Originally posted by likeyou:Yes akan datang...I wonder whether there is any incident where local girl fight with prc girl. Who will win?
hard to tell. Must see their physical built, whether anyone of them has gongfu, martial art.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:More dramas.
now still ok they hijack Sbs bus nia
not much on a bigger scale
next time they will go hijack SIA plane liao
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:
soon the world will know what kind of police force and governance we have in sg
then the police will become globally popular overnight.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
now still ok they hijack Sbs bus nianot much on a bigger scale
next time they will go hijack SIA plane liao
Move to GCA subforum.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
now still ok they hijack Sbs bus nianot much on a bigger scale
next time they will go hijack SIA plane liao
scarly hijack a plane where the despots who favoured them are on flight.
Maybe prc will jump down on the mrt track during peak hour and cried madly causing all train to stop.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
The new paper report says tat they took a bus from Bedok to Mandai..
I guess they took a service 24 WAB or service 25 WAB from Bedok to Ang Mo Kio, then transfer to service 138 to Mandai and BC allow them to board.
Then on the return journey the drama started.
must tell PRCs to let us know their schedule and venues for screening the drama , movies so that we all can be there to watch.
From the stories I hear about PRCs I would say they got 'BALLS' and Garmen are more afraid of people walking around with their testiclels hanging outside their jeans & Skirts.If we can tap their energy imagine what kind of positive changes we can hope for Singapore>LOL
Originally posted by Short Ninja:From the stories I hear about PRCs I would say they got 'BALLS' and Garmen are more afraid of people walking around with their testiclels hanging outside their jeans & Skirts.If we can tap their energy imagine what kind of positive changes we can hope for Singapore>LOL
Next drama Scene
Title : PRCs hijack wet market
Location : TBA
Time : TBA
Originally posted by noahnoah:
Next drama Scene
Title : PRCs hijack wet market
Location : TBA
Time : TBA
Eskew me sir but what is TBA???
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
Eskew me sir but what is TBA???
TBA = To be announced... Meaning not out yet but soon...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
TBA = To be announced... Meaning not out yet but soon...
Tengkiu sir!
Stay tune.
Originally posted by tranquilice:
I guess they took a service 24 WAB or service 25 WAB from Bedok to Ang Mo Kio, then transfer to service 138 to Mandai and BC allow them to board.Then on the return journey the drama started.
btw i saw PIW on 231G mercedes before. SBS342P if i remember correctly. BC allowed him to get on board, just park the wheelchair there and get a seat as usual.
Originally posted by tranquilice:
I guess they took a service 24 WAB or service 25 WAB from Bedok to Ang Mo Kio, then transfer to service 138 to Mandai and BC allow them to board.Then on the return journey the drama started.
So lets assume they got lucky with KUB xover from 135?
January 20, 2010
Two Singaporeans were in the courtroom yesterday clothed in orange overalls labelled “Cluster B”, cuffed, shackled and chained as they were brought back to court in the middle of their sentence to answer yet more charges for illegal assembly.
Dr Chee Soon Juan and Mr Gandhi Ambalam are serving a one-week prison sentence after they were convicted for illegal assembly without a permit for distributing flyers critical of the PAP in 2006.
In his verdict, District Judge Ch’ng Lye Beng said he agreed with the Prosecution that “distributing flyers in a group of 5 or more persons criticizing the PAP government’s policies is an offence.”
Dr Chee and his colleagues from the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) had “distributed flyers at the Raffles City Shopping Centre on 10 September 2006 questioning the ministers’ salaries as well as the denial of political rights to Singaporeans,” according to the SDP’s website.
Both defendants were still cuffed, shackled and chained when they entered the dock until District Judge Chia Wee Kiat order the cuffs to be removed though their ankles remained shackled and fastened to the bench like some hardcore criminals.
Dr Chee’s sister Ms Chee Siok Chin then requested the judge to order the shackles on their feet removed as “these men posed absolutely no security threat whatsoever” after which judge directed Mr. Gandhi and Dr. Chee to be placed in another dock that had bars all around it, and the restraints to be removed.
The humiliating treatment dished out to Dr Chee and Mr Ambalam is in stark contrast to that received by a PRC family who “hijacked” a SBS Transit bus two days ago by refusing to leave it.
They had boarded the bus without wheelchair accessibility at Mandai and was told by the bus captain that they were not allowed to bring the wheelchair up the bus due to safety reasons. However, they insisted on doing so and sat on the bus for 6 hours, making a din in it.
Though the police was called to the scene, they did not arrest them on the spot as they should have done so under the new Public Orders Act.
The police officers were later seen “escorting” them down the bus with one of them carrying their wheelchair to a Maxi-cab paid for by SBS to send them home.
It is irony that legitimate political activities are being criminalized in Singapore as “illegal assembly” while foreigners who were obviously causing public nuisance and disorder were let off the hook just like that.
even kena stomp sia http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/what_bugs_me/307332/how_can_family_hijacks_bus_and_gets_free_taxi_ride.html
STOMPer iceblue was disgusted that the family who had caused a 5-hour standoff on board an SBS Transit bus was given a free ride home in a taxi. He feels they should have received a stiff penalty for their behaviour instead.
The family of four, comprising a Chinese national couple from Beijing, an elderly lady and her daughter (both Singaporean) as well as their maid were told by the bus captain to alight after they had brought a wheelchair on board the bus.
This was because the bus was not equipped with a padded wheelchair dock, which meant that transporting a wheelchair would have been unsafe for other commuters.
Here's what the STOMPer wrote in an email today (Jan 19):
"I was surprised to read an article in Wanbao yesterday about this family, including two members from China, who 'hijacked' a public bus for about 5 hours in Singapore, and was given a free taxi ride home by SBS Transit.
"The family had wanted to board a bus near Mandai and was refused by the bus driver for bringing a wheelchair up on the bus due to safety concerns, as wheelchairs are a safety hazard and might injure others on the bus if there are no safety straps onboard.
"The family refused to alight and left other commuters stranded on the bus.
"The reason given by the PRC woman was that the bus did not have signs that forbid wheelchairs to be brought up.
"The bus captain had to call another bus in to transfer the other commuters to.
"I am amazed by SBS Transit's response in providing a free taxi ride home for the family to end the fiasco.
"The situation seems to have been mishandled. It just suggests one should make a fool out of yourself to have your requests granted. It sets a bad precedent.
"Clearly, in this scenario, the family had not only created a public nuisance, but also wasted taxpayer's money by activating the police and increase costs for the public transport operator.
"The police, should have taken action against the family instead.
"No wonder our public transport costs are increasing."
Double standard.
Originally posted by TownLink 291:So lets assume they got lucky with KUB xover from 135?
not possible based on that timing...
No need to say.My work place one example what is double standard.PRC sleep during working hours nobody question but when local buy tapao everyone ask..Our dear gahmen also catch no ball one.This is the result when you've already got mindset to invest there.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
now still ok they hijack Sbs bus nianot much on a bigger scale
next time they will go hijack SIA plane liao
Originally posted by tranquilice:
I guess they took a service 24 WAB or service 25 WAB from Bedok to Ang Mo Kio, then transfer to service 138 to Mandai and BC allow them to board.Then on the return journey the drama started.
24 and 25 r not wab.And 25 jus ony gotten it's eevs :)