A couple from China, together with their 90 year old wheelchair bound grandmother, relatives and maid insisted on taking a non-WAB SBS bus, although the bus driver dun allow them to board the bus. So they forcefully carry the wheelchair and board the bus.
The bus driver tried to persuade them to alight, but they die die refused to budge and quarrelled with the bus driver. The bus driver had to call the police for assistance. After 5 hours of negotiating, they finally agreed to alight from bus not before demanding for a maxicab from ComfortDelgro to send them home.
Incident happened at Mandai Road near Mandai crematorium yesterday. Should be service 138 as the bus involved is an OAC O405
More detailed report in today's wanbao
Wow. Wonderful behaviour from our FT's. Way to go. Whoopee.
Originally posted by SBS7484P:Wow. Wonderful behaviour from our FT's. Way to go. Whoopee.
The China say, "No prohibited sign in the bus says cannot bring wheelchair up leh."
What the hell?
- No wheelchair prohibited sign in bus = can bring up wheelchair into bus.
- Got wheelchair sign infront if buses = also can bring up wheelchair into bus.
What happen to the police? They shall arrest the Chinaman and woman for public disturbance.
wow when i first read it, i though is something to do with guns and hostage although gun are banned here
somemore the other service that goes there, 171 is wab =.=
PRC...you gonna step on our head soon.
Has already stepped.
Look at today. Commuters on 138 were all inconvenienced because of this stupid PRC family. SBST even had to compensate her a free maxicab despite her hogging bus a bus for 6 hours, in which the market rate is about $90 for the rental of the bus she is hogging on. =X ... Which adds up to about $100 in cost and in turn passed back to Singaporeans to pay higher bus fares.
I once boarded 172 and the commuter refused to pay because he was not informed in Mandarin that the old Ezlink card could not be used. Bus captain reminded him and all he said was I have no new Ezlink card and walked off.
Originally posted by Junyang700:Has already stepped.
Look at today. Commuters on 138 were all inconvenienced because of this stupid PRC family.
I once boarded 172 and the commuter refused to pay because he was not informed in Mandarin that the old Ezlink card could not be used. Bus captain reminded him and all he said was I have no new Ezlink card and walked off.
He walk off and sat or alight?
He can pay in coin also wat.
Originally posted by likeyou:
He walk off and sat or alight?He can pay in coin also wat.
Some local directors can base on this reality to film a movie
Originally posted by likeyou:
He walk off and sat or alight?He can pay in coin also wat.
Walk off and sat.
Bus driver reminded him twice but he didnt bother.
Reason given by PRC was:
The old ezlink card cannot tap on the new card machine so not his problem, its SMRT fault.
Originally posted by Junyang700:Walk off and sat.
Bus driver reminded him twice but he didnt bother.
Reason given by PRC was:
The old ezlink card cannot tap on the new card machine so not his problem, its SMRT fault.
The old ezlink card cannot tap on the new card machine so not his problem, its SMRT fault. ==> Never mind la, he she will not be chided by the government for being ignorant. If it is a local, is a different story
Originally posted by Junyang700:Walk off and sat.
Bus driver reminded him twice but he didnt bother.
Reason given by PRC was:
The old ezlink card cannot tap on the new card machine so not his problem, its SMRT fault.
Their attitude terrible.
Jack Neo or the 881 director can consider to base on this to produce film then market it to China and all asian countries, sure make money
Originally posted by Junyang700:Walk off and sat.
Bus driver reminded him twice but he didnt bother.
Reason given by PRC was:
The old ezlink card cannot tap on the new card machine so not his problem, its SMRT fault.
Drive him to the nearest police station lor.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:Drive him to the nearest police station lor.
don't la, don't put the govt in difficult position. PRCs - pet of the garment
Bus was filled to the brim. He squeezed in and managed to find an empty seat in which some auntie placed her groceries over. So bus driver had no choice.
Next time, u go china..
can do all sorts of things u want.
since nothing is written in english so not ur fault..
even if there is,
its a 98% chances that u will not be able to understand it..
so also not ur problem...
Originally posted by xunmeng:A couple from China, together with their 90 year old wheelchair bound grandmother, relatives and maid insisted on taking a non-WAB SBS bus, although the bus driver dun allow them to board the bus. So they forcefully carry the wheelchair and board the bus.
The bus driver tried to persuade them to alight, but they die die refused to budge and quarrelled with the bus driver. The bus driver had to call the police for assistance. After 5 hours of negotiating, they finally agreed to alight from bus not before demanding for a maxicab from ComfortDelgro to send them home.
Incident happened at Mandai Road near Mandai crematorium yesterday. Should be service 138 as the bus involved is an OAC O405
More detailed report in today's wanbao
This is not the way to handle the case.
SBST should have just let the police handle the case.
Charge them under public disturbance.
lucky they were travelling in grp of 5 ppl.
if not lagi best..
can charge them under rioting.
Why still give them a free taxi ride home ? i simply dont understand.
Its like trying to send a message to ppl that u will get a free taxi ride after 5hrs (if u can managed to stay that long inside a bus.)
This is what happens when u let in so many people from the north. Just becase they are set to be the next superpower. Just becase they are getting richer and able to go to other parts of the world. Just because they think that they are the best in everything...
This is what u will get from them.
Whats next ?
A china family who will try to hog a train ???
SBST being too nice. Cannot board means cannot board and this group of chao-ah-lians make a big fuss out of it. Should throw them (especially the 48-year-old woman) into jail for disturbing the public and SBST should charge them for their loss in revenue as a result of 1 bus not being able to operate for 5 hours!
Wonderful actions ah China people, make me so disgusted at you.
bus driver should allow them to board.......just delay 5 min......but then transit card dun werk means card was used once in past to embark but not disembark from bus.if so many people can board the bus with no problem then why this china people got that special problem??thats their chinapeople problem due to sitting on card and thus damaging it too !!!theres only 2 ways the card would be rendered inoperative !!!worse is they duplicated the card illegally!!!
so if the card cant werk means its faulty so how they going to board bus with no money or spoilt card????damn cham......wiv 90 year old woman.....spore geetiing in peasants from china too!
think just let granny go up bus ........free of charge......me is a compassionate man...not monster!but the rest must pay.....cant pay then..............go out.
I dont see the reason why folded wheelchair cannot be brought onboard the bus. (same logic as folder bicyle which can be brought into the buses)? It is not passenger sitted in wheel chair. Can some enlighten on this? The explaination by Tammy Tan in the press is not very convincing..
What is the stand before WAB is being introduced in Singapore?
Based on Singapore's situation, I can understand the fact that its very inconvenient for the driver to allow such a situation to happen. Being the fact that we have not ironed out the details for WAB services, pointing that some services with partial/full WAB fleet are not designated WAB routes, we would face further level of problems with the question: 'Are wheelchairs allowed on board non-WAB buses?'.
Wheelchair as an item should be allowed on board, however, when it comes across the to the point that the person cannot get off the wheelchair and board the bus, meaning that he is disabled, what would operators choose to do? Refuse entry strictly, or transport the disabled person out of humanity? Both choices will have consequences and backfire from either party.
I am interested to ask fellow forumnite Dave (Powered_by_CNG) if he has came across a situation below (or rather, does it happen in Australia).
In Japan, due to the Barrier-Free law, all buses are required to, when flagged, to carry wheelchair bound persons, regardless if its a bus with or without ramp. One step, two steps, three steps or even coaches, all are required to carry without fail. Hence this created a problem, drivers of buses not too old, take our O405 as an example, have to carry the person with the wheelchair up the bus. Now you must say that is a back-breaking job, and there are lots of complains from drivers who do this.
In 2002, a woman took to court her case against Osaka City for compensation of 2,000,000 JPY when she endured insults from 4 different bus drivers for taking a high-floor bus. 3 insults were made when the driver was carrying her up the bus, which included 'Why are you taking this bus and not 'non-step' (low entry/low floor) buses or buses with ramps?'. One driver told her 'You cannot get on. Wait for a lift-bus (bus with electric ramp) or 'non-step' bus' and drove off. Bus operators also have a lot to say about buses without barrier-free facilities as their bus captains face health problems with backaches and potential damage to backbone.
Article in Japanese here.
Don't say this will not happen here; this issue just came up two days ago and regardless of nationality, China India or European, I think we should look on the final issue, whether wheelchairs are allowed on non-WAB buses.
When replying please be constructive. I do not want this to blow up into a disabled persons issue simply because I do not appreciate disrespect to disabled persons. They are entitled their rights of speech as well so please do listen out to different views before making your own, and moderate where necessary.