam. also used if a bus is facing a technical issue but still possible to continue driving.
Yup, I agree that this is a very, very good practice.
They can only 'fan pai' only upon receiving instruction from 'HQ'? If 2 buses of same service number arrives at same time, can the first bus initiate 'fan pai'?
I had seen many times especially in the morning, 2 'SMRT106' bendies arriving at same time, the first bendy was packed like sardines, whilst the second bendy still has many empty seats. Unfortunately the first bendy continue to pick passengers, and the second bendy continues to tail right behind. That's can be very frustrating for passengers on either bus. Hope the bus captains were empowered to 'fan pai' themselves.
Originally posted by JaSoNhSu92:
They changed design again.. here are some older ones..
Do you all know that you can actually see what message is sent to BCs? From there you can also see how early or late the BCs are....
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:I think he meant there probably werent any buses left in both despatch points (Buona and UEC). all have probably been despatched and none seem to be returning. thats where horrible headways appear. more trouble with mealbreak.
Singapore too many cars liao.
That's what original poster AEW5001 meant.
But SBS n SMRT was trying to be pedantic by saying service 48 does not operate at any interchange. It is easily understood that both interchanges and terminals in the local context are bus terminii, so there is no need to be pedantic over interchanging the use of terminals and interchanges.
And to add on, places like Kheam Hock Road junction, Lucky Plaza, etc, are also bus terminii despite not having bus parking lots.
In fact, if I want to be real pedantic, any place where you can transfer between bus and train IS an interchange or specifically an inter-modal transport interchange, so we now have Kembangan, Tanah Merah, Queenstown, Commonwealth transport interchanges, etc.
So for the sake of civility, don't be so pedantic.
I think LTA should change the timing of full day bus lane during CNY or other holidays that many people using the road or transport. bus lane timing should extend to late into the night during the eve of cny at chinatown.
Originally posted by Yusry:That's what original poster AEW5001 meant.
But SBS n SMRT was trying to be pedantic by saying service 48 does not operate at any interchange. It is easily understood that both interchanges and terminals in the local context are bus terminii, so there is no need to be pedantic over interchanging the use of terminals and interchanges.
And to add on, places like Kheam Hock Road junction, Lucky Plaza, etc, are also bus terminii despite not having bus parking lots.
In fact, if I want to be real pedantic, any place where you can transfer between bus and train IS an interchange or specifically an inter-modal transport interchange, so we now have Kembangan, Tanah Merah, Queenstown, Commonwealth transport interchanges, etc.
So for the sake of civility, don't be so pedantic.
This is really what irritate me in SGFbuses. When someone make a light comment, please accept it. Dun nid to snowball into a flame war. Plus my comment is just a note and it does not mean i hate or dislike or anyway dishonour AEW statement. Your act is what this forum's Achilles hill- that is unable to accept some other view. Remember a forum is a place for discussion, any body have the right to place any comment here and the role of forum mates is that to add on constructive feedback, i believe mine is definitely constructive . I had noticed that many of you comment on bus photos like they are professional photographic forum, plus correct some other views in such a sarcastic manner. Enough said. This is why my post count here is going less and less as i am so irritated . have you noticed why i really loved posting at GCA as there is liberal not like here.
Originally posted by .SBS9888Y.:this step is called fan pai. bus captain is very late from schedule and there are other buses behind it to be able to pick more people. this is done so that Bus Captains can return to the Interchange quickly after a terrible jam. also used if a bus is facing a technical issue but still possible to continue driving.
last weekend i spotted more than 25 buses plying chinatown and clemenceau (thaipusam) - heavy jams. buses were either with EDS switched off or switched to off service. to flipped or removed destos but with passengers onboard. service 2 was one of the biggest culprits. every 1 out of 4 buses flipped desto / changed EDS after bugis.
For me,when i once saw service 98(SBS9099H)and it jammed at Jurong Canal Road Junction just because 7 other buses in front of it were busy alighting their passengers without allowing anyone to board.In the End no one at that bus stop managed to board any bus,and SBS8996A and SBS8881Y went off service
Originally posted by iamgoondu:I must complement SBS Transit to implement such initiatives. How I wish SMRT has taken similar steps as well.
Waiting for SMRT 106 especially in the morning can be frustrating at times. Sometimes both 106 bendies arrive, the first was packed like sardines, and the second still have few seats available. It drives me mad when the first bus continue to stop and pick up passengers whilst the second bus continue to tail the first bus! That's bad!
I think SMRT bus does that too. I seen along Orchard an OC 500 with pax onboard but front desto is OFF SERVICE, not sure is the driver initiative or. So far I seen once only.
like this
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:This is really what irritate me in SGFbuses. When someone make a light comment, please accept it. Dun nid to snowball into a flame war. Plus my comment is just a note and it does not mean i hate or dislike or anyway dishonour AEW statement. Your act is what this forum's Achilles hill- that is unable to accept some other view. Remember a forum is a place for discussion, any body have the right to place any comment here and the role of forum mates is that to add on constructive feedback, i believe mine is definitely constructive . I had noticed that many of you comment on bus photos like they are professional photographic forum, plus correct some other views in such a sarcastic manner. Enough said. This is why my post count here is going less and less as i am so irritated . have you noticed why i really loved posting at GCA as there is liberal not like here.
You not happy about posting here, just keep quiet. Go to your whatever forums to post. Nobody is so free to be so concern about where you are planning to post. Besides, nobody is gonna stop you. SO simple!
so what happens when there is already no more passengers on the bus and the bus hasent reached its terminating point? does it continues"fan pai"?
Originally posted by SBS7382C:so what happens when there is already no more passengers on the bus and the bus hasent reached its terminating point? does it continues"fan pai"?
I guess the bus is early and it has to move on.
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:This is really what irritate me in SGFbuses. When someone make a light comment, please accept it. Dun nid to snowball into a flame war. Plus my comment is just a note and it does not mean i hate or dislike or anyway dishonour AEW statement. Your act is what this forum's Achilles hill- that is unable to accept some other view. Remember a forum is a place for discussion, any body have the right to place any comment here and the role of forum mates is that to add on constructive feedback, i believe mine is definitely constructive . I had noticed that many of you comment on bus photos like they are professional photographic forum, plus correct some other views in such a sarcastic manner. Enough said. This is why my post count here is going less and less as i am so irritated . have you noticed why i really loved posting at GCA as there is liberal not like here.
This is a perfect example of pedantry.
There is no real need correcting people for using the word interchange instead of terminal or vice versa.
All we want is not for people to be pedantic or spelling, grammar and punctuation nazis. It adds too little value to the forums and potentially a negative threat to the climate of the forums.
It might seem that I am, myself, being pedantic at your pedantry, but I think there might be some advice in my post that brings a potentially positive value to the forums.
Thank you and have a good day, even though it is forecasted to rain over most of Singapore.
Here's another off service 48.. =)
Originally posted by Simple_boi:Here's another off service 48.. =)
=.= !!
Originally posted by Simple_boi:Here's another off service 48.. =)
A good one.
Originally posted by Stage:
=.= !!
Why this emotion? It is an off service 48. haha
An example of 'fan pai' :
174 Leyland getting stuck in Bukit Timah Rd for more than 30 mins :
BC being 37 mins late through no fault of his own receives instructions from OCC to 'fan pai' :
Alighting only to catch up after 'fan pai' :